Win It All Quotes

  • Gene: The fact that you're even thinking about this plan means that that bag is gonna be devoid of money in less than three weeks.

    Eddie: Not true.

    Gene: Absolutely.

    Eddie: There is a happy ending on this one. Absolutely.

    Gene: There can't be a happy ending. Because there has never been a happy ending for you.

    Eddie: That's a loser's attitude.

    Gene: Every story you ever told me, from the day I've met you has been about how you were here and then you ended up here.

    Eddie: That's because you're my sponsor. What, am I just gonna tell you my glory stories? Most of 'em are winning stories.

    Gene: Who's your sponsor?

    Eddie: You.

    Gene: Me? No, I'm not.

    Eddie: Yeah, you are.

    Gene: No, no, no. I'm not. Because you haven't been to a meeting in six months and there's a system in place and that program is supposed to work in a particular way. Let me tell you who I am. I'm a guy who you invite to diners and then you spout your bullshit about what you're gonna do and then you hope that I accept it, so you don't feel guilty about your behavior.

    Eddie: My sponsor.

Win It All

Director: Joe Swanberg

Language: English Release date: April 7, 2017