Uncut Gems Quotes

  • Howard Ratner: This is me! This is how *I* win.

  • [from trailer, in Gary's office]

    Howard Ratner: So I want the Celtics to cover, I want the Celtics halftime, I want Garnett points and rebounds.

    Gary: Whaddaya know?

    Howard Ratner: I dunno, I just know.

    Gary: Well I'll tell you what I know, it's the dumbest fuckin' bet I ever heard of.

    Howard Ratner: [smiles with teeth] I disagree.


    Howard Ratner: I disagree, Gary.

  • Howard Ratner: I know. I know. Jews and colon cancer. What *is* that? I thought we were the chosen people.

  • Howard Ratner: And who's this guy?

    Julia: It's this guy The Weeknd.

    Howard Ratner: What the fuck is The Weeknd?

    Julia: He's gonna be major, even though he's from Canada.

    Howard Ratner: This guy looks stupid.

  • Howard Ratner: Fuckin' from stone to stone. Garnett's a stone, you know that.

  • Howard Ratner: That's a million-dollar opal you're holding. Straight from the Ethiopian Jewish tribe. I mean this is old-school, Middle-earth shit.

  • Howard Ratner: Come on! KG. This is no different than that. This is me. All right? I'm not a fuckin' athlete, this is *my* fuckin' way. This is how *I* win. All right?

  • Demany: And what the fuck is it wit' you Jewish niggas and basketball anyway? 'Uh? Shucks.

    Howard Ratner: I'll have you know the first two points scored in the NBA was a Jew.

    Demany: Yeah, yeah, who what, Fred Flintstein?

    Howard Ratner: No. Ossie Schectman, 1946, played for the Knicks.

  • High Roller: [rapidly] Last year I made 125 million dollars. I don't even know what to do with my money anymore. I have nobody to spend it with, nobody to enjoy my life with anymore. It's horrible! Today is the big day for me. I met you, you're hot! You wanna have a drink when we get there?

  • Gooey: This is A uh - KG, anh?

    Howard Ratner: Aw. Three for eleven? What the fuck?

    Gooey: Yeah, he looks tortured.

    Howard Ratner: That fuckin' guy tried to steal an opal from me.

    Gooey: Your opal? Your opal came?

    Howard Ratner: My opal came, yeah.

    Gooey: Yeah?

    Howard Ratner: Yeah, and stupidly I lend it to this motherfucker.

    Noah: No!

    Gooey: Whaddya mean? He took it, he stole it?

    Howard Ratner: He didn't steal it, he got carried away. He thinks it has magic powers.

    Noah: Magic powers?

    [Gooey laughs heartily]

    Howard Ratner: Yeah.

    Gooey: No.

    Howard Ratner: Well look. Look at him tonight, without it. He didn't have it tonight, look how fuckin' bad he played. He s- - He wants to own it. So, I tell him come to the auction, fuckin' make a bid for it, like everyone else.

  • Howard Ratner: I made a crazy risk. You gamble and it's - about to pay off.

  • Dinah Ratner: You know what, Howard?

    Howard Ratner: [face-to-face] Say yes. What?

    Dinah Ratner: I think you are the most annoying person I have ever met. I hate *being* with you, I hate *looking* at you... And if I had my way I would never - see you - again.

  • Doc Rivers: [hoarsely] I need everyone in here - to lock in - KG! *Look* at KG! Remember this: If you wanna go quickly, do it alone. But if ya wanna go far, you do it - together. We're like roaches! And you can't kill us.

  • Howard Ratner: That's your fault!

    [hits Coach Rivers on the TV screen; speaking loudly:]

    Howard Ratner: You see that other guy though, Phil? One'a your boys from Boston? You had some boys in Boston? You'll see what I'm talkin' - hang on! This fucker? Is that one'a your boys, that fat fuck? Looks like you. Looks like one'a your boys.

  • Eddie Ratner: Who's the girl livin' in your apartment?

    Howard Ratner: What'd you say?

    Eddie Ratner: Yeah! That guy told me there's some hot chick livin' in your apartment. Who is that - Mom?

    Howard Ratner: What are you doin' talkin' to that cokehead?

    Eddie Ratner: He was talkin'!...

    Howard Ratner: I told you to go in there and take a shit! That was it! Get on the elevator! Enough already.

    [short pause]

    Howard Ratner: Don't... Don't talk about that to anybody.

  • Kevin Garnett: Let me get the fuckin' opal, man. Let me get the fuck up outta here.

    Howard Ratner: This opal...

    Kevin Garnett: Yeah.

    Howard Ratner: This opal's very valuable for you.

    Kevin Garnett: Absolutely.

    Howard Ratner: OK? I did that.

    Kevin Garnett: [mutters] Come on, get the fuck out...

    Howard Ratner: I, I respect you. I respect your passion. OK?, I always have.

    Kevin Garnett: I thought you was a fan, too, man.

    Howard Ratner: I'm a fuckin' HUGE fan!

    Kevin Garnett: What did you pay for this? Real shit, what did you pay for this right here?

    Howard Ratner: That's not a fair question, Kevin! All right? This uh - We're talkin' months and months of fuckin' - my time!

    Kevin Garnett: You're not gon' take the *money* back when I did the deal now, I'm just sayin', straight up. Straight up, me and you, mano a mano. How much you pay for this?

    Howard Ratner: Fuckin' ah - What I pay? I paid a uh... That's, this is, that's... I'm tellin' ya, if I answer that question it's very misleading.

    Kevin Garnett: Why?

    Howard Ratner: It's - I paid a hundred grand, OK?

    Kevin Garnett: So - you doubled your money.

    Howard Ratner: I'M the joke here, all right? I got fucked! A million dollars is what I was supposed to get! I get a fuckin' what? Made sixty-five G's?

  • Marcel Ratner: Anyway, I'll finish the conversation later, but it was literally so awkward? Like...

    Howard Ratner: So who you talkin' to?

    Marcel Ratner: Jessica.

    Howard Ratner: Hi, Jessica! How good was our girl tonight?

    Marcel Ratner: You can't hear her.

    Howard Ratner: OK. Well then - Just, just hang up for a sec. Lemme, lemme talk to you. Two secs.

    Marcel Ratner: I'll call you back. What?

    Howard Ratner: Well... I just I was very proud of you tonight. You were beyond incredible.

    Marcel Ratner: Yeah, you told me like five times already.

    Howard Ratner: Well I just wanted... You really, really didn't know how proud I was, OK? So I really, I just really really want you to know.

    Marcel Ratner: 'K, well, I do.

    Howard Ratner: Everything is cool, right?

    Marcel Ratner: Whadda you mean?

    Howard Ratner: I don't know. I just - thought I would check in with you.

    Marcel Ratner: OK.

    Howard Ratner: Make sure everything's good...

    Marcel Ratner: Why wouldn't I be good?

    Howard Ratner: I don't know, I just thought I'd check in.

    Marcel Ratner: OK, well - I really don't know what you're talking about, so.

    Howard Ratner: That's right. Because I'm an idiot. So you love me. OK, I'm gonna get into the city? Yeah! I'll see you in the mornin'.

    Marcel Ratner: Have fun.

    Howard Ratner: Like I always do.

    Marcel Ratner: Anyway. Where was I? You know I was like a complete rusting veg face? So...

  • Howard Ratner: Arno. Listen. No bullshit... Kevin Garnett is comin' to my office right now. With $175,000 cash. All right? You say I got till Monday? Today is still Monday, so. I don't know if you're hearin' this but Arno this is real. Kevin's really on the way. He was just at the bank. Come get your money, buddy. I need the Celtic ring back.

    Steve Bronstein: What happened to Friday?

    Howard Ratner: I know. I know.

    Steve Bronstein: It's Monday, Howard.

    Howard Ratner: I know what we said.

    Steve Bronstein: What'd we say?

    Howard Ratner: It was a short week, Pesach...

    Steve Bronstein: What happened to your face?

    Howard Ratner: Car accident. 'K? So...

    Steve Bronstein: Whaddya need?

    Howard Ratner: I need the Celtic ring, and then I give ya the Knicks ring. All right? You know what that means to me. Swap 'em out, please.

    Steve Bronstein: You've had this Knicks ring forever.

    Howard Ratner: I just need the Celtic ring back. All right?

    Steve Bronstein: No...

    Howard Ratner: Whadda you wanna do?

    Steve Bronstein: No...

    Howard Ratner: Whadda you wanna do?

    Steve Bronstein: I own that ring. Right now.

    Howard Ratner: I know. I know you do, and I'm...

    Steve Bronstein: So, I'll swap you the two rings but I'm gonna put a fifteen percent vig on this one. And if you're not here by Friday it's gonna be the same thing all over again, you're not gonna have a third one.

    Howard Ratner: You're not gonna have to worry about that, I make it a sixteen percent. I'm sorry I fucked ya. But I...

    Steve Bronstein: Bubi, what's goin' on? You okay?

    Howard Ratner: I'm - very good. Everything is goin' good.

    Steve Bronstein: Yeah.

    Howard Ratner: I promise you. I promise you.

  • Howard Ratner: Holy shit I'm gonna cum.

  • Howard Ratner: Hey. Ya got him makin' meatballs in the back? All right!

  • Kevin Garnett: A million dollars is more is my point, you understand?

    Howard Ratner: Well - you wanna win by one point or fuckin' thirty points, KG? Right? I see ya out there when the fuckin' stadium's all booin' ya! You're thirty up, you're still goin' full tilt!

  • Howard Ratner: You send me somethin' like that and then you don't pick up your phone? Are you - you fuckin' with me? I'm tryin' to have a nice peaceful dinner - With my family, which is somethin' you wouldn't understand because you don't have one. You wanna play mind games with me? Huh? Well so whatever you meant by your little link, I meant when I said I want you out of my apartment tonight! And I want confirmation! By text, not a link. Via text, Howie I am gone! 10 p.m.! Don't you *fucking* call me!

  • Man on Street: Ey. Good Pesach.

    Howard Ratner: All right, Larry. You're a Jew again? Welcome back!

  • DJ at 10 OAK: Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up! Stop the music! STOP! Yo, somone pass The Weeknd the mike.

    The Weeknd: Where the fuck's the black light?

    DJ at 10 OAK: What's goin' *on* back there?

    The Weeknd: No, I asked for a black light. I'm not performing until there's fuckin' black light on this fuckin' stage.

    DJ at 10 OAK: Turn on the black light!

  • Howard Ratner: I made a crazy risk, a gamble, and it's about to pay off.

  • Kevin Garnett: [holding the black opal] This fuckin' thing makes me feel like I can *fly*.

  • Howard Ratner: You spoke to Gary!

    Phil: I did!

    Howard Ratner: About what? About what?

    Arno: About you! About how you're takin' my money, all over town, placin' bets! You know what that does to me? Do you know how offensive that is to me?

  • Howard Ratner: [weeping] Everything I do is not goin' right! Everything I do is not goin' right! I don't know what to do, I really don't.

  • Howard Ratner: They say you can see the whole universe in opals, that's how fuckin' old they are.

  • Arno: Howard, you did this to yourself.

  • Kevin Garnett: Why's it got so many colours in it man what is this?

    Howard Ratner: That's the thing they say you can see the whole universe in opal that's how fucking old they are.

    Kevin Garnett: Holy shit.

    Howard Ratner: I've been telling ya that's why I wanted you to see it.

    Kevin Garnett: I gotta have this.

    Demany: Yo that's crazy man.

    Howard Ratner: From stone to stone Garnett's a stone you know that. That's a million dollar opal you're holding straight from the Ethiopian Jewish tribe. I mean this old school Middle Earth shit.

    Demany: You got a motherfucking dinosaur gem.

    Howard Ratner: Dinosaur's that right the motherfucking dinosaur's staring at this shit.

  • Kevin Garnett: Why's it got so many colours in it man what is this?

    Howard Ratner: That's the thing they say you can see the whole universe in opal that's how fucking old they are.

    Kevin Garnett: Holy shit.

    Howard Ratner: I've been telling ya that's why I wanted you to see it.

    Kevin Garnett: I gotta have this.

    Demany: Yo that's crazy man.

    Howard Ratner: From stone to stone Garnett's a stone you know that. That's a million dollar opal you're holding straight from the Ethiopian Jewish tribe. I mean this is old school Middle Earth shit.

    Demany: You got a motherfucking dinosaur gem.

    Howard Ratner: Dinosaur's that right the motherfucking dinosaur's staring at this shit.

Extended Reading
  • Emilia 2022-03-20 09:01:33

    Fucking mind blowing

  • Anabel 2022-04-20 09:01:33

    75/100 The messy audio and visuals have a magical power in the hands of the Safdie brothers. The overall performance of the film has reached between the two experiences of chaos and boredom, and the control and coordination are just right; the picture Filled with sounds almost all the time, from the dominant dialogue to the cacophony of indoor and outdoor sounds, mixing in unnecessary sounds is a risky tactic that is difficult to immerse the audience at first, but it turns out, This frantic, chaotic and suffocating visualization is brave and successful

Uncut Gems

Director: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie

Language: English,Hebrew Release date: December 25, 2019

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