Recommended New American TV Series - Heroes (Super Heroes)

Elmo 2022-04-19 09:01:35

As NBC's new series in the fall of 2006, the launch of Heroes (Superheroes - official website) was extraordinary, and it jumped to the first place in the United States in the ratings of the new series. Like ABC's 2004 premiere of Lost, the results were impressive. But I hope the plot doesn't plummet like Lost, and one season is not as good as one season.

Heroes tells the story of a group of ordinary people with superpowers, a bit similar to the TV version of "X-Men", but not as cool as the X-Men in the movie. Heroes is closer to reality, each hero has his own life, they are all mortals, and they all need to work hard for a living. Among them are high school students, company employees, single mothers who are worried about life, destitute painters, state troopers who have never been promoted, and congressmen who are running for election (the one with the highest social status, But sometimes you have to betray your trust for fame and fortune). Of course, they are also different. They can fly, read minds, travel through time and space, and predict the future. Their innate superpowers make their lives destined to be extraordinary (look at the heroes who have debuted).

Because I don't like that kind of personal show-style heroism films recently, Heroes just had an appetite, and a dozen characters appeared one after another. The plot is confusing and confusing (many people have no idea after watching the first episode, maybe there are too many characters to be introduced), it seems that the whole plot was drawn by the down-and-out artist (Isaac Mendez) in the play after taking medicine , so as long as the screenwriter's level is okay, the plot can be played freely. With good ratings, there will be a better sequel (like CSI, which is better season by season).

With American TV dramas, some TV dramas on domestic radio stations are really unsightly. The stereotyped style, monotonous plot, as well as contrived actors and ignorant directors may be due to the relationship between low-cost investment and public taste. After all, film and television Creation still needs to meet market demand.

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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