It was in the first scene of the first day of the theater. Except for me, all the audience were women over 30 years old, as well as old couples with gray hair. I look like a child who broke into the world of adults, sitting quietly in the middle.
The only thing that made my nose sore was that when Liz listened to Richard's story on the balcony, she fantasized about getting married. Her husband told him, I still love you. Liz said, then love me. He said, I miss you, Liz said, then miss me. Then she repeated what Richard told her, send your love every time you miss me, and then drop it. It won't last forever. Nothing does. They danced and Liz leaned on his shoulder and said these things.
Why is it that the only thing that makes my nose sore is because although this is a good movie I think, I think it is very touching and warm, but I did not cry. But there were so many shots that made the women present cry, and even an old white-haired gentleman sitting in the front row of me was wiping tears. Such a picture is very moving.
I know the reason why I didn't cry, because I have no marriage, no years of experience, no joy, anger, sorrow, and joy for more than 30 years. The audience shed tears because Liz's story made them feel the same, and let them see courage, positivity, beauty, peace, etc., even though I am moved by love, even if I feel warm, but I lack the traces of years that can resonate. .
A few days later, I told a friend about the movie and told her the story. After I said it for a long time, she responded without hesitation: "If I had money, I would do the same."
Suddenly , I was speechless, and it made no sense to continue.
I know how strong the desire to find inner peace is, and I know how much help a good love can give. This is not about a man, nor is it about squandering money, at least I think so, maybe I am too emotional.
But someone, like my friend, thinks that all this is meaningless, everything is built on the actual economic foundation, it is too beautiful, beautiful and unrealistic. Some people think that it is because of a man in the end? Or you might say that this is a cultural difference and it doesn't work in our country. Some people even talk about visa issues. It's not that you can leave at any time if you want to go to Italy.
So I haven't discussed this movie with anyone again, because I'm afraid that others will put forward the above opinions. I know that this exists, and I know that such questions are reasonable. But I can't forget how quiet everyone was in the cinema that day, the scene of the white-haired old man crying, and the tears of so many women. I think they are happy. If the author and director see such a picture, they will feel satisfied and gratified, because this is their purpose, they want to tell the audience something, and this "what" is deeply buried in everyone. In my heart.
I love this movie. I don't think any second scene is boring. I am moved not because I believe in or longing for this kind of life. What is moved is the kind of peace and nature that takes years to experience.
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