Christian Longo: Sometimes the truth isn't believable. But that doesn't mean that it's not true.
Pat Frato: You talked to him?
Michael Finkel: I met him.
Pat Frato: Why?
Michael Finkel: I wanted to hear his side of the story.
Pat Frato: I'm not sure Christian Longo deserves to have his story heard.
Michael Finkel: Everybody deserves to have their story heard.
Christian Longo: Sometimes you have to accept looking one way in order to protect something more important.
Michael Finkel: It's not easy to relate to someone accused of four murders, but everybody understands a child needing a toy.
Michael Finkel: I'm a liar? You stole my identity!
Christian Longo: I was in Mexico, who else was I supposed to choose?
Christian Longo: I haven't seen a woman in so long... looking at you is like seeing the ocean.
Jill Barker: I'm more of a pond, I think.
Jill Barker: [In the prison visiting room, talking to Christian Longo] Can I play you something?
[Jill reaches for her iPhone, presses play and beautiful music is heard]
Jill Barker: Se La Mia Morte Brami. If You Crave My Death. Carlo Gesualdo wrote it in 1611. A few years after killing his wife and newborn son. His wife had a lover so he tracked them down with a hunting knife. He stabbed her many, many times all over her body, and as she was bleeding to death on the floor, he forced the lover to strip her naked, put on her bloody nightdress and humiliate himself, before shooting him in the head. Then he went upstairs and beat his infant son to death against the side of his crib. The music is almost beautiful enough to make me forget I am listening to something written by a man who broke his baby's skull on a piece of furniture... but not quite.
[Jill stops the music]
Jill Barker: You see Mike wants to try and understand you. I think he believes that if he can understand you then maybe he can understand himself, but I don't wanna understand you at all. You're a murderer. You kill women and children. You're a narcissist who resents every single second of attention not given to you. I'm here to tell you that whatever else is coming to you, you will never ever escape what you are.
[Jill stands up and leaves the visiting room]
Jill Barker: I thought you'd be taller.
Christian Longo: What?
Jill Barker: I don't know, maybe because he looks up to you.
Christian Longo: No, I look up to him.
True Story Quotes
Extended Reading