Trouble with the Curve Quotes

  • Gus: Anybody who uses computers doesn't know a damn thing about this game.

  • Pete Klein: Have you thought about what you'll do when your contract is up?

    Gus: Sure, sign another one for more money.

  • Gus: You don't know anything about scouting.

    Johnny: Don't tell them that.

  • Gus: You shouldn't be in a place like this.

    Mickey: You used to sneak me into places worse than this.

  • Gus: Now get out of here before I have a heart attack trying to kill you.

  • Gus: You need some money for some new clothes?

    Mickey: I just came from yoga.

    Gus: You into that voodoo, huh?

    Mickey: Yeah. I'm thinking about getting three sixes tattooed across my forehead.

  • Gus: I know I'm as blind as a slab of concrete, but I'm not helpless. I'll put a bullet in my head when that happens.

    Mickey: That's comforting.

  • Johnny: So, what's Mickey short for? Michelle?

    Mickey: Mickey is short for Mickey. As in Mickey Mantle, my father's favorite player.

    Johnny: Aha. Lucky it wasn't Yogi Berra.

  • Vince: Well, you can take an early retirement, collect disability. With the pension we offer you should be comfortable.

    Gus: Save it. Being comfortable is overrated.

  • [first lines]

    Gus: [at the toilet] Okay, come on now. Come on, boy. Let's not take your sweet-ass time about this. Jesus. Okay, that's it... Ah, good. Don't laugh, I outlived you, you little bastard.

  • Mickey: Why are right next to me?

    Johnny: Because you're the first scout I've ever been attracted to - thank God.

    Mickey: I'm not a scout, I'm a lawyer.

    Johnny: Normally a deal breaker, but I'm all about expanding my leve of tolerance, self-improvement, et cetera.

  • Mickey: Yes, I'm still single. Very single.

    Johnny: Maybe you are emotionally unavailable.

    Mickey: Emotionally unavailable?

    Johnny: Yeah.

    Mickey: Who are you, Dr. Phil?

    Johnny: Hey, that is quality television.

  • Johnny: I remember him saying he had a daughter in college. Yep. He would say that she was smarter than me and him put together. That's why when I met you, obviously, I thought Gus had another daughter.

    Mickey: [smacks him]

  • Mickey: [undressing behind the car] What are you staring at?

    Johnny: The paint job on the car.

    Mickey: Oh yeah, you like it?

    Johnny: A really hot paint job.

  • Gus: You just need to get as far away from me as you can. Can't you understand that?

  • Gus: What do you say now, jackass? That's known as, trouble with the curve.

  • Gus: I think maybe, maybe I could change the way I do things.

    Mickey: You already have.

  • [last lines]

    MickeyJohnny: [kissing]

    Gus: Well, it looks like I'll be taking the bus...

  • Gus: What are you all staring at? I'm not a pole dancer.

  • Johnny: You know too much about baseball to be a lawyer.

    Mickey: It's a long story.

    Johnny: I'd like to hear it.

    Mickey: I don't wanna tell it.

  • Gus: [Mickey's phone beeps] What would they want now?

    Mickey: Hmm. Todd's presentation didn't go so well, so they're trying to push my, uh, partnership forward.

    Gus: So, what are you gonna do?

    Mickey: I'll think about it.

    Gus: No, I mean...

    Mickey: I said I'll think about it.

    [she tosses the phone into a nearby dumpster]

  • Johnny: '77 World Series. Reggie hits three homers in one game.

    Mickey: Yeah.

    Johnny: Name the pitchers he took deep.

    Mickey: You came all this way to ask me that?

    Johnny: Yeah.

    Mickey: Charlie Hough, Elias Sosa, Burt Hooton. Is that it? Is that all you got?

    Johnny: No. I got a lot more than that.

    [he kisses her]

  • Gus: You trying to starve me to death? Come on, let's go get something to eat. You got a man in there?

    Mickey: [sarcastic, as she lets him in] Yean, Flanagan's in here. We're getting ready to get in the shower.

    Gus: Not so funny.

  • Johnny: Where'd you learn how to drink, uh, fancy single-malt Scotch out of the bottle? They teach you that at law school?

    Mickey: No. My dad. Yet another brilliant gift he bestowed upon me.

  • Gus: You remember years ago, down in Mobile, Alabama, they had the horse running around the field.

    Mickey: Yeah.

    Gus: They used to keep that horse in a trailer down outside the bullpen gate. Anyway, I was talking to this kid I had signed, telling him there's no place for him the big leagues. And all of a sudden, I realized you were gone and I couldn't find you. I was panicking. I saw this shack there. I went... I went over and looked in... and there you were with this guy. He had his hand down the back of your shirt.

    Mickey: I don't remember that.

    Gus: Yeah. How could you? You were only six years old. I sent you out, and then I started beating the shit out of this guy. I smashed his head against the wall and I started hitting him with everything I had. I strangled his ass. Finally, he passed out.

    Mickey: Oh, my gosh, dad.

    Gus: I kept waiting for the police to come and arrest me, but they never did. That's when I sent you off to your aunt and uncle's, 'cause thought they'd take care of you. I thought I'd failed you. Your mother had died a year before and I was a mess. You have to understand that.

    Mickey: Can't you understand that you sending me away wasn't protecting me, it was rejecting me. And I've been working really hard to not let anyone else get close enough to me to do that again, and being alone really sucks.