Rowling's brain hole is a bit big this time, and the next few episodes are expected to have ethical drama elements.

Melany 2022-04-22 07:01:07

Spoiler alert

I was able to wait two days less thanks to the usual Aussie release a few days earlier than North America. The results are actually not too far beyond expectations, and the low Rotten Tomatoes score is not unreasonable. But this time Rowling still gave a lot of fans welfare eggs. I can keep following this series.

First of all, Rowling's magical brain

There are poor people who have been prophesied and rumored to play. After adding the prophet setting to Grindelwald in the front, I knew that this series would be the same as HP, and being prophesied to declare fate is simply a template for the protagonist. The difference is that the protagonist Newt in the beast series is completely lying. gun. Like Harry, who was inexplicably favored by the big devil was the poor silent little brother, and he would abandon the name Credence at the end of this movie. Rowling opened the biggest brain hole at the end, and I almost cried out when the last line came out. Well, I finally understand why he has to, but considering that it was the white pineapple head Grindelwald who lost in '45. I am a little worried about the future of the little brother pot cover. Although he miraculously became a member of the Dumbledore family, he also miraculously possessed the phoenix bodyguard. As soon as he held the wand, he showed a talent comparable to that of Tom Riddle in his youth, and he could cause a lot of damage with one swing. Wrong person.

Then there is the esteemed Professor Dumbledore, who has very little role. Basically the ones in the trailer with a bit of Dun's Chicken Soup and ADNS sugar at the end. In this book, an interesting brain hole was opened up about the little things that happened to Grindelwald and Dumbledore. There is a reason why their duel dragged on for 45 years, and they both became old men in their 60s and then fought again. In the trailer, the young version of the two people are partly gay, and they also signed a contract to prevent each other from falling in love and killing each other hand in hand. In the middle-aged group, there is actually nothing left. Now Grindelwald seems to only think about how to bypass the contract and use the identity of the silent little brother to scare people to kill the old Deng who is nesting in the school. After being teased about Newt's jealousy in the front, it's not obvious that he is still thinking about any old feelings. On the contrary, as shown in the trailer, Dumbledore is still thinking of the good times when he was young, and facing the mirror with a complicated expression. Professor, let me tell you that you will definitely suffer like this. If you want to turn over that pineapple head in 1945, you must be severely abused by Rowling to do it. Visually, your future roles will be very easy, although we all know that you won in the end.

Again, weird

Inexplicably eating books, first of all Nicole May, after the notice came out, many people complained that his age was wrong. But here is just a question of numbers, just know that he is very old and very old. Anyway, the fighting power is not weak. But the other place to eat books is very inexplicable. Professor McGonagall was born in 1935 and Rowling has written a very detailed biography of her on pottermore. It can be said that her life experience has been very complete. But here Rowling forced her to be a few decades old and made her appear as a professor when Newt was a student. This plot is very unnecessary. She is completely playing soy sauce in the film (contributing a small joke), if it was Slughorn or other professors who had already taught, it would not violate the harmony at all, and the easter egg effect Also have. But Rowling is willing to let her out even if she eats books. I don't know if there will be other roles in the future. Although some people say that it may be a relative with the same surname, such as a grandma or an aunt, but Professor McGonagall's father is a Muggle priest, and he didn't know about the wizarding world until his daughter was born. It could not be the type of witch mother or sister. So Rowling did tear up her own setting and also let Professor McGonagall appear.

So is the Scamander and Rita triangle, Rita's got lunch now, and I don't feel her relationship with Theseus at all. The relationship with Newt has a memory-killing foreshadowing, but it looks much better than the official Newt Tina who was almost joking this time. In short, Rowling's love scenes have always been of such different levels, the only stable thing is that the protagonist's love scenes are very bad. The male and female protagonists didn't actually do anything, and Newt's role was not as big as his box and sniffles. It is completely understandable that Queenie is bewitched by Grindelwald, but she will definitely turn against the water in the end according to the routine. The scenes between Credence and Miss Nagini are actually useless, and there is nothing useful in Miss Nagini.

It can be seen that Rowling wants to make the magical world bigger, but there are too many things in the entire Divine Beast 2. So few things are clear. The last climax is about Pineapple Head's mouth cannon and Rita's death. As for the boss fight, please look forward to "Fantastic Creatures 5: Duel of the Elders in 1945". This is the end of the Lestrange family shit that started suddenly, but the next thing is Albus and the Dumbledore family shit of Little Pot Cover.

In the end, seriously, if Rowling can't get the setting of this new silent young Dumbledore right, it will definitely bring our respected Headmaster Dumbledore along with the character set to collapse in the ethics drama.

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Extended Reading

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Credence Barebone: [watches as a Maledictus transforms into Nagini the snake] Nagini...

  • [from trailer]

    Tina Goldstein: What are you going to do?

    Newt Scamander: I'll think of something.