We don't know, who is the real murderer?

Ibrahim 2022-04-19 09:01:31

Good movie, two brushes, five stars no doubt. But after reading everyone's comments, there are many people who try to explain who is the culprit of the murder in reality. I have some opinions on this:

It is generally believed that the murderer is a fake police personality or a little boy personality. But we are probably as mistaken as the doctors in the first place, namely: that only "bad looking" personalities are guilty of murder (emphasis).

So the doctor thinks that after the fake policeman and his fellow prisoners are removed, the rest of the characters are safe (the second mistake of the doctor is that there is a little boy with a malicious personality). In fact, it's hard to say. The personality of each personality is also diverse, and some seemingly harmless personalities may turn out to be the most ferocious in the end. For example, the personality of a child looks OK, but it is actually the culprit. In fact, in principle of logical reasoning, the possibility of any other personality murderer cannot be ruled out (including timid prostitutes, cowardly fathers, ideal mothers, etc., on the surface, They are weak, but I don't know when they may also have a bad side, just like we think a boy is a harmless personality, but he dares to kill behind his back), although the possibility of them being a murderer is almost Zero, but there is no evidence, the suspicion cannot be ruled out, and it cannot be proved only from their appearance.

The real logical analysis should be: first, confirm that there must be a murderer in these eleven personalities, but we can't confirm the number of murderers or the identity of the murderers, and everyone may be a murderer, even if I don't believe it except fake. There may be a real murderer besides the police, real prisoners, and little boys, but there is no evidence. This is judgment, and it is a matter of human life. The court determined that the criminal is mentally ill, and in case of negligence, on the one hand, the criminal will be allowed to go unpunished, and on the other hand, it will cause greater danger to other people. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence here to believe that any personality is a "good" personality. Even if it is an ED (police, driver) personality, his "goodness" may be one-sided. Although I believe he is a good personality, I dare not take risks, but the judges and doctors took risks and neglected. So it was a tragedy.

How should it be judged? Judging from the "no suspicion of guilt" and "inference of innocence" in criminal investigation, it is impossible to prove exactly which personality is the murderer, so it cannot be convicted. The court determined that the last surviving person was a prostitute, and she was not without suspicion. It's just that we can't prove it, and probably never will, so it's right to send it to a mental hospital (no suspicion of guilt). But with escort, we don't know if prostitutes are still violent. (although very unlikely)

And there are only three personalities most likely to be the real murderers: fake police, real prisoners, and little boys, because they are brutal enough. The murder method in reality is quite ferocious, and several other personalities may be forced to hurt people, but they are not so ferocious, but there is not enough evidence to arbitrarily assert that any of these three personalities is ferocious.

Therefore, three mistakes were made in the court: 1. The biggest problem was the omission of the evil character of the little boy. 2. Logical errors are not necessarily the "evil-looking" personality that committed the murder in reality. Other personalities are possible, but relatively small. 3. In the matter of human life, "suspected guilt never exists", we can think that a person is innocent, but the possibility of guilt cannot be ruled out, and we must beware and continue to verify.

Finally, let's analyze which personality the prisoner is in reality, and let's exclude it. From the plot point of view, only the ED personality (the policeman, the driver personality) can get away from the crime. He is awakened between the virtual and the real. It is difficult to cover up when he is so stimulated, claiming that he does not know what is in reality. Regarding the incidents of several victims, the photos of the deceased are also unrecognizable, and the credibility is high. While other harmless personalities of humans and animals are indeed less likely to commit murderous crimes. It is possible for a child to have a personality, but it is not very large, because killing a child in the inner drama is often "outwitted", while the crime in reality is massacre. If the prisoner is a child, he knows how to hide the facts and commits crimes more intelligently. The two personalities of fake police officers and real criminals are the most likely to commit such cruel cases.

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Identity quotes

  • Timothy York: Whores don't get a second chance.

  • Malcolm Rivers: [Malcolm/Timothy] Whores don't get a second chance!