Care for the Elderly

Alan 2022-04-22 07:01:06

Experience is probably one of those things, when you don't know how to deal with life, there are precedents in your mind that tell you.

I am very, very envious that the heroine can meet such a wise old man with a gentleman's character. They have established such a close relationship of trust with sincerity, which is great! It seems that in addition to being really good, there are no more advanced words to say.

That's great, I'm so envious!

There will always be difficulties of this kind in life, even if I am already a "big girl", even if I can think of many solutions to every problem, but when I think that this is a "big world", but when I think about it Maybe in the future I'll be "buried alone" and I can't help but be afraid. Think about having someone around you that you can rely on.

The intimacy and trust between people are the social skills that people acquire in order to eliminate the fear of the unknown, loneliness, and helplessness in their hearts!

I, who have never been afraid before, now feel that, like a male protagonist, it is a "good" thing to learn the skills of getting along with people and building trusting relationships with people.

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The Intern quotes

  • [last lines]

    Ben: Breathe and relax for inner balance... Breathe deeply, Jules.

  • Ben: How do I spend rest of my days? You name it. Golf. Books. Movies. Pinochle. Tried yoga, learned to cook, bought some plants, took classes in mandarin.

    [in mandarin]

    Ben: Believe me I've tried everything.

    [in english]

    Ben: Translation... believe me, I've tried everything.