falling art

Wilfrid 2022-04-22 07:01:06

After sitting quietly for more than two hours, I almost lost the concept of time, but the subtitle suddenly appeared on the screen, separating the two waiting people sitting on different chairs.
Finally, I couldn't help laughing, and I shouted in my heart, "Damn, that's great."
It should be the first time I've seen an Iranian movie, and it's actually an emotional movie of more than two hours. I thought that the requirements for the film will definitely be higher in the future, otherwise I will really fail this "A Farewell".
There are two clues in the film that are very valuable, but the shaping of the dark line is no less than the ups and downs of the bright line, which is exciting. The emotion between Nader and Simin is too delicately portrayed. (Delicacy is the biggest win of this work) Westminster, who was retaining his first appearance, only cried to the old man, revealed his heart, and learned from the child that all the luggage was in the car when driving— A woman's vulnerability and strength. In contrast, the male protagonist probably only revealed his feelings under pressure. When he helped his father take a bath, he silently lay on the old man.
The behavior of the two is enough to show emotional entanglement, but it is not enough. The persuasion of the child Temei, the silent struggle and the tears of despair. And the demented old man, holding the trembling hand that Westminster would not let go. And the only one of the four words he would say to us - "Westminster". (If you think about it this way, then it's a metaphor that the old man can no longer speak)
But it doesn't help. Nothing can change the doomed ending, it must be a parting, and in the end sit on both sides of the chair without saying a word.
So I was surprised to find that the first scene of the film can be directly connected to the last scene.
The two decide to divorce - the child decides who will be raised.
This coherence scares me. Because on the surface, it seems that nothing is happening in the middle - it is the fake face of life, the hypocrisy makes people sick. Life deceives you to say that life is as still as still water, calm and peaceful.
But you know it's not. The old man was injured, a boy was stillborn; the end of a family, the end of two families. There is also a special shot in the film, the little girl who was holding and playing with Temei, and the hateful look in her eyes when she looked at her again. And Temey finally repeated so firmly and desperately: "I've thought about it."
Life is falling.
In fact, the first time I saw this sentence was in the American drama "Bankrupt Girl". The civilian Max, who has always been in a bad state of life, often says to the young lady who has just gone bankrupt and is full of hope for the future: "Life just fall." I met opportunity and hope. Even "The Great Gatsby", the moment before he fell into the cliff of life, the author still couldn't bear to let Gatsby die happily earlier with false dreams and hopes.
But the grimness of "A Farewell" shows us: Look, this is the art of falling.
Life is a downward process, I believe more and more. We keep getting older, keep losing time, lose memory, lose our original life. We keep saying goodbye to what we once had.
- Just like parting again and again.
Like you said let the bullet fly a little longer, but you know, it will fall eventually.
Before falling to the bottom of the cliff, all we can do is to be glad that we are still at a higher place, love time, live a good life, and at least make this fall an art.

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A Separation quotes

  • Termeh: Didn't you say it's not serious?

    Nader: It got serious.

  • Simin: Does he even realize you are his son?

    Nader: I know he is my father!