[first lines]
Augustus Gibbons: You know how I came up with the idea for the Triple-X program? Skateboards and swimming pools.
Augustus Gibbons: Let me simplify it for you. Kick some ass, get the girl, and try to look dope while you do it.
Xander Cage: I could definitely make that work.
Darius Stone: X looks out for his own.
Augustus Gibbons: [after Neymar took down the thief] And you say you're no hero. I got to call bullshit on that! You're exactly the kind of hero the world needs. At the end of the day, it comes to the same question I've been asking my wife every Friday night for the last 20 years. Do you want some of this?
Jane Marke: They say it's the last great adventure. Be sure to send a postcard.
Becky Clearidge: Oh, my God, this is fucking awesome!
Darius Stone: Rock, paper, scissors, grenade launcher.
Xander Cage: I live for this shit.
Augustus Gibbons: This is some pretty surreal shit, being at your own funeral.
Xander Cage: Wow, that's an impressive trick.
Xander Cage: [Upon seeing Darius Stone arrive in Xander's long-lost 1967 Pontiac GTO musclecar] That's a hell of a car!
Darius Stone: Yeah. Gibbons told me to keep an eye on it. He said I'd know why when I need to know why. Now I know why.
Xander Cage: It's exactly the way I left it.
Darius Stone: I took it on a date or two.
Xander Cage: [laughs, with a wink]
Hawk: Where you been? You stop off for the old rub-and-tug?
Talon: Your mom says hi.
Hawk: You fight me with a book? Here you, go brother. Chapter one! Page one!
[hits man with book]
Hawk: Shit happens.
Jane Marke: Your country needs you, Mr. Cage. The Triple-X program needs you. It's time to be a patriot.
Xander Cage: By whose definition? The last time I was patriotic, I got three strikes. And there was only one man who believed in the underdog. Patriotism is dead. There's only rebels and tyrants now.
Jane Marke: So, which are you?
Xander Cage: I'm Triple-X.
Jane Marke: [to Xander] You can check your coat. I promise you, no one would steal it. I can't guarantee it won't walk off in it's own.
Xander Cage: Wow. No wonder our country's in debt trillions of dollars. Do you really need all these gadgets to get the bad guys?
Jane Marke: Oh, we don't need any of it. But it makes the catching a hell of a lot more fun.
Jane Marke: Agent Clearidge worked closely with Gibbons. She'll handle support for the operation.
Becky Clearidge: And I bet a guy like you needs a lot of support. What are you? Like 220? 230? Be honest. 250 is the hard max for my swing.
Xander Cage: Oh, come on.
Becky Clearidge: I'm kidding. It's not like I have a safe word, or anything. It's "kumquat." Never really think about it. Kumquat.
Adele Wolff: You smell that? Smells like the same shit in a different suit.
Jane Marke: You think a dog knows how to work a Frisbee? Master says, "Fetch", and the bitch listens.
Adele Wolff: You would look so sexy with a Frisbee in that mouth.
Xiang: I'm in this hospital bed. I'm barely conscious. Delirious. Drowning in my own blood. And all I can hear myself think is, "Today's the day. Today's the day you die."
Xander Cage: I'm touched.
Xiang: Then a man comes along, tells me a story about a drought in California. About skateboards and swimming pools. About a man named Xander Cage.
Adele Wolff: [on ear-piece] Oh, shit. He's Triple-X.
Xander Cage: I heard he was dead.
Serena Unger: Is he?
Xiang: We are all Triple-X. We just have different agendas. She wants to destroy it. I'm gonna use it. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you take it back to the NSA.
Paul Donovan: Yo, asshole. We gonna have a problem?
Xander Cage: Oh, no problem. How was your trip? I'm just doing the math.
Paul Donovan: Oh, yeah? What math?
Xander Cage: Air velocity divided by distance. So, when I stuff you down the toilet, search and rescue will know where to find you between China and North Korea.
Paul Donovan: Keep talking, little man.
Xander Cage: Hold that thought, G.I. Joe.
Serena Unger: Wait. Is this the part where you act the basic bitch and tell me you got your eye on me and that you don't trust me?
Adele Wolff: Welcome to the moment.
Paul Donovan: What's wrong, hotshot? No witty comeback?
Xander Cage: No. I just finally figured out that math problem.
[Xander pushes Donovan through a hole in the hull of the plane]
Xander Cage: It's gonna take two flushes.
Becky Clearidge: Oh, That's refreshing. You actually know what you're doing down there.
Adele Wolff: Yeah. That's what she said.
xXx: Return of Xander Cage Quotes
Trevor 2022-03-22 09:01:57
There is a crisis of confidence in the script. If you just look at the monitor screen and say, "That person has a suspicious expression," it can become the key to catching the murderer. I think Hollywood action movies are also pushing their limits. Besides, why should Tony Jia play a role similar to Wu Zongxian?
Jerald 2021-12-17 08:01:04
2.5 The plot is old-fashioned, the literary drama is terrible, and there is nothing new. But it can still be delivered as an action movie. Donnie Yen's fighting scenes are quite cool, and when he sees the highway fighting, he thinks of a man's martial arts. The extreme sports scenes are also wonderful.
Director: D.J. Caruso
Language: English,Spanish,Portuguese,Mandarin,Tagalog,Russian Release date: January 20, 2017