【Recollections】"Escape the Shell (2013": The Concerto of an Old Hero

Lelia 2022-04-22 07:01:05


At the beginning of the movie, Lei Ge (played by Stallone) escaped from Qushui Federal Prison! This time I used thin wax sheets from the milk carton. Rego's true identity: Escape Master, partner at BC Security, employed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to test the reliability of high-security prisons across the country. In the past 7 years, Lego has successfully escaped from 14 prisons. His job is to ensure that 100% of the prisoners in these prisons cannot escape. He wrote "Cracking the Prison Security System". "How did you do it?" "To escape from a prison, three conditions must be met: knowing the layout of the prison, figuring out the daily rules, and cooperating with the inside or the outside." "Any prison designed by man can escape!" Commissioned by Jessica of the CIA, Rego accepts a new assignment: testing the security of a private prison. This prison is different from the past in that it is managed by private funds. It is not restricted by the system, has no trials, and has no convictions. It specializes in accepting prisoners that the government does not want. No one knows where the prison is except Jessica. The promised pick-up and drop-off by the bodyguard was replaced by a robbery-style shipment. Rego was taken out of the tracker in a daze, and when he woke up, he was already in a transparent three-dimensional cell. This prison has never been seen before by Lei Ge, a fully transparent cube, all prisoners up and down, left and right can see clearly, as well as football-shaped 360-degree all-round surveillance and masked prison guards with guns. Rego felt that something was wrong along the way, and told the warden Roger Hobbs the mission code and the evacuation code. Hobbs said he couldn't understand: "No one can escape, you can only control your own breathing!" Obviously, Lei Ge has entered a trap. "They want me to disappear. I don't know who it is. I will find out." This man has a strong physique, tough face, and firm eyes. The two men began to plan a prison break, and the plot became more and more exciting. Figure out the prison layout. "The whole building is vertical, all places are huge vertical isolation, the most likely, the whole place is built in an underground natural canyon or cave." "In the vertical structure, 70% of the things under the confinement box may be upwards. If you can go in and walk along, you may be able to go to the ground." Lot helped Lei Ge find the metal piece, and the two were deliberately locked in the confinement box. Lot took cover, and Rego opened the metal bottom plate and drilled into the pipes under the box. Rego never thought that this prison was set up on a cruise ship in an unknown sea.

The difficulty of jailbreaking is escalated, and the crisis is full of dangers. Hobbes already knew Rhaegal's true identity. This prison at sea is a tool for him to make money. He secretly colluded with the CEO of BC Company. As long as Lei Ge can't escape, he can prove that this prison is the safest in the world, so he can solve the criminals that the government cannot handle for his clients. problems, and charged a high fee. Hobbs also wanted to find out, through Lott, about "Mannheim," which had developed a program that would destroy the world's banking system. As long as Lott is willing to tell the secret of "Mannheim", perhaps Hobbes can get at least half a century of money. The villain, Hobbs, is handsome, smart, and IQ has always been online. Rego didn't relax at all. He summed up the activities of the prison guards; approached the doctor who could release the news; made a sextant that could measure the dimension; Lot found Javid, who believed in Allah, and told him the escape plan, and asked him to falsely inform Hobbs that someone was To escape from prison, in exchange for the right to pray on the deck, the purpose is to measure the dimension with a sextant. The Tropic of Cancer has no wind, and the water flow above the equator is counterclockwise, so we are in the north; yesterday, November 20, there was warm rain and air at sea in November; 30 degrees north latitude, to avoid strong winds and waves, the international waters off the coast of Morocco, calm and calm , close to the land, convenient for replenishment. It is speculated that the approximate location of the cruise ship is on the coast of Morocco. This knowledge show is really kneeling. What is "knowledge is power"?

Hobbes wants to break Rhaegal's will. She was not allowed to sleep, beat N every day, and was tortured repeatedly. Every time Rhaegal was tortured and confused, Lot said, "Don't surrender! Don't let them crush you!" Rhaeger didn't resist, he said to Hobbs: "I can help you. Find Mannheim!" Slow down, survive first. Rego played Lot's card. As long as Hobbs thinks Rego can find out about Mannheim from Lot, Rego will have more time to prepare for his escape. This trick really worked. The doctor texted Lott's friend. "Get to latitude 30°22'N, longitude 23°6'W within 24 hours, BBQ pool party at 5pm, tell the kids, bring all the toys." The action begins - slam! Hobbs is not easy to deceive. Surveillance shows that there is no riot in Zone C; the camera turns to Lei Ge, who is escaping in the chaos. Rego, Lot, and Javid had only 11 minutes to get to the deck to take the plane away. Before Rhaegal turned off all surveillance, the three "respected" Hobbs' footage.

Hobbs ordered the start of the blockade procedure, and fierce firefighting. After being shot, Jia Dewei also contributed his last strength and killed many prison guards. Lott reached the deck before the magnetic lock had 5 seconds to close, and he was waiting for Rhaegal. Here is a close-up of Lot's face. I haven't seen this man's expression for too long. He shoots with a gun, and the feeling of "Terminator" is back! Rego's Plan B, at 5 o'clock, the cruise power is restarted and the water tank is flushed. He was washed into the water, grabbed a lifeline, and confronted Hobbs in the air. Rego shot the oil tank on the ship, the oil tank exploded, and Hobbs' helpless face disappeared into the firelight. The truth came out. The people who really want Rego to stop coming out are the CEO and Hobbs. As long as Rego doesn't come out, they will have enough money. It turns out they failed. Sad reminder of the CEO, trapped in the container of the cruise ship, I don't know where to go! The CIA Jessica who gave him the assignment was Lot's daughter. In this test, Jessica asked Lei Ge to save her father from prison in the name of official business. And Lot is Mannheim himself.

★The movie "Escape Plan" feels complicated and heavy. It is different from other action movies. It only takes bloody and violent scenes as the core of the movie. This movie takes a unique approach. A new hope and brilliance of humanity are conveyed between the shots, which is sighing and touching.


●Successful escape requires three magic weapons: understanding the layout of the prison, familiar with the rules of personnel, and the cooperation of internal or external personnel.

● Although Stallone and Schwarzenegger are equally famous in the Hollywood action world, they have rarely cooperated, and even were once rumored to be bad friends. But this time Stallone said generously, "It is an honor to have such an opponent." The director of "Escape the Shell" also revealed that when Stallone agreed to play the leading role, he hoped to take this opportunity to cooperate with Schwarzenegger again, so that the two super action superstars would join forces as male protagonists for the first time, breaking through the strongest in history. 's prison.

●As a film with a high IQ escape as the theme, "Escape the Shell" takes a lot of trouble in the selection of the script. Director Mikael Haverstrom revealed: "It's not uncommon to make a movie with a prison escape as the theme, and we are going to upgrade this theme in a comprehensive way, not only to show high IQ and understanding. The element of mystery is the perfect combination of action and plot."

●The film involves many disciplines such as architecture, physics, geography, and cryptography, which fully tells us: "Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and go domineering in the world."

★The two top tough guys on the screen with a combined age of over 130 years old, they did not rely on the old to sell the old, they still used a pair of hard bones to fight head-to-head to fight the dawn.

●Sextant is an optical instrument that can measure the angle between two distant objects - the most commonly used is to measure the angle between a celestial body and the sea (horizon) or a celestial body and a celestial body. Measure the angle, and then find out the latitude of the point where the sun shines directly on that day, and then you can determine the latitude of the observer. This has great significance for sailing. The sextant has been an important positioning and navigation tool since its introduction in the 18th century. Includes two parts. The first part, including the frame body, the indexing arc, the telescope, and the semi-transparent and semi-reflective horizon mirror, are all fixed (as shown in the figure below).

★Measurement diagram

①Can the toilet flush direction be positioned? ---Geospin deflection force
②With the help of simple black technology (sextant) and windless belt, determine latitude
③Using the climate type to determine the location

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Escape Plan quotes

  • Breslin: [taking a punch] That's a favor?

    Swan Rottmayer: Sometimes favors hurt.

  • Breslin: And you became my best friend.

    Swan Rottmayer: You are not user-friendly.