Walkabout Quotes

  • The Girl: Water. Drink. We want water to drink. You must understand! Anyone can understand that. We want to drink. I can't make it any simpler. Water. To drink. The water hole has dried up. Where do they keep the water?

  • The Girl: Put your shirt on.

    White Boy: He hasn't got his shirt on!

    The Girl: He hasn't got a shirt.

    White Boy: He can have mine.

    The Girl: It wouldn't fit him.

  • The Girl: We're English! English, do you understand? This is Australia, yes? Where is Adelaide?

    White Boy: Ask him for water!

  • White Boy: I don't suppose it matters which way we go.

    The Girl: We'll stay here. Perhaps the water will come back.

    White Boy: Where from?

  • White Boy: Well, where are we now?

  • The Girl: I don't know why you are telling him all this. He can't understand. He doesn't know what a ladder is. I expect we're the first white people he's seen.

  • Title Card: In Australia, when an Aborigine man-child reaches sixteen, he is sent out into the land. For months he must live from it. Sleep on it. Even if it means killing his fellow creatures. The Aborigines call it the WALKABOUT. This is the story of a "WALKABOUT".

  • White Boy: Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! You're dead!

  • White Boy: The wheel's come off. Dad, my wheel's come off. The wheel's come off!

  • White Boy: What's up here?

    The Girl: We can see where we are from the top.

  • The Girl: Oh, come back! I can't walk down there. It isn't fair! Oh please make him come.

  • The Girl: I'm not turning back. We've got to get on. It's late! I'm going now. Please! Please try. It can't be much further. It's silly to give in now. It's getting late! We've got to go. We can't waste time!

  • The Girl: You must look after your blazer. It's got to last! We don't want people thinking we're a a couple of tramps!

    White Boy: What people?

  • White Boy: When are we going there?

    The Girl: Where?

    White Boy: Back home.

    The Girl: In a few days.

  • White Boy: That's the trouble with all these series. You always know the superhero is going to get away with it. That's the trouble with Batman and in The Saint. You always know he's going to win all the fights in the end. That's the trouble with all these series. Even Bugs Bunny wins all the time! If we were superheroes, we would definitely win.

    The Girl: Yes.

    White Boy: Are we superheroes?

    The Girl: I don't know. I hope so.

    White Boy: So do I.

  • White Boy: We're lost, aren't we.

    The Girl: No. Of course not.

  • White Boy: Which way are we going today?

  • The Girl: You shouldn't walk about in the sun.

  • The Girl: I told you to keep your clothes on.

  • White Boy: I think he might take us to the Moon.

  • White Boy: I think he's going to take us to Mars.

  • The Girl: Water.

    Black Boy: Water.

    The Girl: Yes, water.

  • White Boy: Why won't he speak? What's he dancing for?

    The Girl: I don't know.

    White Boy: Perhaps he's pleased.

  • The Girl: We're going on our own tomorrow.

    White Boy: Why?

    The Girl: That's best!

    White Boy: No!

    The Girl: Suppose he wanted to do something? Or, something happens? Suppose he - tried to - suppose he went off and left us?

    White Boy: No he won't! He likes being with us.

  • White Boy: He didn't say goodbye to us.

    The Girl: Yes, he did. That's what the dance was about. Its there way of saying goodbye to people they loved.

  • The Girl: I'd love to have a proper warm bath with clean towels and eat with real plates and knives and forks and have proper sheets and records and cleaning my teeth properly and wear all my own clothes.

  • The Girl: What's there?

    White Boy: Nothing!

  • Husband: What?

    The Girl: Nothing.

  • Narrator: [last lines - from "Poem XL" by A.E. Housman's "A Shropshire Lad"] Into my heart an air that kills, From yon far country blows: What are those blue remembered hills, What spires, what farms are those? That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where I went, And cannot come again.

  • Husband: I won't be here long...