Windtalkers Quotes

  • Joe Enders: What a magical heap of Navajo horseshit!

  • Sargeant Ryan 'Ox' Anderson: How! Just kidding.

  • Joe Enders: Yeah... I'm a good fucking marine, that's why they gave me this detail.

  • [after Joe takes Yazi's food]

    Charlie Whitehorse: How's your white man?

    Ben Yahzee: Hungry.

  • Ben Yahzee: I'm Ben Yahzee, I guess the corps paired us up, may I join you?

    Joe Enders: You're blocking my view.

    Ben Yahzee: Sorry.

    [about the food]

    Ben Yahzee: What do they call this crap anyway?

    Joe Enders: Marines call it chow.

    Ben Yahzee: Well there is a propaganda effort there.

    Ben Yahzee: [he accidentally knocks over his cup of coffee] Shit, sorry, you could have mine.

    [he then accidentally spills the coffe all over his food]

    Joe Enders: What did you say your name was again?

    Ben Yahzee: Ben Yahzee.

    [Enders gives him his food which has been ruined and takes his food]

    Charlie Whitehorse: [in Navajo] How is your white man?

    Ben Yahzee: Hungry.

  • Ben Yahzee: Hey do you guys know where we would find second joint assualt singnal?

    Marine: No fuckin' idea mac.

    Ben Yahzee: Thanks, thanks a bunch.

  • Charlie Whitehorse: [in Navajo] I've never seen so many white men.

    Ben Yahzee: Oh, they've never seen so many Navajos before.

    Ben Yahzee: Enders, I can't find Whitehorse anywhere. Have you seen him?

    Joe Enders: He's over there.

    Ben Yahzee: [he sees his friend dead, blown up by a grenade with other Japanese soldiers] This was suppose to be a secured area, what happened?

    Joe Enders: I killed him.

    Ben Yahzee: You what?

    Joe Enders: I took a grenade, threw it in there and blew him up.

  • Sargeant Ryan 'Ox' Anderson: Do your johns have any thing to do with these Navajo radiomen?

    Joe Enders: I'm not at liberty to say.

    Sargeant Ryan 'Ox' Anderson: [notices a new stripe on his uniform] See you got a new stripe on, me too. So I'm guessin the same orders i aint liberated to tell you is the same orders you aint liberated to tell me.

    Joe Enders: This is no democracy Sergant, this is the Marines. They look pretty normal I guess, expectin them to wear war paint.

    Sargeant Ryan 'Ox' Anderson: Well we might want to go and introduce ourselves they look a little lost.

    Joe Enders: Anderson, I wouldn't get too friendly.

    Sargeant Ryan 'Ox' Anderson: [to the Navajos] How, just kiddin I'm Ox.

    Charlie Whitehorse: I'm Whitehorse, this is Yahzee, Ben.

  • Ben Yahzee: He wondered about cowboys watching Indians' backs. Something about it didn't seem right.

  • Joe Enders: I ain't that drunk Yahzee, you cut that horseshit out.

  • Ben Yahzee: His name was Joe Enders, from south Philadelphia. He was a fierce warrior, a good marine. If you ever tell a story about him George... Say he was my friend.

  • Ben Yahzee: Sergeant, I'm telling you I won't freeze up again.

    Joe Enders: Because your buddy smeared ash on your forehead?

    Ben Yahzee: That's right, because my buddy smeared ash on my forehead.

  • Private Chick: I dont wanna die in this shit hole, Joe.

    Joe Enders: You're not gonna die... nobody else is gonna die. We're gonna make it out of this.

  • Joe Enders: [to Gunnery Sergeant Hjelmstad] I can't do my job!

  • Joe Enders: You think too much.

    Private Chick: First time I've ever been accused of that.

  • Private Chick: I don't want to die in this shithole, Joe!

    Joe Enders: No one is gonna die!

  • Charlie Whitehorse: [explaining to Ben why he enlisted] Didn't want your white brothers thinking you were the best we had.

  • Ben Yahzee: This was supposed to be a secure area. What happened?

    Joe Enders: I killed him.

  • Private Ben Yahzee: Radio Man:

    [to Private Ben Yahzee]

    Private Ben Yahzee: Remember Marine, ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die. Semper Fi. Over

  • Major Mellitz: [Showing a series of photographs] Take a look. It's a Navajo... or was. Tortured to death by Japanese intelligence trying to bust our code. Fortunately, couldn't help them even if he wanted to.

    Joe Enders: Sir?

    Major Mellitz: Man's a Navajo, not a Code Talker. Code's based on their language, but it is still a code. Tojo'd like nothing more than to catch a live one.

  • Major Mellitz: What I'm about to tell you, Corporal, cannot leave this room. Under no circumstances can you allow your Code Talker to fall into enemy hands. Your mission is to protect the code. At all costs.

  • Joe Enders: Stay on my ass!

Extended Reading
  • Salma 2022-01-01 08:02:08

    A movie with war scenes as its biggest selling point is bound to fall into a vicious circle of paying too much attention to the details of the war and ignoring the lack of the overall story of the movie. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the 153-minute director’s cut version.

  • Lurline 2022-04-22 07:01:35

    If you change to China, you can speak Wenzhou dialect. . .