God's work, one season escape

Lois 2022-04-20 09:01:27

God made!
Multi-person, multi-thread, multi-time and space development at the same time, but it is not messy at all and the logic is all correct!
Stories involving time and space are prone to flaws, but they are handled very reasonably in this film!

A person who cheated, abandoned and used his family time and time again did everything for his younger brother.

Another man who seems to be a bad guy, even at the expense of erasing the memory of his family again and again, is actually a good father who would rather sacrifice himself to protect his daughter and protect his family.

A person who wants to save the world finds that he is the one who is going to explode in the process of saving. Rejection, counter-offer, anger, despair, compromise, the whole process and struggle are well described.

The most ironic thing is that Linderman, who controls everything behind his back, thinks he can control other people's hearts at the end, and is killed by the two least important people in the whole plan.

The most inspirational is HIRO, HIRO-HERO, he is that HERO. The abilities of others are innate and are discovered unconsciously. Only he, who has always dreamed of becoming special, worked very seriously and very hard to stop time.
In the end he succeeded and he deserved it.
The New york explosion is none of his business as a Japanese man, but he just wants to save anyone. He also tried his best to save everyone he met on the journey. To save everyone without killing anyone. (Even though he stabbed Sylar at the end, Sylar was not killed by him)

A good drama, one season is enough, after reading the reviews, it doesn't seem to be very good.
In this case, let's leave for one season, and don't ruin his status as a masterpiece in my heart.

PS I originally watched this drama to practice listening, so I watched raw meat. As a result, English listening did not improve much, but Japanese English, Indian English and Haitian accent English made great progress_(:з"∠)_

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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