While We're Young Quotes

  • Cornelia: My dad likes saying, "The more, the more."

    Josh: That's because your dad has everything and then he gets more.

  • Cornelia: Josh, you know the world isn't a giant conspiracy against you.

  • Dr. Nagato: You have arthritis in your knee.

    Josh: Arthritis arthritis?

    Dr. Nagato: Yes. I usually just say it once.

  • [Last lines]

    Josh: He's not evil. He's just young.

  • Cornelia: They made a house out of twigs. And the wolf came.

    Josh: He blows it down.

    Cornelia: Yeah, but what happens in the middle?

    Josh: I keep wanting to do 'This little piggy went to the market, but that's with the toes'.

  • Jamie: I really loved your film. That scene with the dogs around the garbage. How did you stage that?

    Josh: I said 'Hey, shoot those dogs'.

  • Cornelia: It's like their apartment is full of everything we once threw out, but it looks so good the way they have it.

  • Josh: I've learned along the way you can discover more by allowing yourself to be surprised by what you encounter.

  • Fletcher: You're an old man with a hat.

  • Josh: For the first time in my life I've stopped thinking of myself as a child imitating an adult.

    Cornelia: You feel that way too?

  • Leslie Breitbart: Josh, your sleeve is on fire!

    [Jamie puts it out]

    Leslie Breitbart: Are you okay, son?

  • Josh: Let's have kids.

    Cornelia: I don't want this to be 'Every time you take a hallucinogen you want to have a baby'.

    Josh: Not every time.

  • Cornelia: We've got this Ayahuasca ceremony this weekend with Jamie and Darby.

    Marina: What's an Ayahuasca ceremony?

    Cornelia: You drink this sludgy liquid and you hallucinate and vomit up your demons.

    Marina: Okay. Well, we're just having a cookout and maybe playing charades.

  • Cornelia: I wish you'd look at me the way you look at Jamie and Darby. When we first met, you wooed me with romantic e-mails.

    Josh: It wouldn't make sense for me to send you e-mails now that we're in the same room all the time.

  • Josh: I like our life as it is.

    Cornelia: Yeah. I mean if we wanted to take off to Paris tomorrow we could.

    Josh: If we're gonna do it, we should plan it with at least a month in advance.

    Cornelia: A month is still in the realm of spontaneity.

  • Josh: It's like... he once saw a sincere person and he's been imitating him ever since.

  • Fletcher: Before you have a kid, everyone tells you, "It's the best thing you'll ever do." And as soon as you get the baby back from the hospital, those same people are like, "Don't worry, it gets better."

  • Leslie Breitbart: How's my daughter?

    Josh: How's she seem to you?

    Leslie Breitbart: Seems well.

    Josh: So why are you asking me?

  • Tim: Why is it that when one person picks up their phone, everybody else has to?

    Cornelia: I just have a quick thing...

    Tim: Each of us is so certain that we've got the most important thing to do right now.

    Cornelia: [still using her phone] I know, it's so rude.

  • Josh: You know, fuck you.

    Cornelia: Fuck you. Don't talk to me like that.

    Josh: I'm saying "fuck you" the way Jamie and Darby say it, where it's not a real "fuck you," it's a semi-playful "fuck you."

    Cornelia: We're not Jamie and Darby. We don't talk to each other that way. If you say "fuck you" to me, it feels like a real "fuck you."

    Josh: It is real.

    Cornelia: Fuck you. And not semi-playfully either.

    Josh: Fuck you. Total, real, cutting-to-the-core, fuck you.

  • [First lines]

    Title card: From Henrik Ibsen's "The Master Builder"

    Solness: The funny thing is that I've become so disturbed by younger people!

    Hilde: What? Younger people?

    Solness: Yes, they upset me so much that I've sort of closed my doors here and locked myself in. Because I'm afraid they're going to come here, and they're going to knock on the door, and then they're going to break in.

    Hilde: Well, I think maybe you should open the door and let them in.

    Solness: Open the door?

    Hilde: Yes - so that they can just gently and quietly come inside, and it can be something good for you...

    Solness: Open the door?

  • [a beach ball hits Josh's head]

    Josh: Aaaah, what the shit? Watch it!

    Ball thrower: I love you!

    Josh: Ah, all right.

  • Jamie: I mean, you're producing but he could bless it, essentially.

    Cornelia: Bless it? Like a sneeze?

    Jamie: No. I was thinking more like the pope.

  • Darby: You know, me and Jamie, always wondered how are we gonna get old? And the answer is... just like everyone else.

  • Josh: It's weird, you know, I'm at that age where the things you think are only going to happen when you get older are actually happening.

    Jamie: If I'm going to be totally honest with myself, I don't think I'm ever going to die. I know that's crazy.

    Josh: It's crazy.

    Jamie: I think I'm pathologically happy.

  • Leslie Breitbart: You know, looking back on my career, I wonder, how did I accomplish so much? If I'm honest with myself, it sometimes took being a selfish prick at the expense of you and your mother. Of course, I don't say that. I say talent, work, luck. Your husband doesn't realize what it takes, he... He still believes the speeches.

  • Leslie Breitbart: Now, people have criticized me and some of my colleagues, saying that we were pretending to be objective when there is no objectivity. Okay, we were trying to capture truth, but the truth of experience.


    Leslie Breitbart: What we were trying to say as filmmakers is that what we were filming was more interesting than we were. We weren't trying to be objective.


    Leslie Breitbart: We were trying to be open and to learn from the people we were filming.


    Leslie Breitbart: We saw truth not through telling you what we thought, but through a different ethical approach to filmmaking that allowed the world to reveal itself to us.


    Leslie Breitbart: What else can I tell you? After all these years, I still don't have all the answers. And for the sake of documentary cinema, I intend to leave it that way.

  • Josh: I do know that documentaries are over.

    Jamie: Are you kidding? It's what everyone is doing.

    Josh: His documentaries are over. What you're doing is something else. If everyone is filming everything, what's a documentary anymore? It has no meaning, it's just some shit you recorded! Is that old man talk? Maybe it is. You kids have been told you can do anything. You think everything is out there for you to have. It's not.

    Jamie: Nobody owns anything. If I hear a song I like, or a story, it's mine. It's mine to use. It's everybody's.

    Josh: No, it isn't! That's not sharing, Jamie, that's stealing.

    Jamie: That's old man talk.

    Josh: I am an old man!

  • Josh: Leslie, are you kidding me? You don't care? You just gave a speech about authenticity!

    Leslie Breitbart: The movie works on so many levels, the happenstance of it, to be honest with you, is the least interesting part.

Extended Reading
  • Wilfrid 2022-05-24 15:40:47

    Thanks to Adam Driver for bringing the most stupid North American literary youth to life, it makes people suspect that he himself is such a stupid. What remains is the question that has been puzzled for many years, why Ben Stiller can become a Hollywood superstar, is it because of the terrapin. . .