A Cold Fable of Modern Society

Ernie 2022-04-22 07:01:05

In the summer vacation last year, the total vacation of Zero Zero was nearly three months. It seemed that I only did two things. One was to make up for grammar; the other was to watch two American dramas.

In addition to PRISON BREAK, there is HEROES. The former wins because of the high level of intelligence in the plot, while the latter gives people a lot of thinking inspiration.

The three seasons of HEROES are not over yet, and there have been thirty or forty players with abilities, and the old, middle, young and young cannot be counted one by one. Sometimes I also think, if there is a chance to have what the people in the show call special bility or power, which one would I choose. Matt's mind-reading skills are powerful and practical, and flying like Nathan's is very romantic (but his "flying" is really lacking in aesthetics - "moon walk" like a straight smoke); Hiro's time and space transfer is magical, Isaac The ability to draw the future with a pen is quite strange, especially the severe cataract-like eyeballs when entering the painting state, which is really ornamental. The ability of the light-speed girl Daphne is also good, but knowing that she was a disabled woman who could not walk normally before she possessed this superpower, makes people wonder whether Western screenwriters are also well versed in the philosophy of Lao Tzu.

In HEROES, Sylar and Peter can be combined. The former is obtained by killing, and the latter can only be obtained by absorption and borrowing. The moral orientation runs counter to each other, but Sylar was regarded by Angela Petrelli as a tame son in the second season. The image has changed greatly, as if self-salvation is not impossible. ...Actually, Sylar was hesitant about his behavior at a certain stage: gaining the ability of others was driven by desire, which he described as a desire like a drug addiction, so he bought a snow globe to go to his mother's house, and he expressed his willingness to An ordinary watchmaker would like to live an ordinary life with his mother for the rest of his life, but his mother reacted violently, stimulating her son with the so-called "aggressiveness-ambious" that is usually advocated in our current education. She said that he should be no. Ordinary, should even become the president... After getting Sylar's negative reaction, the mother was mad and excited. She adopted the method of Su Qin's father and sister-in-law to motivate her son. As a result, an accident happened. Sylar accidentally killed his mother at the same time. He has also completely cut off the idea of ​​returning, which can be regarded as completely closing the good side of his own humanity. From this point of view, Westerners are reflecting on whether the competitive rationality in education is necessary and correct.

Compared to her husband DL's wall-piercing ability and her son Micah's man-machine dialogue ability, what Niki has is not a superpower: her alter ego, Monica, can come out of the mirror when she is in danger and use violence to help her. Solve puzzles. The cruelty of Monica's behavior was unacceptable to Niki, and the resulting differences led to the gradual escalation of the conflict between the two people inside and outside the mirror. The strong Monica finally emerged from the mirror, but instead imprisoned the kind Niki in the mirror... Mirror Form theory is an important branch of Western academia: there are two selves inside and outside the mirror. The normal "overt self" outside the mirror is weak and hesitant, so it neglects to control the evil "recessive self" inside the mirror and lets it behave. , eventually the "evil self" got out of control and surpassed the power of the "normal self", and the personality of the "self" began to be replaced... I think this is something every "ordinary person" should always be vigilant about: not to be affected by bad psychological activities Or controlled by emotions and emotions, do not awaken or release the dark and evil devil in their hearts, even for any reason.

Most of these power users live unhappy lives. Some people think they are freaks, such as Clire, who have self-healing ability, and Maya, who can hurt people, but can breathe underwater like a fish. Flying in the sky like a bird is actually something you can enjoy yourself. The superhuman complex is not only for children, but also for adults. Technology can help us achieve most of it, just like the pessimistic future that Peter sees in the second season: Suresh's research on superhumans has achieved results, making ordinary people have superpowers. What can be achieved, as long as you have money, you can make yourself powerful and powerful through injections, and bully the weak at will... This should be regarded as a cold fable of modern society!

I haven't watched the fourth season, and sometimes when it's interrupted, my curiosity is also lessened.

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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