perfect movie

Raul 2022-04-23 07:01:29

Everything is an illusion, a result of therapy, a self-integration of the personality, but the doctor's ultimate will is to integrate a man of integrity, a retired police officer. This has been made clear when the movie returns to the end, and the final statement is made. The doctor repeatedly induces the offender, you are ED, you look in the mirror, etc., so the camera switches between the offender and the ED. The doctor thinks that the murder is over, the personality integration is completed, only the ED is left, and the offender is no longer threatening, so it is required. for further treatment. But no one can see through the changes in the heart, and in the end, the criminal still retains part of it, or hides his viciousness. He let go of the prostitute, hoping and wanting her to start a normal life, and he still loves his mother. But the wicked is always the wicked. When the threat disappears and the death penalty is not needed, his heart begins to stir again, so there is the last blow in Liucheng Garden, and the devil returns. Of course, there was no fight in the end, maybe after the prostitute mapped by the only mother completed the strangulation, he returned to normal, left the driver's name, and returned to justice.

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Extended Reading

Identity quotes

  • Timothy York: Whores don't get a second chance.

  • Malcolm Rivers: [Malcolm/Timothy] Whores don't get a second chance!