Wish Dragon Quotes

  • Long: Din!

    [looks around in confusion]

    Long: Whats happening?

    Pipa God: Welcome Longzhu.

    Long: What's going on? Where am I?

    Pipa God: Congratulations! Your service as a Wish Dragon is complete.

    Long: Complete? But I haven't finished, I haven't finished my tenth master!

    Pipa God: You have put the needs of another before yourself, and shown us that you understand the meaning of life. You are now free to enter the spirit world

    [Spirite world doors open and trumpets sound and confetti sticks to Long]

    Long: Is that... a parade?


    Pipa God: In your honor.

    Long: No no no! I can't! I have to go back!

    Pipa God: Back?

    Long: Turn me back into a Wish Dragon, I have one more wish to grant!

    Pipa God: Th-that's ridiculous, the laws of heaven forbid it.

    Long: You're ridiculous! You're an old man in a skirt!

    Pipa God: This isn't a skirt!

    Long: Send me back!

    Pipa God: [Pipa God plays his instrument and the doors to the spirit world close and the parade disappears behind them] You dare reject the will of the Gods?

    Long: Fine, if you won't send me back, I'll do it myself!

    [Starts digging into the clouds]

    Pipa God: Stop that!

    Long: [Continues to dig into the clouds] Stupid clouds! Ah!

    Pipa God: Stop! Stop that this instant!

    Long: Ah! My friend needs me!

    Pipa God: Fine! We will permit you to return, but only under one condition.