Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Quotes

  • Lucian: I'll kill you. *All* of you!

  • Lucian: I've lived by their rules my entire life. I've protected them. envied them. and for what? To be treated like an animal. We are not animals! Is this want you want? We can be slaves, or we can be... LYCANS!

  • Viktor: [to Sonja] Without the loyalty between us... We are no better than the beasts at our door.

  • Xristo: With respect Lucian, I do not see the wisdom in waiting for her. She is not one of us.

    Lucian: She is the one who set us free.

    Xristo: But she is a vampire! If she has betrayed you, she could lead them to us!

    Lucian: [Grabs Xristo by the throat] Death Dealers will undoubtedly be on the hunt. And they will eventually find us. But not by her doing. I trust Sonja with my life, and as long as I'm in command so will you.

    [Releases his hold on Xristo and walks off]

    Sabas: [Offscreen to Xristo] I told you not to say anything.

  • Tannis: There are twelve seats on the Council.

    Sonja: And we don't die often.

  • Lucian: Were you not afraid of them?

    Raze: Yes, but I wanted to live.

    Lucian: Are you afraid of me?

    Raze: Yes.

    Lucian: Well do not be. I will not bite... much.

  • Viktor: [Noticing Raze fighting being bitten by a Lycan] Do you not realize that what I am giving you is a gift?

    Raze: It's a curse!

  • Raze: [after beating the Vampires] Lucian, it is finished!

    Lucian: [to himself] No, this is just the beginning.

  • Viktor: [Catches Lucian's eyes looking at Sonja] You are credit to your race. Do you know how to remain so? Keep your eyes on the ground.

  • Viktor: You defiled my daughter...

    Lucian: I loved her!

    Viktor: You killed her!

  • Lucian: I have no wish to remove one shackle from around your necks, only to replace them with one of my own. You'll have a choice: you can run and hide, or you can stay and fight. Any man who fights with me shall have his freedom and, if he wishes it; immortality.

  • Coloman: He is much of a disease as William's Pestilence. You need to bring your pet back.

    Viktor: Thank you Coloman, The Obvious escaped me! I do not need to lift a finger, Lucian will return of his own free will. I have something he wants

  • Viktor: I gave you your life.

    Lucian: You gave me chains.

    Viktor: I thought you would have learned by now after all these years; you cannot have one without the other.

  • Death Dealer: My lord, your daughter has escaped.

    Viktor: [sighs] Ah, of course she has.

  • Viktor: [after killing a complaining Nobleman] Would anyone else like to be heard?

  • Lucian: If I had not left none of this would've happened

    Sonja: Then you would not be who you are, you're right no one should live a life like this. your brothers are free because of you;they are forever changed because of what you have done.

    Lucian: But I failed you!

    Sonja: No, Lucian my love,you have not failed me,the choices I made have led me here and to you, you said yourself that there were risks you were willing to take for me... as was I for you... for us.

  • Lucian: If I were to leave from here, would you come with me?

    Sonja: Leave? Do not say that, do not even think it. My father would have you hunted down and marked like all the others.

    Lucian: [Talking about his collar] Not if I can remove this.

    Lucian: Look

    [Shows her a key]

    Lucian: I made it myself. This will be my freedom.

    Sonja: Lucian, promise me you will not use it. Please!

    Lucian: Is that your answer, then? You will not come with me, so you want me to stay here for you? Like this? Like an animal?

    Sonja: Lucian!

    Lucian: Vampire and Lycan, we are both the children of Corvinus. Yet my kind are slaves. I will use this one day. And I will leave this place. But I can never be without you, now.

  • Viktor: I wanted to believe your lies, but I knew it could not be true, not my own daughter. How could you?

    Sonja: Father... I love him.

    Viktor: Baa... you have betrayed me! To be with an animal! I loved you more than anything!

    [to his guards]

    Viktor: She does not leave this room!

  • Coloman: The accused has committed high treason against the coven! She has consorted with animals, she has abetted in their escape...

    Sonja: I have saved this coven many times over!

    Coloman: You have killed your own kind! And you've commingled bloodlines, resulting in the thing germinating within you. Your past glory does not excuse your present guilt,neither does your station as a council member. The punishment for these crimes is death, how vote you?

  • Lucian: I love you

    Sonja: and I love you... your face will not be here when this is over will it?... goodbye my love

  • Viktor: Killing me won't save your precious lycan!

    Sonja: Please call off your men, for the sake of your grandchild!

    Sonja: [Places Viktor's hand up to her stomach] A miracle father. The union of the bloodlines!

    Viktor: [Disgusted with her revealing her pregnancy] I curse the day your mother gave her life to bring you into this world.

    Viktor: [while pointing at her stomach and pulling out a concealed dagger] That thing inside you is a monstrosity!

    Viktor: [Places the dagger up to her throat] This is over!

    Viktor: [to his men about Lucian] Remove him!

    Lucian: Sonja! No! No! Noooo!

    [voice fades away]

    Viktor: [to Sonja] Do you understand what you've done? Tonight was never about you. It was about him! I could've handed Lucian over to the council and they'd never need know about your indiscretion. But after this? Never!

  • Viktor: I should have crushed you under my heel the day you were born.

    Lucian: Yes, you should have.

    [Rams his sword down Viktor's throat]

    Lucian: But you didn't.

  • Viktor: It occurs to me that I have been thoughtless... so deep in my own anguish at Lucian's betrayal that I gave no thought... to your feelings.

    Sonja: My feelings?

    Viktor: They worm their way into our lives and we forget the travesty of their birth. I myself had tenderness towards Lucian, he could've been anything... a death dealer perhaps.

    Sonja: Yes... perhaps.

    Viktor: But he was not as we are was he?... did you help him escape?

    Sonja: Help him? Of course not.

    Viktor: Are you lying to me?

    Sonja: There many things I have done against your will, but he is a Lycan.

    Viktor: I'm sorry my dear.

    [kisses her forehead]

    Viktor: but you leave me no choice

    [bites her neck]

    Viktor: .

  • [In the last moments of the film, the opening scene of Underworld shown; followed by Kraven's monologue]

    Kraven: Let me tell you a little something about your beloved dark father. He's the one that killed your family. Not the Lycans. You, who reminded him so much of his precious Sonja, the daughter he condemned to death.

    Selene: Lies.

Extended Reading
  • Justen 2022-03-21 09:01:46

    Why kate is not working, the heroine is old

  • Brionna 2022-04-21 09:01:54

    I like all vampire themes, but this is a weakness compared to the rest of the series.