I can't stand it without complaining! ! !
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Lukas 2022-04-21 09:01:39
View more about I Am Number Four reviews
Josefina 2022-03-23 09:01:34
Not bad youth idol drama, waiting for the sequel
Frank: [Mogadorians enter] OK, so I called you like you said. I mean, it's not my fault they got... I mean we held up our end. We're still in? The whole new world order thing?
Mogadorian Commander: [laughing] The Locator. Where is it?
Frank: Ok, all he had was a knife and that rock and I put it...
[points, realizes that it's not there]
Frank: It was over there, man.
Mogadorian Commander: "It was over there, man." But it's not there now.
Mogadorian: [In Mogadorian] I picked up a scent.
Mogadorian Commander: [Inhales, In Mogadorian] Number Four is very close.
[In English, laughing, pulls up stool closer to Frank and Bret with Comic Book in hand]
Mogadorian Commander: Cartoons for Children. Where I'm from, men have to work.
Frank: Look, I'll work hard.
Mogadorian Commander: The disregard that so many of you have for practical matters, it's beautiful.
Mogadorian Commander: I think we should have some fun, huh? "Gadgets" we call them. "Toys for boys" I have a gadget
[Holds up small round ball, presses on it, spikes come up and spin rapidly]
Mogadorian Commander: Would you like to play with it?
Frank: Uh, no, no, I...
[Starts to rise]
Mogadorian Commander: [Mog holds him down and forces Frank's mouth open] IT WANTS TO PLAY WITH YOU!
[Drops ball in Frank's mouth. Frank Groans]
Mogadorian Commander: An alcohol-fueled young guy like you, healthy and well-fed.
[hits his stomach]
Mogadorian Commander: I bet you watch a lot of television, don't you? Do you? Do you?
Mark James: [whimpering] Yeah.
Mogadorian Commander: Yeah. In this situation here, you're probably thinking, "Maybe I could save the day. Maybe I could be the hero," but I say... don't do that.
[to a whisper]
Mogadorian Commander: Okay?