Wrinkles Quotes

  • Miguel: If you ask me, relatives are a bit like eggnog. Never around til Christmas and then suddenly it's everywhere.

  • Emilio: Don't touch me! Let me be! I'm sick of all that nonsense! I'm not dead, you know? I'm not dead *yet*. Maybe in a year I won't even know who I am, but today, right now, I'm alive, and this is a swimming pool, and I want to swim, and I swim, and that's it! End of it! And if you don't like it, then... then... then fuck you!

  • Child Dolores: Well, OK, if you want, we'll start dating, but only if you first bring me a cloud!

  • Child Modesto: So, Loli, you wanted a cloud and I brought it to you, then we're dating now, right?

    Child Dolores: [pause] You cheater.

  • Antonia: When you see a gas station, we stop and I get some water to take the pills.

    Miguel: What are you saying, Antonia? We said no medicines! We are not going to be slaves of old age.

    Antonia: Yes, but I brought only the constipation pills and the circulation ones. I have not brought the stomach ones, or the sugar ones, or the arthritis ones...


Director: Ignacio Ferreras

Language: Spanish,Galician Release date: January 27, 2012