[Sanjuro's talking with three men]
Sanjuro: You're all tough, then?
Gambler: What? Kill me if you can!
Sanjuro: It'll hurt.
[Sanjuro has just killed two men and cut the arm off a third]
Sanjuro: Cooper. Two coffins... No, maybe three.
Unosuke, gunfighter: If I don't have my pistol, I feel sort of naked.
Orin: Kill one or a hundred. You only hang once.
Sanjuro: [after the gamblers have challenged him] No help for fools.
[draws sword and kills two of them]
Sanjuro: I'm not dying yet. I have to kill quite a few men first.
Gonji, tavern keeper: Are you afraid of ghosts?
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: No they make me feel just great.
Hansuke: What happened? Why so glum? Your business should be booming.
The Cooper: No. When the fighting gets this bad, they don't bother with coffins.
Unosuke, gunfighter: Say, samurai trash, are you there?... The entrance to hell - I'll be waiting there for you!
[Unosoke dies]
Sanjuro: He died as recklessly as he lived
[Sanjuro walks away]
Sanjuro: Now it'll be quiet in this town... So long!
Sanjuro: [family he has just saved is crying with gratitude] Stop. Stop crying. It's pathetic.
[they keep crying]
Sanjuro: I hate pathetic people. I'll have to kill you.
Sanjuro: Go hang yourself.
[last lines]
Sanjuro: Old man. See ya around.
Sanjuro: I'll get paid for killing, and this town is full of people who deserve to die.
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: Bitch!
Orin: Yeah, what!
[repeated line]
Sanjuro: Old man, get me something to eat.
Sanjuro: A truce is merely the seed for an even bigger battle, nothing is worse!
Gonji, tavern keeper: [referring to Sanjuro] You don't look like one of the living!
Sanjuro: You idiot, I'm not giving up yet. Theres a bunch of guys I have to kill first!
Kannuki the giant: He's nothing without his sword
[first lines]
Farmer: Stop, you brat!
Traveler: Let me go, Father! This battle is the chance of a lifetime!
Farmer: Crazy fool! The chance to get killed! Why do you want to be a gambler? A farmer's place is in the fields.
Traveler: A long life of eating gruel - - to hell with that! I want good food and nice clothes. I'm gonna live it up and die young!
Farmer: Everybody's after easy money. It's all thanks to gambling. A roll of the dice and you're rich. Can't tell who's money is whose anymore.
Sanjuro: [in Japanese] You want to hire me as a body guard? Watch. I'll show you my ability.
Sanjuro: [in Japanese] Look at this mess. I knew this would happen. I told you six men are not enough.
Unosuke, gunfighter: [in Japanese]
[to Hansuke]
Unosuke, gunfighter: You want to see something interesting?
Unosuke, gunfighter: [in Japanese] By the way, those six men were cut up pretty well. You're the only one around here good enough to have done something like that.
Sanjuro: [in Japanese] And your point?
Unosuke, gunfighter: [in Japanese] I'm thinking that you were the one who killed those six men.
Kannuki the giant: [in Japanese]
[to Sanjuro]
Kannuki the giant: That's a shortcut to hell.
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: [in Japanese]
[to Unosuke]
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: Hey, you don't know him, but he's one of the best.
Unosuke, gunfighter: [in Japanese]
[to Sanjuro]
Unosuke, gunfighter: Don't come too close.
Sanjuro: [standing in a street that is littered with corpses] Now we'll have some peace and quiet in this town.
[opening of English-language prints]
Title Card: The time is 1860... the emergence of a middle class has brought an end to power of the Tokugawa Dynasty... A samurai, once a dedicated warrior in the employ of Royalty, now finds himself with no master to serve other than his own will to survive... and no devices other than his wit and sword.
Sanjuro: [standing by the window of Gonji's inn, looking into the opposite building where men from Ushitora and Seibei's sides are serving the inspector and his aides tea] A country inspector's not much, but that's a fine-looking palanquin, huh?
[He turns to Gonji for a reaction. The tavern keeper doesn't turn around, and just stares gloomily at nothing. Sanjuro turns back to the spectacle. He bursts out laughing at what he sees]
Gonji, tavern keeper: What's so funny?
Sanjuro: His men are drinking tea.
Gonji, tavern keeper: What of it?
Sanjuro: Look here.
[He laughs again at the scene]
Sanjuro: They've added a little something.
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: Hey, Cooper. How's business? How many coffins have you sold?
The Cooper: Two to your place...
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: Eh?
The Cooper: ...four to the other side.
[Inokichi tries counting the numbers on his fingers]
Inokichi, Ushitora's rotund brother: Not bad.
[He chuckles and walks off with two henchmen]
Sanjuro: I know I'm quite a sight, but could you do your staring later?
Sanjuro: I guess there is no cure for stupidity, except for death.
Farmer's Ex-wife: Kids these days are all mad.
Farmer: Hungry dogs come running when they smell blood. Let 'em rip each other apart and dye the silk in their blood.
Hansuke: Samurai, wanna make some dough as a bodyguard? The going rate has hit the roof. My commission's one ryo. Which side will you take? Seibei Manome runs a brothel. All the women you want. But he's going downhill. I'd bet on Ushitora Shinden. The inn at the corner. That's his place. Tell him Constable Hansuke sent you. I'd take you myself, but I'm the law around here. Don't forget, now. I get one ryo.
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: There he goes again! The casket maker. Only guy in town making any money. Can't make coffins fast enough. It's best not to have any gamblers at all. One boss to a town we can tolerate, but two is a disaster. Only the casket maker profits from that. Knock it off, you bastard!
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: Only swords can settle things now. They're fuming, rounding up drifters and criminals for their gangs. Instead of buying silk, they're buying thugs.
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: Damn them all! The town is doomed.
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: You'll gain nothing by getting sucked into this evil. Eat quickly and leave.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: I've had enough rice. Give me some sake. I like it here. I'll stay awhile.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: Sake. I think better while I drink.
Orin: Honor means nothing to gamblers.
Seibê - Brothel Operator: You can't build a fortune unless you're known as a killer and a thief.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: You want something?
Inokichi - Ushitora's Rotund Brother: You're tough. I like you.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: Aren't you angry I killed three of your men?
Inokichi - Ushitora's Rotund Brother: They were worthless.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: Hey, casket maker, drowning your sorrows? The Inspector's long visit must have killed your business.
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: Evil bastard came back, did he? He looks as gentle as the zodiac Rabbit he's named after, but he's a wolf inside.
Ushitora: Ino! Uno! What are you doing? Get in here now!
Seibê - Brothel Operator: I'll be keeping her! Ask the horny old sake brewer what he says to that!
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: Poor fellow. His wife was too beautiful. It all started when he lost to Ushitora at gambling. If she were ugly, he'd only have lost his house. But old Tokuemon was drooling all over her. Ushitora saw a change to draw Tokuemon to his side. He took the wife and house and dangled them in front of Tokuemon. This poor fool built a hut right next to his former house just so he could watch helplessly as Tokuemon ravishes his wife every day.
Ushitora: Where's the wench?
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: You're unusually friendly today. What's going on? Gives me the creeps. Aren't you angry that I became Ushitora's bodyguard?
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: Not at all. You're not a bad guy after all.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: What?
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: You're not really bad. You just pretend to be.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: Shut up! I'm busy drinking!
Ushitora: Morons! No point looking where it's light! Search where it's dark!
Ushitora: Did that two-bit samurai come here?
Ushitora: Gather some straw and smoke them out.
Inokichi - Ushitora's Rotund Brother: Smoke 'em out like raccoons and kill 'em? Fun!
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: What'll you do now?
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: Go next door and buy a coffin.
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: How can you give up like that?
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: You idiot! I'm not dying yet! There's a bunch of guys I have to kill first.
Unosuke - Gunfighter: You won't get away, you wench! Come here, you greedy bitch!
Inokichi - Ushitora's Rotund Brother: Where are the ghosts?
Gonji - Tavern Keeper: They only appear to scaredy-cats like me, not to brave guys like you.
Sanjuro Kuwabatake: I'll make sashimi outta them!
Yojimbo Quotes
Extended Reading