What Happened to Monday Quotes

  • Terrence Settman: What happens to one of you, happens to all of you.

  • [first lines]

    Reporter: In the last 50 years we've doubled our population, tripled the amount of food and water we use, and we have quadrupled the use of fossil fuels. Every four days there's a million more people on the planet. How is the world going to cope with this explosion in population.

  • Young Doctor: [looking into the hospital nursery] Have you thought about names?

    Terrence Settman: Well, there's seven. So: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

  • The Settman Siblings: [as Thursday] If we get this promotion, it's all thanks to Friday. She makes us all look like a genius.

    The Settman Siblings: [as Friday] It's a team effort. You guys do the legwork, I just crunch numbers.

    The Settman Siblings: [as Sunday] "Seven minds are better than one."

    Terrence Settman: [cut to homeschooling scene years earlier] You must work collectively. You're stronger together than you are alone. In time we must select a career that capitalizes on your joint skills.

  • The Settman Siblings: [as Thursday] If you love her, if you really love her... you gotta help me.

    Adrian Knowles: You've got a plan?

    The Settman Siblings: I *am* the plan.

  • [last lines]

    The Settman Siblings: [as Thursday] Monday did it all for them. She wanted them to be safe.

    The Settman Siblings: [as Tuesday] Well, they will be.