Wuthering Heights Quotes

  • Older Cathy: You and Edgar broke my heart. You've killed me... Will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you forget me?

    Older Heathcliff: Don't torture me! I've not killed you. I could no more forget you than myself. When you're at peace, I shall be in hell.

    Older Cathy: I will never be at peace.

  • Older Heathcliff: Don't leave me here where I can't find you.

  • [last lines]

    Young Cathy: I am Heathcliff.

  • Isabella Linton: You must have some stories to tell.

    Older Heathcliff: Stories?

    Isabella Linton: Well, you've been gone a while. You changed. We were all wondering.

    Older Heathcliff: There is nothing I want to remember.