The Multiple Lives of "Fat Man" from the Perspective of Criminal Psychology

Benny 2022-04-23 07:01:29

 Place Name:
 Suburban Motel
 Environment: Heavy rain, road collapse, communication interruption
Character introduction:
 McEnreeve: A criminal in custody who has killed 6 people.
 Ed: a former police officer who is now the driver of actress Caroline;
 Caroline, a past actress;
 Larry: a motel manager, seems to have a lot of secrets lurking;
 Paris: a A prostitute;
 Keaney and Lu: a couple;
 Police Rod and prisoner Robert:
 George and Alice and their son Timsy: Trapped here because of a traffic accident.
Summary of the content:
 Dark night, storm raging
 The motel is completely isolated from the outside world, the road is blocked, and the communication is interrupted.
 Everyone is forced to gather here.

 Larry - motel owner, behaves oddly, seems to be hiding a lot of secrets
 Ed - with actress Caroline, hits Alice on the road and has to send her to the motel for treatment.
 While Alice, George, and Timsey were driving, their car suddenly had a flat tire. When they got out of the car to check, Alice was hit by Ed's car.
 Paris - When looking for a lighter on the way, he dropped his high heels out of the car. As a result, it was the high heels that caused Alice's car to have a flat tire.
 Ed wanted to go to the doctor. On the way, he met Lu and Ginny and his wife. The road was blocked, and they all returned to the motel.
 Officer Rhodes took prisoner Robert into the hotel.

 Then a series of terrible things happened:
 Actress Caroline No. 10 died in the laundry room.
 Road 9 was stabbed to death.
 Will they die in this order?
 After research, it was found that the 10 people gathered at the motel had some things in common:
 Each name had a word for a state in the United States, and the birthdays were on the same day

 The results confirmed the guess. Prisoner No. 8 Robert, No. 7 George, No. 6 Alice and No. 5 Gini all died one after another.
 Paris finds a crime certificate in the police car, proving that Rhodes is not a policeman, he and Robert killed the policeman together and faked it.
 Rhodes wanted to kill Paris to silence him. He killed No. 4 Larry and wounded Ed.
 Ed kills Rhodes at the last minute, but he himself succumbs to serious injuries (Nos. 2 and 3).
 In the end, only Paris No. 1 survived.
Question 1: How to understand these 10 people?
 In fact, 10 people do not actually exist, these cases reflect McEnreeve's 10 split personalities.
 The 10 personalities alternately control his body.

 McCann Reeve was abused by a prostitute mother when he was a child, and he brutally killed 6 people in a motel four years ago.
 The day before he was executed, the attending psychiatrist Malick found a diary of McCann Reeve's childhood, which further confirmed the doctor's point of view:
 McCann Reeve's murder was due to schizophrenia.
• State law does not allow execution of insane defendants.

 The lawyer told the judge to urgently arraign McCann Reeve. Dr. Malick and McCann Reeve had a conversation in front of the judge and asked him to pull out the evil personality from his body, so the story happened.

 One of the evil spirits is the inner world of McCann Reeve.
 Dr. Malick was talking to one of the kind and brave characters (the policeman Ed), telling him all the truth about this character, and asking him to help McCann Reeve find out that evil character.
 Then the good personality chooses to perish with an evil personality, and only one female personality escapes the clutches.

 Everything is developing for the better.
 However, Paris finds her own house number outside the farmhouse.
 "Whores don't get a second chance."
 Timsey kills Paris, and there is a big reversal.

 It turns out that when McCann Reeve was a child, his mother was a prostitute and often abused him, and Timsy was the evil personality that McCann Reeve cultivated since he was a child.
 At the end of the film, this evil personality kills Dr. Malick and a prison truck driver and goes away.
Question 2: How are multiple personalities formed?
Please find some clues from the video?
 Multiple Personality:
 There are two or more unique personalities within the individual, each of which is dominant at a particular time. These personalities are independent of each other, autonomous, and exist as a complete self.

 1. Most cases are caused by trauma in infancy - mental torture and physical abuse.
 Want to resist, but cannot change the status quo. Hoping for anyone else to come to my rescue, but every time is disappointedly ignored and abandoned.

 2. Self-psychological hypnosis
 They can only hypnotize themselves to comfort themselves.
 Some of them who have schizophrenia genes themselves will turn these psychological hints into living individuals, so that they can obtain spiritual liberation.

 Putnam et al surveyed 100 cases, 97% had obvious traumatic experience, sexual or physical abuse. 68% had incest.

 Ross et al. reported physical and sexual abuse in 95% of 97 cases.

 3. Lack of social support during or after the abuse also contributes to the formation of barriers.

 A study of 428 adolescents confirmed that up to 33% to 50% of dissociative disorders are due to a cluttered, unsupportive family environment, as well as personal experiences and personality factors.
A female case with multiple personalities:

 The patient's name is Nancy, who has three personalities. In addition to the most common main personality "Nancy", there are also two personalities "Katie" and "lillian".
 “Nancy” is timid, often anxious and depressed, and is highly dependent in life.
 "Katie" knows nothing about "Nancy" and "Lillian" and seems to be living in a "dark place".
 "Lillian" is cunning, charming and sophisticated; knows "Nancy" well; knows a little about "Katie".

 After hypnosis induction in the treatment, it was found that
 "Katie" is a split personality from Nancy's 14-year-old personality.
 Because she saw her mother's misdeeds with her own eyes that year, she picked up a knife and killed her. In fact, she was just impulsive at that time, and did not really hack and kill. But in the "Katie" personality, she always thought she killed her own mother.

 "Lillian" is Nancy's split personality when she gave birth to her second child.
 That year Nancy's parents told her that they saw Nancy's husband kissing a woman on the road. The news outraged Nancy and drove her crazy again. So they split up the "Lillian" personality to deal with this criminal impulse.
Question 3: Analyze the main personality characteristics of MacEnreeve?
 Hate prostitutes -
 She was often abandoned in motels by her mother who was a prostitute as a child. The backlog of long-term mental torture could not find an outlet, which caused him to hate his mother from the bottom of his heart, but he was unable to make any effective resistance to it.
 So there are other identities that can help the "awake self" personality to accomplish many things that cannot be accomplished, such as murder.

 Timid -
 Often this kind of person usually behaves very wretched and timid. There is more resentment that needs to be vented, but can't do it, even dare not even get angry and angry. Once faced with an unsolvable problem, another personality emerges automatically.
 This personality that temporarily occupies the body will often take a more direct way to deal with the problem, and then do not need to take any responsibility; and after doing something wrong, it will soon hide it and restore it to the original personality.

 Personality and Behavior Separation -
 It has also been proven that once other personalities manifest, the "awake self" disappears, and there is no memory of anything that happened during that time. It was one of the evil personalities who did the wrong thing, but it was the innocent ontology who was caught.
The distribution of McCann's personality
 There are 11 living people in the motel:

 Explicit personality: Ed
 Split personality: Rhodes, Larry, George, Alice, Lu, Keane, Caroline, Robert, Paris
 Hidden Ontological Personality: Timsey

 Other Personalities - Possibly a reflection from a previous experience, someone you meet, love, or fear.
 These personalities usually have little effect on the ontology and can be easily eliminated.

 A dead man in the hotel (former boss), the policeman killed by Rhodes on the road, etc.
(1) The incarnation of maternal love - Alice
 At the beginning of the film, the little boy's mother was hit by a car just after playing a small game with her son, and then went into a coma with massive blood loss, without any words or movements.

 ——The mother personality represents the maternal love that McCann lacked in childhood.

 His longing for a loving mother is over before it begins. In the film, the mother's image is fixed as a personality without any emotional expression, nor can she participate in the personality competition.
 It was not the woman who sacrificed his mother, but the maternal love he had never felt in his life.
(2) Other interspersed
 The life of extravagant enjoyment is completely opposite to the actual situation. It is the most detached from reality and the first to be eliminated.
 Young Husband Lu - McCann's rash personality
 Young newlywed man, just a vague image, quickly disappeared.
 Prison breaker Robert - evil personality
 Fierce on the surface, but not the real murderer
 Young wife Ginny - a personality who yearns for
 McCann did not account for this role when he was young, but a personal character created by McCann himself to comfort himself.

 But the stepfather can hardly give any effective care and comfort.
 He has been trying to participate, but has been mediocre.
 Because of the cruel reality, this kind of self-expectation is too pale and unable to have any effect on his psychological trauma.
 So, the stepfather died soon after.
 The meaning of personality: McCann longs for family
(4) Fake police officer Rhodes
 McCann often faces some unsatisfactory and conflicts in life, and needs a personality who can often help him solve these troubles.
 Killed 6 people a few years ago for hating motels  Rod
's role:  ——
Fierce, straightforward Unconventional means to solve the trouble that hinders him

Fake hotel

owner Larry's
personality Indicates McCann 's sometimes cowardly personality
(6) Retired police officer Ed 
Retired police officer Ed is smart, kind, and has a clear mind The protection of the sense of responsibility,  Imagine a righteous image to fight against the sins of the mother  This personality runs through the plot from beginning to end. (7) Paris  Paris, beautiful, kind and full of hope for the future, but the career is disgraceful Hate prostitutes", which is actually a negative attitude towards the mother who was a prostitute  This personality also runs through the plot from beginning to end. (8) No. 11 Personality - The True Self  When I was going up the stairs  I met a man who wasn't there  I met a man who wasn't there  He wasn't there again today  He's not there today  I wish I wish he'd go away  I wish... I wish he'd gone away

Whores don't get a second chance. “
 Prostitutes don’t have a second chance.
 —In fact, what McCann wanted to say to his mother.
 For McCann, hating the prostitute who symbolizes her mother is the only thing that can be done and comforted.
 So the evil personality that has been hiding behind reappears.

 The film re-explains the scene where he quietly killed his mother's personality.
 1. Real body:
 The expressionless mother lying on the bed is exactly what he wants to kill in reality People.
 2. Spirit of the future:
 A personality that represents beauty, kindness and hope, and is endowed with the status of a prostitute by McCann, and is doomed to a tragic fate.
Question 4: How to interpret the ending?
 A prostitute is not worthy of opportunities. It is impossible to escape from McCann's own imaginary spiritual world.
 In childhood, McCann appeared as a little boy, carrying out his final personal revenge with hatred for his mother.

 With the disappearance of the prostitute, McCann 's personality The beauty and kindness of the man disappeared at the same time.
 From the inner point of view, McCann is no longer afraid of abusing his mother;
 From the perspective of human nature, McCann has only the only evil personality left to become the ontology personality.

2. How to treat multiple personality disorder
 Multiple Personality (Multiple.Personality) A psychogenic personality disorder, that is, a personality disorder caused by psychological factors. 

Scientific research shows that each personality of multiple personalities has different physiological and psychological reactions. They often show different gender, age, race, family characteristics; have different IQ and vision

 William Milligan (Billy) was the first suspect in American history who committed a felony (3 robbery, 4 rape, 4 serious injury) but was found not guilty. After identification, the doctor found that he had 24 different personalities.

 Among them, dual personalities are relatively common, usually one of them is dominant, but neither of them enters the memory of the other, and they are hardly aware of the existence of the other.
 The transition from one personality to another usually begins suddenly and is closely related to traumatic events; thereafter, it is generally only after encountering a huge or stressful event, or receiving treatment such as relaxation, hypnosis, or venting when the conversion occurs.

Principles of effective treatment?
 Hypnosis - Hypno-analysis is more effective than psychoanalysis

 Transference - Treatment is most effective when the therapist forms a good transference relationship with the patient with multiple personalities and avoids resentment or malice towards any one of the patient's personalities. Motivation

 Communication - encourages communication between dissociated personalities, as this internal communication helps to "break down" the wall that separates the main personality from the successor

 Satisfaction - dissociated personalities arise in part because of failure to To meet normal needs, the legitimate satisfaction of needs should be considered, and it should not be ignored rashly

 Regression - the therapist helps the patient return the successor personality to the scope of the subject's personality, eliminating the opposition between the two

 Peaceful - not manipulating or alienating the subject Personality and Successor Personality, this strategy often leads to treatment failure

 Identity - Once the successor personality is formed, it is strongly resistant to all attempts to destroy it.
 Therefore, the therapist cannot eliminate it, but should focus on its identity with the subject's personality, try to integrate them, and make it operate like normal emotional changes

. Take responsibility for anger, dissatisfaction, impulsiveness, etc.
 Inducing the main personality is also to vent the successor personality, and the gap between the two personalities will automatically disintegrate.

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Identity quotes

  • Timothy York: Whores don't get a second chance.

  • Malcolm Rivers: [Malcolm/Timothy] Whores don't get a second chance!