Wild Child Quotes

  • Poppy: I didn't start it, it wasn't my fault, and if this were America, I would sue.

  • Kate: Get up. Wait for Mrs. Kingsley and the prefects.

    Poppy: Screw them!

    [Kiki and Kate raise Poppy from her seat and make her stand up]

    Poppy: That is physical abuse! I'm calling my lawyer!

    Kate: With what?

  • Poppy: Welcome to Malibu, biatch!

  • Poppy: What is this place? Hogwarts?

  • [Poppy and Harriet are fighting as Freddie comes by]

    Freddie: Shouldn't you guys be in bikinis for that?

  • Poppy: When the headgirl has earned my respect, then I will shake her hand, biatch!

    Harriet: I'm sorry?

    Poppy: Apology accepted.

  • Mrs. Kingsley: [Poppy knocks on the door] Who's there?

    Poppy: [Poppy bursts into the room, annoyed] Jesus Christ!

    Mrs. Kingsley: Oh, we were always led to believe you had a beard and sandals. Now we'll have to change the stained glass window in our chapel.

  • Poppy: [Freddie refuses a stormily kiss] Okay, cards on the table! Are you gay?

    Freddie: [chuckles] No, just English.

  • Harriet: [Poppy has just walked into head girl, Harriet] There is a hierarchy in this school, teacher, prefects, scholars, dogs, vermin, Americans; Kate, see to it she falls in line!

  • [Poppy wakes up]

    Poppy: Shit!

  • [Repeated line]

    Harriet: Me thinks.

    CharlotteJane: [Both, together] We think so, too.

  • Kate: [after looking at all of the bottles of water in Poppy's trunk] Erm... Why?

    Poppy: What? I might get thirsty!

    Kate: You know, in England, we have this amazing thing - it's called a tap.

  • Kate: Sorry Mrs Kingsley, we just got a little bit carried away.

    Mrs. Kingsley: Well as I understand, Drippy was totally carried away by Mr Nellis and Miss Rees-Withers - after laying in a pool of her own vomit!

    Drippy: Actually, it was Kate's vomit, Mrs Kingsley - I was just lying in it.

  • Poppy: It's nice to see you when I'm not half-naked or delirious!

    Freddie: I wouldn't speak too soon... is it wrong of me to say that?

  • Harriet: [just had her help pour coffee water onto Poppy] Oh, sorry, just can't trust the help these days! Do you have a pass to be out now?

    Poppy: Yeah, yeah I do, it's right here!

    [flips Harriet off]

  • Mr. Christopher: Oh my god, it's Tom Cruise!

    Drippy: Can you say that any louder, I need your help!

  • Poppy: I can't eat this.

    Drippy: Is it anorexia or bulimia? If it's bulimia, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't eat someone's birthday cake on their birthday. It's such a waste.

  • Mrs. Kingsley: [shouting] Harriet, be quiet!

  • Freddie: So you backed out of our deal...

    Poppy: What deal?

    Freddie: That you won't fry my head.

    Poppy: Yeah.


    Poppy: but you poached my heart.

  • Poppy: [talking about all the stuff she has done - including taking revenge] ... Look at me going on and on. You can tell me to shut up anytime.

    Freddie: Wow... Remind me never to get on your bad side, but thing is, I am pretty sure you don't have one.

  • Freddie: There's something about you, Poppy Moore. Every moment I'm with you, I catch my breath.

  • Matron: [the Matron opens up the door to the girls' room] Welcome back, girls.

    Poppy: [realising help is there to wash her clothes] Oh, good, staff! How quickly can you get all this stuff cleaned?

    Matron: [realising who she is] Is she...?

    Josie: [nodding] Mm-hm. American.

    Matron: [realising about the Americans once at the school] Oh, yes. We had one of those in 1997.

    [looking at Poppy]

    Matron: Not good.

    [Poppy whines about her clothes]

    Matron: [to the girls] Accustom her to my rules

    [noticing Poppy in her casual clothes]

    Matron: and she should be in the correct uniform for a start!

    [collecting the mobile phones]

    Matron: Mobile phones, please, girls!

    [Kiki, Drippy, Kate and Josie put in their phones, unaware they are decoys and don't work]

    Matron: Thank you Kiki, thank you Josie. Thank you Kate!

    Poppy: [the Matron proceeds in confiscating the phones and takes both of Poppy's phones] Whoa! Hands off, mama! I said, "Hands OFF!"

    [speaking Spanish]

    Poppy: Hablas Espanol?

    [Poppy attempts to speak Italian]

    Poppy: Posito Italiano?

    Matron: [offended] I am Scottish, not remedial!

    Poppy: [glad the Matron understood her] Good, then you understand!

    [Poppy dumps her wet clothes into the phone confiscation tray]

    Poppy: Line dry, press, no starch, and no creases!

    Matron: [really shocked and appalled at Poppy's behaviour] How dare you! No mufti for a week!

    [walking away]

    Poppy: [doesn't know what she meant] Fine! Mufti may be your thing, lady, but it sure ain't mine!

    Kiki: [correcting Poppy] She means no home clothes for a week!

    Poppy: [scoffing] Like I give a shit!

    [Matron gasps]

    Poppy: I'll be gone by then!

    Matron: [shocked by Poppy's language] LANGUAGE!

    [turning to the girls]

    Matron: Two Sundays detention. For the whole dorm!

    [the girls groan]

    Poppy: [to the girls] Look, I'll deal with this.

    [to Matron]

    Poppy: Look, hey! Hey!

    [Matron grunts "Huh"?]

    Poppy: [Poppy shows the Matron a green money note] Here's a Ben Franklin. Why don't you go out and buy yourself...

    [looking at the Matron's clothes]

    Poppy: well, anything!

    [drops the money into the phone tray]

    Poppy: Whatever you get will be a *serious* improvement!

    Matron: [to the girls] *Three* Sundays!

    [turning to them]

    Matron: For everyone!

    [the girls groan loudly, as the Matron leaves, and turn to Poppy angry]

    Josie: Thanks a lot for that! You utter moron!

    Drippy: What are you, mental?

    Poppy: What? She was a grade-1 a-hole with a *severe* attitudinal problem!

    Kate: [had enough with Poppy's nonsense] The bell's going in a minute. Just put your uniform on!

    [Poppy scoffs. The bell suddenly rings]

    KateDrippyKikiJosie: [in unison, yelling at Poppy] NOW!

  • Matron: [to the girls, coming in with Poppy's uniform] Bedtime, girls.

    Josie: [to the Matron] Night!

    Matron: [to Poppy, holding her proper uniform] The *correct* school uniform!

    [dumps the uniform near her bed]

    Matron: Wear it!

    [snaps her fingers]

    Matron: Bed!

    [Poppy pokes her tongue at the Matron as she walks away, and she starts yelling]

    Matron: POPPY MOORE, BED! NOW!

  • Poppy: [after Harriet and Poppy fight and seeing Freddie drive off, taunting Harriet about her crush on Freddie] Ooh! Do you love Fredster? Do you wanna kiss Fredster on the lips?

    Harriet: [scoffs] Don't be so immature!

    Poppy: Don't try to hide it, honey!

    [noticing Harriet's sweaty lip]

    Poppy: We've got ourselves a SULA! Sweaty... Upper-Lip Alert!

    [the girls giggle as Harriet whimpers and runs away]

  • Matron: [as Poppy is on the roof, trying to find the exit, the Matron is trying to get the girls out of the school] Come on, girls! Hurry up! What if there was a *real* fire? We'd all be burned to a crisp!

  • Harriet: You're not. You awful bitch. You've turned this school upside down. You've ruined everything. You started it. I only finished what you started.

    Mrs. Kingsley: Harriet? My office, now.

  • Molly: England is so far away...

    Poppy: Well, at least they speak American there.

Extended Reading
  • Daphney 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    Poppy's shoes make a lot of people coveted

  • Raina 2022-04-21 09:02:46

    It's just that she can't be seen, her face can't be opened, and people can't open it