Guy: [gives Girl a dirty look after she just gets off the phone]
Girl: What?
Guy: If I have to drive, you have to talk to me.
Girl: What, I'm the in flight entertainment?
Guy: That's how this ride sharing thing works, okay? Division of labor. We split everything 50/50
Girl: Oh, well, I got news for you, I don't get much more entertaining then when I'm on the phone.
Girl: The next gas station you see, do me a favor and pull over, I gotta pee.
Guy: Yeah, okay, I'll keep my eyes peeled.
[Girl gives him a look]
Guy: What?
Girl: It's that phrase, keeping your eyes peeled. It's just kinda creepy.
Guy: Yeah, it is, sorta.
Girl: Yeah?
Guy: Yeah. Speaking of uh, peeling eyeballs. Did you know that's how they do the corrective eye surgery?
Girl: Yeah, they use a laser.
Guy: Yeah, they do, but there's also peeling involved.
[Girl looks at him]
Guy: I saw it on Discovery Health. You know if more people knew about the whole peeling part, they might think twice before going under the knife.
Girl: It's a laser. They use a laser.
Girl: I'm having corrective eye surgery over the break.
Guy: Why?
Girl: Because I hate wearing my glasses, okay?
Guy: But they look so good on you.
Girl: How would you know? I never wear them outside my dorm.
Guy: Hey, here's your gas station.
Girl: [after having been locked in the gas station bathroom and unable to get out or be heard by anyone] Hey, didn't you just hear me banging in there?
Guy: [bewildered laugh] When?
Girl: Oh, that's funny to you? Me locked in, you think that's funny?
Guy: What are you talking about? Locked in where?
Girl: You're telling me you didn't just hear me banging on the door? I could hear you.
Guy: Listen, I don't know what you're talking about.
Girl: [pauses] Forget it, it doesn't matter, let's just get back on the road.
Clerk: Remember the highway's your best bet.
Guy: Don't worry about it man, I got it all covered.
Girl: Are we lost or something?
Guy: No, I've done this drive a million times.
Guy: So, did your parents do the whole traditional family Christmas?
Girl: Yeah.
Girl: You?
Guy: No, my grandparents are Dutch. So I was raised on salted licorice and Sinterklaus.
Girl: How is that different from regular Santa Claus?
Guy: Well, instead of the North Pole, he lives in Spain and instead of elves, he's got this enforcer named Black Pete. So he's basically like your Santa Claus, only scarier.
[drops voice on "scarier"]
Girl: That's charming.
Guy: Okay, so let me get this straight, you think I intentionally arranged for us to get stranded out here?
Girl: I don't know!
Guy: It was an accident, goddammit! You saw the other guy! You think he was in on it too?
Girl: Maybe!
Guy: You're crazy!
Girl: I'm crazy?
Guy: Yes!
Girl: You know what, while you were supposedly unconscious, I got through to a friend's voice mail and I'm sure she's called the cops.
Guy: Would you listen to yourself? What kind of a psycho do you think I am?
Girl: Exactly!
Guy: [after they get stranded] I think I remember losing a candy bar down the seat cushions the other day. God, I'm starving.
[gets pulled down]
Guy: Ahhhh!
Girl: What? What is it?
Guy: Ahhhh!
Girl: What?
Guy: [gets up grinning] It's a candy bar.
Girl: You're an asshole.
Highway Patrolman: You're not going anywhere!
Guy: I was going to tell you everything eventually.
Wind Chill Quotes
Nicklaus 2022-03-25 09:01:23
In fact, it's a romantic movie in a horror coat. There are a few scenes that are still very touching, but generally not scary.
Micheal 2022-03-26 09:01:15
I have watched it for a long time, and the specific plot is vague, but the general scene is very impressive, and the perception is that of Shinto Tao without a definite answer, and the horror atmosphere of unknown and survival is remarkable