Heroes season 4 premiere drama review - Chaos in the beginning of the world

Florence 2022-04-21 09:01:36

I like "Heroes", no less than "Lie to me". After all, this American drama once gave Xiao M the most unrestrained fantasy - Be one of them. So, no matter how it was filmed in the end, Xiao M will keep watching it. , until the day it finally ends—hopefully not because of being cut, of course.

After waiting for more than half a year, "Heroes", which finally returned to the field of vision, brought Xiao M anticipation, not the disappointment or anger that many people intuitively felt. The addition of tea bags and the awakening of S Da filled me with an unknown excitement about this season. Mom P's helplessness and Parkman's loss made me a little "dark" - the former is because what I did before was too much It makes people feel resentful, after all, it is really unjust to kill her husband and deprive others of their freedom for the sake of her son's dreamed future; the latter is inexplicable cowardice and narrow-mindedness and betrayal of the dead Daphne is disgusting. Having said that, whether Parkman, who was "soul possessed" by S, would really become the physical puppet of S, this is the point that makes me very curious.

According to the order of appearance, let's analyze and clarify the plot information obtained by Xiao M a little.

The first is tea bags and his carnival organization.
No one knows where they come from or where they are going. The simple plot just tells us that this is a "circus" composed of superpowers, and they have existed for more than 14 years (Hiro went to the carnival to tell fortunes 14 years ago). The circus is perhaps the best camouflage for psychics, since no one would feel that jugglers would be any threat to them or even like them very much. Teabag is clearly the head of the group, making a cool opening speech, burying his brother Joseph, who didn't appear in the scene. Teabags make the family "HOME", and the powers seem to obey him (of course he also has a tendency to threaten violence). Later, when he used his superpower "ruthless" to coerce "Quick Knife" to assassinate Tang Ke and take back the compass, Xiao M was confused about the justice of the organization and the teabags - could this be another "company"? Will the tea bag be another P mom, or is S big?
The compass didn't turn when it was in Brother Glasses' hands, but it turned fast in Little P's hands. Everyone must have guessed that this is something similar to a power user detector, which can only be turned in the hands of a power user. However, I don’t know if everyone has paid attention to a detail. When Joseph was buried, the tea bag held a compass in his hand but did not turn (is it because the compass belonged to the dead Joseph? After he died, it stopped turning. But press This reasoning, isn't the compass in Little P's hand his own?). Moreover, the red part of the compass in Noah's hand points to the southwest, while the one in the teabag's hand points to the east-southeast, and the compass in the burial points to the west. A bold guess, could there be something in the direction the thing is pointing? Or is it a tool similar to Molly's ability to find superpowers?
The tattooed compass on Teabag's hand is also suspicious. In addition, it is also curious how many abilities he has, or how many advanced abilities derived from primitive abilities. His current abilities include: control of soil (which reminds me of Moses, but it could also be air control), and control of tattoos.

Next, after a series of classic scenes from the first season, Xiaoxiong appeared. She was already a college student in the same dormitory with a girl with super self-esteem, and then the girl jumped off the building inexplicably. Another girl has always been curious about Little Bear, and in the trailer for the third episode, she used Little Bear's trust in her to "sell" Little Bear. It can be said that this woman is a test for Little Bear to live an "ordinary" life. Little Bear's plot is relatively bland, without much bright spots, just like Tang Ke, who appeared on the stage for the continuation of the plot and was immediately done.

Then there are the Woobao brothers, Hiro and Ando. What else can Xiao M say, besides being funny, they exist for chaos (I directly suspect that the screenwriter is making fun of Japanese IQ in disguise...), Guang's confusion, loss and helplessness, and Itan's shortsightedness make them Destined to be a super comedian full of jokes. The "Calling Heroes" line is simply the neighborhood committee's hotline, and Guang Guang will be frozen by time and space now - the screenwriter is not so in order to make up for the loophole of time travel... Moreover, if the switching of parallel shots represents things that are going on at the same time, then The ability to freeze time broadly is limited in scope and not global (Angela and Noah are on the phone while saving the cat). And he went back to 14 years ago uncontrollably. He didn't want to change himself but changed the relationship between Ando and his sister. Who knows if it is really "no problem" as the tea bag said? Speaking of which, what else can you do with such a wide range? So Xiao M guesses that the screenwriter will make up for him in order to keep him alive.

Well, it's time to Angela and Noah. Angela, I really don't want to talk about her, so I won't talk about changing S to Nathan, and still continue to threaten Parkman to clean up S's memory. Isn't this trying to drive Parkman crazy? Noah, presumably in the new story he is still doing his old job - the hunter, but this time the hunter is no longer an arbitrary power user, but a clear target - or a carnival tea bag , or will be your own happiness. When he finally rebelled against Angela, everything was over, his wife said bye, fortunately his daughter came back. This hard-working man, Xiao M has always admired him.

Trish, the ice girl, became the water girl and the immortal body after the upgrade. Her existence is definitely the highlight of the ratings guarantee, maybe she will be successfully promoted to the female number one in the future. Looking forward to her performance.

Parkman, a schizophrenic, implanted a large S in his brain because of guilt. Jealousy is a strong one, and it is easy to be bewitched by the S-large phantom. Having said that, when did his good man image disappear? Little M thinks that maybe in the process of Daphne's death and his mad revenge to know that he has a son and his ex-wife to get back together, he is slowly no longer the righteous Parkman, but a guy who doesn't know what he is.

Well, our Nathan/S big, this is a tangled one. It's ironic that the big S who has lost himself can finally be a good person. I remember when S became better, Xiao M was really happy, because Xiao M liked S very much, this character is the most full of all heroes - love, hate, entanglement between good and evil, all the great evils And great goodness all in one. But now, the powerful force is imprisoned in the body of a failed experiment (see the third season), which is a helpless sadness. When he appeared in Parkman's hallucination, Xiao M suddenly felt that he was a lot more evil, but Angela and Noah caused him like this. I don't know why, but he liked him a little more.
He is the absolute protagonist of this season, and he does his part.
Parkman and his counterparts will be more exciting, and even Parkman will become his puppet.
Expect him to "return" to his body.

Finally, Xiao P, who was named "brain-dead P" in the second season, finally has no calcium deficiency. He has dreams and even IQ. Of course, it seems that his ability has not come back. Some people think that the moment he touches the "Knife Man", he can throw him far away because he has the super power of stored strength and the super power of speed, and his imitation ability is back. In fact, this may be a small bug, or just because of exaggerated performance needs, his original ability should not have returned. However, this season, anything is possible and expectations are high.

A new season has begun, everything that came before has ended, and now begins a whole new story, a story about a group of "aliens" themselves, no longer research, extinction, hunt, and so on. It is impossible to understand the structure of the whole story in an hour. The huge amount of information makes Xiao M only feel the chaos of the beginning of the world. In any case, for the heavyweight joining of tea bags, as well as the struggle of S, Xiao P's long-lost IQ, this season Another wonderful journey worth following after the first season.

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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