Most of the characters in the play are stupid who can't think x

Clementina 2022-04-21 09:01:36

The first half of the episode is really exciting. From the beginning of the character's discovery of superpowers, the suspense is revealed step by step, and the main line is to prevent future nuclear explosions, spreading layer by layer. But the more I watch it, the more I find it incomprehensible. In the whole play, maybe only Sera and Claire's father know what they are doing, and everyone else is a guy who can't think. Everyone's goal is to deal with Sierra, but in the end most of them are more than successful. There is also a bug, because Maucela can easily control the nuclear force very well, but Pete can't control it all the time, it's so funny! ! After killing Sera in the end, he didn't make up the knife to confirm that he was completely dead? Looking at the last scene, he still escaped, so let me slap it, is that okay?
In short, I started watching the first season with excitement, and finally endured watching the last episode, unable to complain! I won't be watching the second season again, it's boring.

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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