there is nothing better

Leonel 2022-04-19 09:01:38

There is nothing better.
Ideals, glory, love, and a happy destination after ups and downs.
The elegant and sweet dream of falling in love starts with a secret hidden in the heart, but that is not enough.
"Unless it is me, familiar with the pulse of your life, let me get close to your soft heart, and let you see through my good and bad."
Thanks to the director for poking at the weakness that the audience expects to be poked. Although such a story has always existed and will be repeated in the future————There is a little shadow of Cinderella in love, and the relationship between sacrifice and salvation is like Beauty and the Beast———— The routine of an old story is so beautifully told in the silent black and white world, so that we can leave the fancy era of computer special effects and restore the most basic need of a simple audience to be moved. Look at the heroine's delicate eyebrows, look at her silently hugging her suit jacket, and watch the delicate tears flashing from the corners of her eyes in the movie theater. The foreshadowing of this love continued all the way, knowing that when she stopped George from hugging, I believe that many viewers were waiting for the screen to finally shed a tear.
Excellent actors, excellent bridge details, excellent background music, the narrative is coherent and neat, the rhythm is tight, the mood is elegant, the plot is classic and full of playful new ideas.
I really don't believe anyone would dislike this movie.

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Extended Reading

The Artist quotes

  • George Valentin: [talking about Uggie] If only he could talk.

  • Peppy Miller: [trying to pressure the studio into letting her do a film with George] I won't work anymore. It's either him or me.

    [Zimmer appears bemused]

    Peppy Miller: What I mean is, it's him AND me! Or it's neither of us!

    [everybody is still looking at her blankly]

    Peppy Miller: Hey, I'm blackmailing you! Get it?