The third season of chicken ribs

Alta 2022-04-21 09:01:36

"Heroes" has the characteristics of American TV series. The plot and characters are gradually deepened. At the same time, the weaknesses of American TV series are also strengthened in this TV.

In the character part, the new superpowers that are constantly appearing are estimated to be created by the screenwriter's interest. At the same time, he is worried that too many BTs like Sera should not appear in a play, so constantly adding people to adapt to the corresponding ability becomes the only one. Method. In the first season, the ever-emerging superpowers first appeared in ordinary people, but in addition to the superpowers possessed by the protagonist, almost other abilities have become stepping stones for the growth of the villain's strength.
But the evolution of the characters' abilities is vaguely unbelievable under a seemingly reasonable explanation - taking Carlisle's self-healing ability as an example, the immortal body in the first season has become immortal in the second season; In the first season, the limit of the self-healing of the limbs lies in the regrowth of the muscles. As long as the parts of the brain that determine the ability are not blocked, they can heal smoothly. In the second season, this ability has been greatly improved. The lost limbs It can all regenerate, and the toes that are cut off can be regenerated, but the skull that was later uncovered by Sera doesn't know if it can grow back, because the uncovered part is covered...

The plot part, the heroes who save the world, solve things means are varied. In the first season, it is mainly a scattered structure, with different people doing different things, but the main characters appear together for the first time in the last episode of the season; the second season is more inclined to Ah Kuan's personal experience, Complete the progress of the plot in the time and space shuttle. But the plot is so alienated that the answer can only be found after many episodes. At the same time, in order to fill the vacancy of the number one villain caused by Sera's death, he bluntly made the Juggernaut the villain.
In terms of rigor, the scale varies from season to season. In the first season, the future is outlined in the framework of the foreseen future. The heroes who believe that the future can be changed are working hard to change the established tragedy. In the end, the final scene did not happen. Prophecy, to a certain extent, is the clue of the plot. In the second season, because the prophet has passed away, although there are still people who can outline the future, the importance of the ability of prophecy has declined, and as a result, the characters can go back and forth freely in time and space, and avoid a bad future by changing the past. , So, there is no frame that can be used as a clue, the plot is more spread out, and there are many different futures in the second season...
Fortunately, the screenwriter still has the ability to wrap up the plot in the second season and barely complete it.
However, after watching an episode of the third season that lacked tension, I was still very annoyed by the writers, why did it stop and end the story at the most suitable time?

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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