Wind River Quotes

  • Jane Banner: Shouldn't we wait for back up?

    Ben: This isn't the land of waiting for back up. This is the land of you're on your own.

  • Martin: Why is it that whenever you people try to help us, you always insult us first, huh?

  • Cory Lambert: Luck don't live out here.

  • Cory Lambert: I'd like to tell you it gets easier. it doesn't. If there's any... comfort, it's... getting used to the pain, I suppose. Went to a grief seminar in Casper. Did you know that? I don't know why. Just wanted the bad to go away. Wanted answers... to questions that couldn't be answered. The counselor come up to me after the seminar and sat down next to me. And he said something that stuck with me. I don't know if it's what he said, or how he said it. He says, "I got some good news, and I got some bad news. Bad news is you're never gonna be the same. You're never gonna be whole, not ever again. You lost your daughter. Nothing's ever going to replace that. Now the good news is, as soon as you accept that, and you let yourself suffer... you allow yourself to visit her in your mind, and you'll remember all the love she gave you, all the joy she knew." Point is, Martin, you can't steer from the pain. If you do, you'll rob yourself... You'll rob yourself of every memory of her. Every last one. From her first step to her last smile. Kill 'em all. Just take the pain, Martin. You hear me? You take it. It's the only way you'll keep her with you.

  • Chip: [on his sister] You said "was." What do you mean by "was?" What do you mean by "was!" What do you mean by "was!"

  • Martin: Heard about what happened. Heard there's one still missing.

    Cory Lambert: No. No one's missing.

    Martin: How did he go out?

    Cory Lambert: With a whimper.

  • Casey: [on his sister's friend] Did she die like Emily?

    Cory Lambert: She died from the cold.

    Casey: So just like Emily then.

  • Chip: Man, I get so mad. I wanna fight the whole world. You got any idea what that feels like?

    Cory Lambert: I do. But I decided to fight the feeling instead, 'cause I figured the world would win.

  • Cory Lambert: Wolves don't kill unlucky deer. They kill the weak ones. You fought for your life, Jane. And now you get to walk away with it.

  • Cory Lambert: You don't catch wolves looking where they might be, you look where they've been.

  • Jane Banner: She ran six miles in the snow.

    Cory Lambert: Yes, she did.

  • Alice Crowheart: Thermals can make underwear wedge up your bottom.

    [sees Jane is wearing a thong]

    Alice Crowheart: I guess yours are already there.

  • Martin: I was ready to quit... then the phone rang... which is never good... but today it was.

  • Martin: You're driving this Fed around so she don't get lost, is that it?

    Cory Lambert: It's what they asked me to do, not what I'm doin'.

    Martin: Then what are you doing?

    Cory Lambert: I'm a hunter, Martin. What do you think I'm doin'?

    Martin: If you find out who did this... I don't care who it is. You understand me?

    Cory Lambert: [nods] Right where they stand.

    Martin: Then get off my porch and go do it.

  • [first lines]

    Natalie: [narrating] There is a meadow in my perfect world. Where wind dances the branches of the tree, casting leopards spots of light across the face of pond. The tree stands tall, and grand, and alone, shading the world beneath it.

    Natalie: [girl running frantically] It's here, in the cradle of all I hold dear.

    [she falls]

    Natalie: I guard every memory of you. And when I find myself frozen in the mud of the real... far from your loving eyes, I will return to this place, close mine, and take solace in the simple perfection of knowing you.

  • Jane Banner: How far do you think someone can run barefoot out here?

    Cory Lambert: Oh, I don't know. How to gauge someone's will to live? Especially in these conditions. But I knew that girl. She was a fighter. So no matter how far you think she ran... I can guarantee you she ran farther.

  • Evan: What the fuck are you doing? Why you flanking me?

  • Jane Banner: Oh my god.

  • Casey: Sorry, dad.

    Cory Lambert: Hey, what's the rule, bud, okay? A gun's always loaded, even if it ain't. Right?

    Casey: Yes.

  • Wilma: You okay?

    Cory Lambert: Been better.

    Wilma: It brings it all back, doesn't it?

  • Chip: I didn't do shit.

    Cory Lambert: All you've been doin' is shit for the last few years, Chip.

    Chip: It's this place, man, what it takes from us. What it took from you.

    Cory Lambert: I'm not gonna stand here and tell you that life's fair, 'cause it ain't. To either of us. But, you know, what do we do? This land, this land is all we got left.

    Chip: What's this *we* shit? The only thing native about you is your ex-wife and the daughter you couldn't protect. Maybe if you'd played detective...

    Cory Lambert: [Cory grabs Chip and violently slams him against the wall] That's not something it's good to talk about. You hear me?

  • Cory Lambert: You know, we tried to be very careful with Emily. Tried to plan for everything. She was such a good girl. But we let our guard down. And why would I tell you? You may have kids one day. You cannot blink. Not once, not ever.

  • Jane Banner: What do you think?

    Cory Lambert: I only know what the tracks say.

  • Cory Lambert: You gonna lecture me about protecting people when you do the shit that's killing 'em? Unlike most people you had every chance to get the hell out of here if that's what you wanted. You had the army, you had college, whatever, that was your choice. Look what you chose!

    [points towards the drug house]

    Cory Lambert: Look what you chose. God damn you.

  • Cory Lambert: You could have called for that information, you know.

    Jane Banner: I wanted to know why you were helping me. Now I do.

  • Jane Banner: Give me your radio, My best chance out of here is helicopter. You don't have one of those, do you?

    Cory Lambert: Nope.

    Jane Banner: Give me your radio. Go get them.

    Cory Lambert: I won't bring 'em back. You have to know that.

    Jane Banner: I do.

  • Cory Lambert: The storm will be back.

    Jane Banner: That's something to look forward to.

  • Wilma: So you, and Ben, and this little F.B.I. girl formed your own posse to go solve it all, I hear.

    Cory Lambert: Just tryin' to help.

    Wilma: You won't get any of the answers you're looking for, no matter what you find.

    Cory Lambert: This isn't about Emily.

    Wilma: [fighting back tears] Goodnight, Cory.

  • Ben: I appreciate your passion, it's not the Feds usual response. But Randy is on our side.

    Jane Banner: When my supervisor sees his report, he's gonna want me back in Vegas. Not that I'm much help or anything, but I'm all you've got.

  • Martin: [closing lines] Got time to sit with me?

    Cory Lambert: I ain't goin' nowhere.

  • Evan: [to Dillon before he is gunned down by him] Fuck you, let's go!

  • Cory Lambert: Suffering's hard on young men. They don't got our practice.

Wind River

Director: Taylor Sheridan

Language: English Release date: August 18, 2017