Wyeth: That thing with the collar... how did you do that?
Bart: Like my sainted mum used to say, "Get 'em young, and the possibilities are endless."
Wyeth: I thought it was the Jesuits who said that.
Bart: Probably got it from my mum.
[first lines]
Bart: Get 'em!
[last lines]
Victoria: My selection tonight is dedicated to someone wonderful.
Danny: [whispering to Sam] That's you.
Sam: Oh no, no, no, it's not me she's talking about.
Victoria: Someone whose life was, quite literally, saved by music.
Sam: That's you, my boy.
[repeated line]
Bart: Attaboy!
Bart: You're a dog! You're my dog!
Infirmier: So you essentially turned a man into a dog.
Bart: Like my sainted mum used to say: Get 'em young enough and the possibilities are endless.
Infirmier: Let me see if I've got this straight. Now I don't pay you, you take his collar off.
Bart: Correctimundo.
Infirmier: You take his collar off, he beats us all to death.
Bart: Now who's the bright penny!
Infirmier: So it seems it's in my best interest to keep that collar on, then.
Wyeth: Gentlemen... To the death.
Bart: Look who's come home to his lovin' Uncle Bart!
Infirmier: So let me work this through one more time now; I don't pay you, and you take his collar off.
Bart: Correctomundo.
Infirmier: You take his collar off, he beats us all to death.
Infirmier: You basically turned a man into a dog.
Infirmier: So it's in my best interest to keep that collar on.
Bart: [putting the collar back on Danny in Sam's apartment] Welcome home, Danny.
Danny: [stops him at the last second] I AM home.
Danny: [With Heartfelt Sincerity] I don't want to hurt people anymore.
Bart: What's wrong with you?
Danny: I don't wanna hurt people anymore.
Bart: Excuse me. Danny, that's what you do. You hurt people.
Danny: Not anymore.
Bart: If you can't do what I've trained you to do, what fucking use are you? No fucking use is the answer. No fucking use at all.
Bart: It's all going on the bill Danny-boy. You hear me? It's going on the bill.
Lefty: [when meeting Danny outside the market] Boss sends me out to get some mangos and papayas and look what I find instead - a lemon.
Bart: [very angry] I don't believe it. He just stood there and watched them beat the crap out of me. Even a dog has got the brains to come to his masters defense. Bite them. Claw them. Piss on them. Anything for fucks sake!
Bart: Cause i'm so pleased to have you home, I'll answer one question. Go on, fire away.
Danny: Did you know my mum?
Bart: Your mum? Why would I know your mum? I found you in the street. Lying on the pavement. You was halfdead. You couldn't even talk. You was just lying there. No one wanting you. No one caring whether you lived or died. Except me.
Bart: You borrow money from me, you're expected to pay it back. You pay it back, the collar stays on. You don't pay it back, the collar comes off. A simple set of rules.
Bart: I'll make you a deal. If you go down there tonight and do your job. I promise you, tomorrow I will buy you the nicest piano in the whole bleedin' city. How's that?
Danny: I don't wanna hurt people anymore.
Bart: Then you're dead.
[pushes Danny into the fight pit]
Bart: What's wrong with you?
Danny: I don't wanna hurt people anymore.
Bart: Excuse me. Danny,that's what you do. You hurt people.
Danny: Not anymore.
Danny: My mother, she was a whore.
Maddy: [to Danny and Sam] I like my men to be shy... presents a challenge for a girl.
Victoria: [announcing to the audience] My selection tonight is dedicated to someone wonderful.
Danny: [looking at Sam] That's you!
Sam: [to Danny] No, no, no, it's not me she's talking about.
Victoria: [announcing to the audience] Someone who's life was quite literally saved by music.
Sam: [leaning over to Danny] That's you, my boy.
Danny: This one's ripe!
Sam: You okay?
Danny: She kissed me!
Sam: Yeah, she does that. How was it?
Danny: [pauses] Wet.
Sam: What else?
Danny: [smiles] Nice.
Sam: Wet. Nice. Sounds like what a kiss ought to feel like.
Sam: [teaching Danny about melons] It's also saying "I am ripe." You know what ripe means, don't you?
Danny: No.
Sam: Ripe means sweet, and sweet means good.
Danny: [smiles] The kiss was ripe!
Sam: In the market today, those men were fighting. You know that, right?
Danny: Yes.
Sam: And that didn't bother you?
Danny: No.
Sam: You weren't afraid?
Danny: No.
Sam: In those kinds of circumstances, people are usually afraid.
Danny: They weren't fighting me.
Bart: I tell you, I feel really good here. And I feel generous. Danny, what do you want?
Danny: A piano.
Bart: Excuse me?
Danny: I want a piano.
Bart: A piano? Oh yeah. How about a lobster dinner?
Danny: I want a piano.
Bart: How about a woman? You've never had a woman.
Danny: I want a piano.
Bart: Danny, you're starting to piss me off.
Danny: I want a piano.
Bart: [laughs] That's what I love about you, Danny. One thought at a time.
Sam: Shut the hell up!
Sam: That man can talk some serious shit.
The Stranger: Do you want me to step into the dance?
Bart: [each time he unleashes Danny] Get em.
Sam: Do you remember me telling you about where I grew up? In New York City?
Danny: Where Carnegie Hall is!
Sam: Yeah, well, that's where Victoria and I are from. That's our home.
Danny: This is your home.
Sam: No, no this is just a temporary home. We only came here so that Victoria could attend school. What I'm trying to say Danny, is after Victoria graduates, we're going to go back home. We're going to go back to New York. And, well I don't know how this would work out, but we would really like for you to come with us, because we've come to think of you as family, and well that's what families do - they stick together, at least this one does. So what do you say?
Victoria: Should I go get him?
Sam: No, let's let him get himself.
Victoria: Maybe he doesn't know how.
Sam: Well, then let's just give him the opportunity to learn.
Sam: There's nothing like self-discovery for turning a boy into a man.
Victoria: Why'd he leave?
Sam: Maybe he had some things to do.
Victoria: But I thought he was happy here.
Sam: Well, sweetie, sometimes being happy just isn't enough.
Sam: Sometimes people have to go back and fix the things that made them unhappy before they were happy
Victoria: But I could help him.
Sam: Sometimes people have to do things themselves.
Bart: [right before truck crash] I tell you this is gonna be one lovely day!
Sam: When you first came to us, you were hurt pretty bad.
Sam: How did that happen?
Danny: I asked for a piano.
Sam: You asked who for a piano?
Danny: My uncle.
Sam: Oh, you do have family?
Danny: No.
Sam: But you just said you had an uncle.
Danny: He's dead.
Sam: Oh...
[for Danny's "audition," he is put into the ring with the reigning champion; Danny kills him in less than five seconds, then walks out]
Bart: If you want us back, you do know where to find me.
Wyeth: Oh, we certainly want you back. Only, if you could make it a little more... entertaining, next time?
Bart: I'll see what I can do.
Sam: Victoria and I are not big on asking questions.
Sam: Figure when the person is ready, they'll give their answers. OK?
Bart: If you can't do what I've trained you to do, what fucking use are you? No fucking use is the answer. No fucking use at all. I feed you, I clothe you and all the time I put in. All the fucking effort, to make you the man that you are and what gratitude do I get? LOOK AT ME! I look as I've just been through the third fucking world war.
Unleashed Quotes
Extended Reading