Arthur Gates: We're worried about her sanity, Dr. Price.
Sarah Winchester: Do you believe in ghosts, doctor?
Dr. Eric Price: I do not believe in anything I cannot see or study.
Dr. Eric Price: You're poisoning your mind Eric.
[repeated line]
Ben Block: Winchesters... They All Should... DIE!
Dr. Eric Price: Sarah, I can see them. I can see all of them.
Marion Marriott: [to the ghost] I'm a mother. A fighter. A protector. And I am not afraid.
[last lines]
Dr. Eric Price: You know, in spite of everything, you really do have a beautiful home. What are you going to do next?
Sarah Winchester: Rebuild, of course.
Dr. Eric Price: Of course.
Dr. Eric Price: Pointless in the end, our fear, isn't it? .
Dr. Eric Price: What do you think controls you? Your body or your mind?
Nancy: Your money controls me, if your good.
Dr. Eric Price: Is this real?
Nancy: Yes!
Dr. Eric Price: Yes?
Nancy: Yes!
Dr. Eric Price: The mind is incredibly creative. It can make you see situations that appear completely real; but, are in fact nothing more than illusions. Perceptions of truth.
Dr. Eric Price: Sometimes we all need a little help to see the difference between reality and illusion. And that's about taking control, about not letting fear control you. Because, fear, in the end, only exists in your mind.
Marion Marriott: The house can be overwhelming. Do keep up.
Marion Marriott: Aunt Sarah would not approve of your drinking before dinner hour. Her sense of smell is still as acute as mine. Respect her wishes.
Dr. Eric Price: You were right about me, Ruby. I am - a fraud.
[looks in the mirror]
Dr. Eric Price: You're a phony.
Dr. Eric Price: I understand the Winchester is still considered the superior rifle on the market, ma'am.
Sarah Winchester: Superior? Superior at what?
Dr. Eric Price: Accuracy. Range. Stopping power.
Sarah Winchester: Killing. Indiscriminate killing. Very superior.
Dr. Eric Price: You - feel responsible for the misuse of your product?
Sarah Winchester: If a weapon works as intended, one can hardly call it a misuse.
Sarah Winchester: It appears that strapping wheels to ones feet can also be a perilous endeavor.
Sarah Winchester: Are you an abuser of medication?
Sarah Winchester: Profiting from such a thing as violence and death, that is a wickedness that follows you like a shadow.
Dr. Eric Price: Can you tell me why these bells chime at midnight?
Augustine: It's midnight, sir.
Dr. Eric Price: Well, yes. But, is there any significance to it?
Augustine: It's midnight, sir.
Sarah Winchester: I keep records - of all the lives the Winchester has taken. Hundreds have been reported, probably thousands have. The guilty. The innocent. The rifle doesn't discriminate. And many of the souls make there way to this house.
Sarah Winchester: We hold onto mementos to help us heal; but, sometimes they do more harm than good.
Dr. Eric Price: So, why all the noise? Why all this construction?
Sarah Winchester: They want me to build, doctor. The spirits - killed by the rifle. They guide me.
Sarah Winchester: The shadows that follow me, they have unfinished business.
Dr. Eric Price: Have you ever seen any - any ghosts?
Augustine: No, sir.
Dr. Eric Price: But, you have heard the rumors, the stories?
Augustine: I have heard tall tales. Some, taller than others.
Sarah Winchester: The unmendable souls prey upon the innocent and the pure.
Marion Marriott: Have you ever loved someone so much you would die to save them?
Dr. Eric Price: I have. I also knew someone who was haunted by demons, voices.
Marion Marriott: And did the time ever come when you had to protect them?
Dr. Eric Price: I did.
Marion Marriott: What did you do?
Dr. Eric Price: I died.
Sarah Winchester: Seal that door. 13 nails. Now. Now!
Sarah Winchester: Cruelty, grief and loss can make people do unimaginable things.
Sarah Winchester: Do you know who the most terrifying monster is, doctor.
Dr. Eric Price: No.
Sarah Winchester: The one you invite - into your own home.
Ruby Price: You can go on. You need to let go of your guilt. So that I can let go of mine. See the truth.
Sarah Winchester: Now, he's locked in.
Dr. Eric Price: And so are we.
Dr. Eric Price: What should have killed him, saved him.
Ben Block: [singing] Beautiful dreamer, Wake unto me, Starlight and dewdrops, Awaiting for thee.
Winchester Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig
Language: English Release date: February 2, 2018