Heroes & Their Legends

Britney 2022-04-22 07:01:05

Watching Hero is after CSI. Every time it is mentioned that hero can barely support now, people often say that watching CSI has been popular all the way to the ninth season, plus two hot spin-offs... After all, it is the screenwriter and maintaining continuity difficulty is different. That's why countless people questioned Heroes screenwriter countless plot questions that made them stunned (countless *countless=!!), but people can adjust the actors (it is said that after Hayden and Milo broke up, H rejected acting on the same stage as M/Elle seems to be It's the screenwriter who asks if you want to come, and I'll make a person for you if you want to come -- it's very cool...), realistic impact (the hasty ending caused by the screenwriter's strike), various variables (the essence is the replacement of screenwriters, even if there are unlimited Communication, but after all, it is rare for a masterpiece to be written by two writers before and after), and it is time to applaud for being able to manage the current ups and downs.

I want to write some words about hero. The original trigger was a divine text I saw here, which gave various politicized concepts to each character, such as The Haitian. Haitian has rumored that people suffering from AIDS have been inexplicably produced. , the reason has always been suspected of being a biochemical experiment, and the silence of the Haitians and the fact that they have not revealed their real names is a silent accusation; Micah and Molly, representing the latest generation of American children, are surrounded by technological circles; Mohinder, ancient India Cultural mystery; the British accent of Claude and Mr. Bennet represent the Anglo-American partner side by side, and then the metaphor of the former always disappears at the last minute; then the combination of Niki and DL is the way to solve the racial conflict: that is, mating solves the small differences between the original species. Friction...

a real divine text.

I don't have the cultural background to decipher the characters' codes for the time being, so I just find rationalized answers that I can accept for some questions.

Character & Specialty

A long time ago, watching Digimon, watching Sailor Moon, was eager to see things such as upgrades and transformations and the spiritual essence behind these transformations - such as courage, love, wisdom, and so on. Why? Because of the desire for Special, because these elements that symbolize the spirit can continue to reproduce and create interlaced surprises, and because from these characteristics, we can associate certain aspects of ourselves, and then we can easily empower ourselves in our imagination.

People grow up, but a certain corner of their thinking still stays at this level, so in Heroes, everyone has their own special power, and it is the most thrilling when these powers are revealed one by one at the beginning. But the explanation that the ability is just randomly given seems a bit rough, and it is not enough to satisfy the hope for the symbolic element. In fact, if you think about it carefully, since the screenwriter has set up a specific display space for each power, it is not difficult for us to reversely assume that these spaces are actually the foundation of the formation of this power. In response to the second book of biology, phenotype is a combination of genotype and environment, and for those who simply inject molecular formulas, it is more purely the environment. Mohinder has vaguely mentioned adrenaline, so here I vaguely apply the effect of this class of hormones on the expression of mutant genes. It can be compared to a novel, where the choice of gender by the merman is fundamentally determined by the moment that makes the heart beat, and the way of application is sex hormones.

It is stated in advance that it is a family's words, so all the "believing" is omitted.

Peter's genetics lead to his ability to be essentially a borrower. And the method by which he acquires his powers is an almost sensual perception—by approaching, by thinking, by remembering things like that—and it is quite different from his father's bandit style. Because Peter's nature is a kind of sympathy and an insecure sensibility, so obtaining energy through that kind of perception and thinking is the most suitable way for his character. It was obviously the time when claude pushed him down, he said he was able to recover himself when he thought of claire, this sweet girl. This kind of perceptual cognition also caused him to often be unable to control his own ability, because there are always various sudden outbursts in such things as feelings, so it was difficult for Peter, who was already soft and gentle.

He is the only person with the super gene who has been injected with the molecular formula, which is critical. After the injection, he still became a borrower, indicating that his father's ability can only be achieved by inhibiting gene expression, and the essence of genes is still there. One ability at a time may be that he is still haunted by the go nuclear experience, subconsciously fearing that if the energy accumulates again, it will not cause any trouble. So, one at a time. (It's better to explain this than to say - the screenwriter thinks that Peter's ability is too strong to create a little suspense through this a little weakening - more.)

I guess, with his nature, if he has no genetic factors And just injecting the molecular formula is estimated to be a healer.

Sylar He and Peter are not two opposites as most people imagine, at least not in terms of ability. The essence of Sylar's ability is also borrower, but he is a watch family, so he has cultivated this instinct to recognize the working principle of things from a young age, and a desire to become a special person aroused by the people around him, so he acquired the ability as if he knew the clock. Say "You're broken." , "I'd like to see how you tick." A kind of rational way to see through the essence, so he is always better than Peter in mastering these abilities, because the certainty and inevitability of reason , but after all, there are many less explosive variables than that.

As for his greed, in the early stage, it was accompanied by ability, part of it was hereditary, and part of it was his inner desire. In the later stage, it completely surpassed his ability. Otherwise, he would not have killed the deformed girl at the beginning of the second season. There's no need to kill Elle (one of the most emotionally unacceptable episodes), and no need to stop thinking about taking his powers after killing Arthur.

Claire & Adam Regeneration is not spiritual, it is a physical instinct. Claire escaped fire as a baby, so the body's first instinctive response was to fight the fire, which is tissue regeneration. And Adam didn't have any special desire for life before the sword was stabbed, so that sword was the first time he needed a special energy. Their resurrected genes are activated and expressed in the same way. (Countless people with superpower genes must be lamenting why they didn't die before they have ideals...)

Nathan is also instinctive. When he first flew in a car accident, he must have been so scared that he wanted to leave. But I always feel that this Fei also has a metaphor of escape in his subconscious. Although he is praised as a real leader by many people, he may just want to get rid of the control of others and get rid of the disappointing reality in the deepest part. Peter is generally stunned and fearless, but it is natural to run away, but Nathan has always avoided being suppressed so that it shows in his ability.

Perhaps this also has a hint of his future destiny.

Hiro stared at the clock every day waiting to get off work, and if the phantom was like this, he must have dreamed of meeting the Juggernaut every day, so the ability to travel through time and space was born. In fact, what is more interesting is that his father's ability is probabilistic prediction, because he and linderman are involved in investing in this type of industry - wouldn't this make the eyes of our tens of millions of shareholders glittering.

Ando He just wanted to help Hiro, to help everyone complete their mission. So it became the charger.

Niki's overly painful memory about Jessica's death was transferred to another personality, and the personality with Jessica's memory expressed a refusal to accept the reality of Jessica's death, thus expressing a sense of The anger of his own lack of strength is inspired by super powerful strength. Why? “I thought she learned to protect herself but I was wrong… She still needs protecting.”

DL Innocent people stay in prison with the desire to be free in addition to their physical desires. Going through walls is a must.

Micah child prodigy. Just dismantling and installing the computer can almost be regarded as a certain level of control over the machine, so it is only one step away from the rise to a dialogue with the machine.

Daphne used to walk on crutches. No one is more qualified to yearn for Sa Huan'er to run away than her.

The Haitian's sinful older brother has the power to do evil, and his brother's greatest desire must be the ability to stop this evil. So this ability that became Heroes' most critical link was born out of the child's pure and anxious expectation.

Charlie sighs first, she is the most Angel-like of all the protagonists. I remember that in a certain world record, there is such a thing as how many names of Chinese dishes a person can remember at the same time, so the profession of waitress appropriately explains the gift of this super memory.

The rest can be deciphered by yourself. Although sometimes it happens to have this background in order to highlight the ability of the characters, but some very good explanations make me feel that this is actually the original intention of the screenwriter, but it has not yet been applied.

In all the sci-fi movies of The Time Line

, back to the future, The Terminator, etc., fans have been talking about this time travel issue, so I don't want to talk about it any more.

What is certain is that the timeline that connects the reality of the film is a parallel universe that has been changed by people who have gone back to the past (if this is scientific), that is to say, in this timeline, going back to the past and Changes are now all uniform. And so an inevitable oversight I can be sure of is that when charlie first met Hiro at the restaurant she didn't know him. But later, when Hiro went back to save her, we saw the group photo of them on the wall - even if the parallel universe was created, it should have been created at a point in the past when Hiro returned to the past. How could it suddenly happen in the reality on Ando's side? More photos? However, except for this plot, the impact on reality after returning to the past is generally considered in advance.

For Peter and others in the future to come back and try to create another parallel universe (no wonder they are all selfless people, after all, their own world can't be changed in any way...), I always think a more reasonable explanation is that no matter what In the future, it is better to draw the future and dream about the future. These futures are not real, but a fantasy similar to prediction. Therefore, it should only have an impact on people's hearts. For example, Hiro said for the first time. "Save the cheerleader, save the world". Of course, Peter really shot Nathan and moved Parkman to the desert when he came back, but it is amazing that Nathan survived miraculously, and Parkman met the destiny who became a prophet there. So, it is still possible Those who imagine that people who come back from the future are just illusions, and the future they see is also an illusion - because every time Hiro goes back to the past and comes back, it often breaks down, but every time he comes back from the future, he stands back to the same place. It's more like having a very realistic dream.

In this way, it is also in line with the words Hiro said after the failure of Save Charlie, "There's a force bigger than me." Otherwise, if it is true that the future life has changed the present, it will contradict his own truth again.

It was also said that it was an exaggerated prediction that all the future seen would happen in the remaining seasons. But obviously the future we see is based on the premise of another present. Even if it happens, it can only be like Isaac's painting, roughly the same but different in substance than we originally thought.


just listed a few random thoughts on my mind.

First including the creation of the List and the Company arresting heroes - how on earth did they find capable people? Could it be that there are people with similar abilities to Molly who can accurately know the location of all people with superpowers?

Another thing that doesn't understand is that Bridgett, Angela says feed Sylar's girl. Purpose? At first, I thought that if he could directly understand the book through contact, he could stop reading his mind, but as a result, this function disappeared. No one in Heroes could be found without blood on their hands now.

Why on earth did Claire never feel pain after Sylar read her?

And Nathan's resurrection after being shot. If the future is just a fantasy, it can be explained, but obviously the writers and directors did not plan it that way.

The Brothers

ended up with an entire subtitle dedicated to these two. I always prefer to see the kind of special communication between men and men that is hard on the surface but actually soft. Or the kind of detached loyalty that melts in between.

The original design of these two should be identical twins, so there are all kinds of subtle connections, but in the end, due to the limitations of the actors (Surprisingly, the actor who played these two brothers has also played father and son before...), so they can only Counted as fraternal twins, the sense of mystery is lost. But after sharing resources together for such a long time, the kind of love that Peter calls biological is inevitable. But the explanation that "we are fighting for the love of our parents, for resources, for everything, because the laws of nature only give us two ways out - to live or to die", is difficult for me to accept, although it is also the same brother background. Another reason I want to discuss, but I always ignore it on purpose.

There is no need to say more about the relationship between the two. Pete is Nathan's unique name for Peter. When Sylar appeared, he mocked Pete. Nathan stared at the glass that was pulled out from the back of Peter's head. Feelings can almost be said to be gloomy.

And Peter injected himself with a molecular formula in order to save Nathan's belief that he could destroy it, and when he met Nathan who had parted ways with him again, he still instinctively believed. This is Peter's greatest weakness, and the root of his character that he will never change for the rest of his life. So I can't understand how the future Peter went about shooting Nathan. Did Nathan do what made him desperate, or did he know he belonged to another future and couldn't kill him?

There is a prophecy that for such brothers, "even if family affection plays a role in the end, what awaits them is only the end of their existence." However, I am willing to say that even if what awaits them in the end is the end of their existence, family affection will always be abandoned. The former hatred put everything together again from the beginning.

I would like to use a lot of long-winded words to commemorate the faintly passing figures in Heroes,

Simone Deveaux & Isaac Mendez

Isaac: "I've destroyed everything good that's ever happened to me."

This death is really too abrupt and too hasty. Maybe in the end, we can still meet again in heaven.

Elle Bishop

All you ever wanted was to make daddy proud. All

you ever got was disappointment and finally a death sentence from all the ones you love

A faint trace of pain.

Niki Sanders & DL

sacrifice for the people they love the most.

But they will never settle down, now that Micah's all on his own.

Adam Monroe

He doesn't have any special feelings for this person, but the reason he said he wants to destroy the world-because the four hundred years of life made him see the irreparable darkness of human beings, so life is in his eyes. Insignificant. It's easy to understand, isn't it. We have only time to despair, and he has had enough time to despair.

Maybe I'm still only suitable for fairy tales, because the scene of death in my dictionary will always be a kind of torn warmth wrapped in the thoughts and pains of loved ones and relatives, and I can't bear to see any character die in the sudden cold , and then never mentioned again. But that's always the case with movies. Life may be like that after all.

And this would be my weakness, and maybe it will be the root that I can't change in my whole life.

Do you ever get the feeling that you were meant to do something extraordinary? Can U be

the one we need?

Can U change the world

? Knowing when will fade from memory. -- I just want to be a HERO. I just want to SAVE THE WORLD.

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Extended Reading

Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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