Pain that can't be erased

Kallie 2022-01-04 08:01:22

The film is very real and touching, and the characters in the play are also very full and unconventional (this mainly refers to the coach of the pedophile, which I will explain later). Although the whole movie is in a relatively depressing tone, in the end it is still possible for the two children to have a better chance. What I can’t bear is that some people do not deliberately portray the evil side of baseball coaches because the film, and Neil himself always said that he was born gay, and the coach’s true love to him is not all about pedophilia. Bad guys. My God, are these people underage or their brains have been stagnating at 8 years old? Which life path behind Neil and Brian can use to describe happiness? Brian said that he was kidnapped by aliens. You don’t believe me. Neil keeps emphasizing himself. Born to be gay, you will believe in getting true love from the coach. These two situations are of the same nature. When they are not fully developed physically and mentally, they are seduced. Adults are an irresistible force for them, so they look for them separately. I have a reason to convince myself. The National People's Congress also talked about the phenomenon of pedophilia in ancient Greece, saying that society did not discriminate against these children at that time, and discrimination now leads to such tragedies. The times are developing and society is progressing. Why did pedophiles not control before, and now it’s illegal to hold pornographic pictures of children (as it’s said in American TV dramas). Of course, it’s discovered that pedophiles are unequal love, which can harm children (some Some saying that he was not hurt does not mean that he was really not hurt, let alone other people). If Neil didn’t meet a coach, he would find himself gay in the future and have a chance to find the other half on equal terms. In the movie, he turned into a male prostitute and tried in vain to find true love from his clients. His kind, if he really loves him, after he grows up, the coach doesn’t love him anymore. Undoubtedly, the coach is a shameless pedophile). In the film, the coach is so handsome and gentle, so some people find it hard to be annoying. These people must be careful in the future. The villain is not seen in the face or words (that can be seen in the hero movie. The villain), especially when the villain wants to achieve something, he may be more gentle and considerate to the victim than the average person. Recommend "Law and System-SVU", there are many villains disguised as good gentlemen.
Finally, I want to say that the most indispensable things in true love are reciprocity and free will. Otherwise, no matter what the appearance of things in the name of love, you must never be confused.

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Mysterious Skin quotes

  • Wendy: I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this fucking nowhere town!

  • Eric: I got a postcard from Wendy.

    Neil: I think she's mad at me because I owe her like 3 letters.

    Eric: Yeah, her last P.S. is "Tell Fuckface to write me."