What I see, the humanity in the hero

Alessandro 2022-04-20 09:01:27

Hero, what is different is a hero.

In this world, each of us is a hero, each of us is unique, we are trying to survive, and at the same time, we are also looking for our own survival value.

Not everyone has learned Psychology, but attribution theory is everywhere in our lives. "Why is it the way it is? What caused it to be the way it is? Can it be changed if I...? If so, it can be explained Why?" These questions, these thoughts, often appear in our minds, and we are constantly searching, looking for the answer to the question, and explaining it; then, another question, searching, explaining... and so on and so forth. Philosophy calls it the birth of new things to replace the destruction of old things.

Claire, just wanted to be with her family and live an ordinary life. She found that she was different from others, so she went to find the answer to the question and found her biological parents. However, he found that in the process of searching, he lost the family warmth and happiness he once had. In the new family, there is no place for her. In a well-planned family, her birth was completely unexpected.

Peter, at first glance, he is the most stressed and most in need of sympathy. The youngest son of the family, living in the shadow of an excellent older brother, was born in a political family, but he was engaged in a medical and nursing job with little vision and no success. However, this is his happiness. Compared to his older brother Nathan.

Nathan, the eldest son, inherited his father's business, plunged into politics, and wanted to live a meaningful life. Originally thought that this was all his voluntary, the result of his own choice. Especially when he negotiated with Mr. Lindaman, it was obvious that a politician and a capitalist calculated and divided the interests. But in episode 21, when he was tired and tired, his mother appeared, and after some conversation, the mother put on a suit for her son herself and couldn't refuse. She put on more than a suit, she imposed her own expectations and wishes on her eldest son. Nathan's tired figure is in stark contrast to his mother's upright and powerful posture.

So, in comparison, I feel that Peter is happy. He can do what he wants to do, say what he wants to say, and live the life he wants to live without pressure, restraint, or expectation... He is very lost, feeling that he is always inferior to his brother, living in the shadow of his brother, But he didn't know that it was because his brother blocked the family's expectations for him that he could live freely and happily, but he was also lost.

Niki, weak little woman, strong mother. All she did was to give her son a happy home and a stable living environment. However, she is part of a vulnerable group. The shadows of childhood haunt her, and Jessica dies trying to protect her from the murderous hands of her derelict father. It was Jessica who had been protecting Niki, and Niki also needed her protection, because she herself was too weak, too weak to adapt to society and to withstand the pressure of survival. Dual personality? Or schizophrenia? Whatever you call her, she is just a mother who works hard to survive and work hard for her son.

Hiro, the most useless character in my opinion. He has a weak personality and is not assertive, and often leads Ando by the nose. I even think that the reason why the screenwriter set him as Japanese is to dwarf him, to vilify him, and racist? ! However, he is also the cutest character in it. Simple, kind, and without scheming, he even came to the United States without knowing what he was going to do and what to do, and he has always supported and promoted his belief that "saving the world". Blindness is beyond words to describe, especially after knowing that he is the only son of a big consortium, reckless! However, his role in this cannot be ignored. His persistence, his stubbornness, is precisely because of this, so he will go back to the past, give Peter a message, give him guidance, and try to turn the tide and change the future.

Parkman, a policeman, can read minds. In a sense, I always feel that he is like Lin Chong in the Water Margin, who is completely forced to go up to Liangshan and become a bandit.

Claire's adoptive father, a character who is both good and evil, since I only saw the 21st episode of the first season when I wrote this, I can only say that he is a man who loves his family very much, in order to protect his family , in order to protect his daughter, he will do anything to protect his daughter. But his love for Claire is real, and in order to protect his "Claire bear" someone wipes his memory and hurts himself. A man who would rather be hurt himself than hurt his family. Great ~

In fact, everyone in it is trying to survive, they just want to find the value of survival, and want to know the meaning of their life. But he was excluded because he was different. When they discover their abilities, the first thing they do is to find the people they trust and close to. After all, they are also very hesitant at this time. Yesterday, they were the same as everyone else, but today they know that they have something that ordinary people cannot. ability. This is completely inconsistent with the mainstream cultural ideology they originally accepted, and they become aliens. When they seek spiritual support, how do those around them do? Ha, no doubt, and fairly consistent, negative, not accepted. When they need help most, when they need understanding most, those they trust and are close to have closed their hearts.

Syler, I feel like he's a tragic figure. His father was a watchmaker, so he had no doubts and no choice to become a watchmaker. But his mother always thought her son was special and different. Pressure, a child who grew up under heavy pressure, and he had to face his real self. He is not like Nathan, although his pressure also comes from the family, but Nathan can achieve his mother's expectations, these pressures can be resolved; and Syler, his pressure can not be resolved, can only grow with him Over time, it has become a heavy mental burden. The presence of the old professor gave him hope, and it was what prompted him to change to become Syler.

An old professor, an obsessive devoted to science. Just because of his research, he hastily sought out those on his list in order to confirm that his research was correct. Competent "Let me study you", incompetent "My study is wrong, you can go". How familiar~ Society is so cruel, each of us has experienced this kind of screening. High school entrance examination, college entrance examination, interviews when applying for jobs...

The appearance of the old professor brought hope to Syler, and at the same time cruelly shattered the hope he brought and threw him into despair. In order to prove his existence value to the old professor, Syler began to look for those capable people, absorb their abilities, in order to improve his existence value. Can you say he's a perverted serial skull killer? He was burdened with his mother's heavy hopes, and had to face the embarrassment of reality. He was finally able to prove that he was a special existence, but when he told you that he was a special person, he denied your value and abandoned you. If you were him, in his position, what could you do? what will you do? Are you sure you can do better than Syler?

Having said so much, I just want to express one point: survival is not easy for everyone.

Heroes have abilities that ordinary people don't have, so they also have troubles that ordinary people don't have. When they are ordinary people, they can work and live normally, and they can be happy normally, but after they have those abilities? What they gain and what they lose? Family is no longer family, and friends are no longer friends. Just now, he patted his chest to assure you that "I am trustworthy", but he was the first to betray you later. The more a person has, the more responsibility he has and the more he undertakes. Did fate choose the hero? Or does the hero choose destiny? A chicken-and-egg question.

Maybe a lot of people, I'm sure a lot of people, would envy what they have. I think they are just tragic heroes.

what is right? What is wrong? Who is the good guy? Who is the bad guy? The world is originally one with two sides, and everything is relative, so how can we use these artificial and absolute concepts to measure a complex, changeable and chaotic world? People originally created the concept of time to facilitate their lives, but now, they are bound by time in turn. Can you say time is bad? If time is bad, is the person who created the concept of time also bad? Isn't that just logic?

Those that conform to the concepts of most people are considered correct and normal; otherwise, they are wrong and abnormal. It's no wonder then that heroes with abilities are so afraid to reveal their situation. Humans have social attributes. Let me ask, who can live a life in peace under the condition of being the target of public criticism? And as ordinary people, shouldn't we also be a little more tolerant of this world?

Each of us is special, we are all different, and we all have our strengths. So should we have more understanding and tolerance of others in our life, instead of rejecting others from our hearts first? Suppose someone beside you tells you that you can fly, that he can travel through time and space, what is your reaction? Suppose you find out that your former friends, colleagues, family members have specialties that you don't have, what would you do?

Your friend and classmate is more capable than you and has the approval of teachers and students. Are you happy for him from the bottom of your heart? Or to deny his value? He's actually nothing. If it were me, I could do better than him. He was just a fluke...

Your colleague is more capable and valuable than you, and you are promoted faster than you. Once you were colleagues, pushing cups together Huanzhan, today he has a higher position than you, and you need to bend your waist for five buckets of rice, what do you think?

Understanding, tolerance, and love continue throughout the plot. Isn't what Heroes constantly strive for for the understanding and support of the people they are closest to and trust? Everyone is small, everyone is vulnerable, and they all hope to gain understanding and support from others. I am not here to preach that "love can make the world peaceful", but I hope that there will be more understanding, more tolerance, more love, and more support between people. But not random, flooded. Knowing too much is sometimes not a good thing. Just like the policeman, he interpreted his wife's thoughts and eased the marriage crisis, but he also discovered a secret that he didn't want to know.

Those who did not "understand" heroes just had a different standpoint. They just considered problems from their own standpoint, weighed the pros and cons, and intervened and pointed fingers at other people's affairs. They are also caring about the people around them, but this kind of caring is usually not easy to accept. After all, everyone has different ideas, different positions, and different pursuits, so if you can't think from the other person's perspective and start from the other person's perspective and position, then your well-intentioned concern will only make people feel cumbersome.

I haven't read it yet, let's talk about it first, I'm going to continue my heroic journey...

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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