TRON: Legacy Quotes

  • [from trailer]

    runaway: You won, OK? This is just a *game!*

    Clu: Not any more.

    [kills the runaway]

  • Sam Flynn: Dad?

    Kevin Flynn: Sam.

    Sam Flynn: Long time.

    Kevin Flynn: You have no idea.

  • [from trailer]

    Sam Flynn: Alan, you're acting like I'm going to find him sittin' at work, just, "Hey, kiddo, lost track of time."

    Alan Bradley: Wouldn't that be something.

  • Quorra: Your father was the creator.

    Sam Flynn: Where do I find him?

    Quorra: Make it there alive and he'll find you.

  • Clu: Your move, Flynn. Come on! Come on!

  • Clu: Out there is a new world! Out there is our victory! Out there is our destiny!

  • [first lines]

    Kevin Flynn: The Grid. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then, one day...

    7 Year Old Sam Flynn: You got in.

    Kevin Flynn: That's right, man. I got in.

  • Kevin Flynn: [to Sam] Your old man's about to knock on the sky and listen to the sound.

  • Quorra: [showing Sam his father's book collection] Flynn shared them with me. I've read them all.

    Sam Flynn: Huh. Light reading. Tolstoy, Dovstoyevski, I Ching. "Journey Without a Goal". Must have a killer ending.

    Quorra: Flynn is teaching me about the art of the selfless. About removing oneself from the equation. But between you and me, Jules Verne is my favorite. Do you know Jules Verne?

    Sam Flynn: Sure.

    Quorra: [delighted] What's he like?

  • Sam Flynn: I've come to meet Zuse.

    Castor: [smiling] You just did.

  • Sam Flynn: [after Quorra runs off] What's she doing?

    Kevin Flynn: Taking herself out of the equation.

  • Kevin Flynn: [sees Sam rescue Quorra] Radical, man.

  • Castor: [nervously] I realize that our alliance is, at times, uneasy. But always necessary. You know you need me, right where I am. Clu?

    Clu: Of course, you're right. Enjoy the drink.

    [Black Guards set up bombs as Clu walks away]

    Clu: [chuckles] End of line, man.

  • Kevin Flynn: [as he's being chased by Tron] Tron, what have you become?

    Tron: Flynn, go!

  • Tron: [last words, turning on Clu during an air battle] I fight for the Users!

  • Siren #3: [regarding Sam while equipping him with his armor and identity disk] He's different.

  • Rinzler: [see blood on Sam's suit] User!

  • Sam Flynn: Now that is a big door.

  • [last lines]

    Quorra: What's next, Sam?

    Sam Flynn: Guess we're suppose to change the world.

    Sam Flynn: Come on, I want to show you something.

    [boards motorcycle]

  • Sam Flynn: Your disc. Dad, it's gone.

    Kevin Flynn: It is.

    Sam Flynn: I'm sorry. I know I messed up. We can go back. I can go back.

    Kevin Flynn: No, we stay together.

    Sam Flynn: Dad, I can do this.

    Kevin Flynn: You've done enough already! Sam, you're really...


    Kevin Flynn: You're messing with my Zen thing, man.

  • Kevin Flynn: Life has a way of moving you past wants and hopes.

  • Sam Flynn: [about Quorra] She risked herself for me.

    Kevin Flynn: Some things are worth the risk.

  • Kevin Flynn: In there is a new world! In there is our future! In there is our destiny!

  • Light Jet Sentry: Identify yourself.

    Kevin Flynn: I'm taking this vehicle.

    Light Jet Sentry: You're not authorized.

    [Flynn hits the guard on his head]

    Light Jet Sentry: Right away, sir. Watch your step please as you board the aircraft.

  • Kevin Flynn: Bio-digital jazz, man.

  • Kevin Flynn: The only way to win the game is not to play.

  • Clu: Flynn! Am I still to create the perfect system?

    Kevin Flynn: ...Yeah?

  • Kevin Flynn: I had a feeling you'd be here.

    Clu: The cycles haven't been kind, have they?

    Kevin Flynn: No, you don't look so bad.

    Clu: I did everything... everything you ever asked!

    Kevin Flynn: I know you did.

    Clu: I executed the plan!

    Kevin Flynn: As you saw it...

    Clu: You- You promised that we would change the world, together. You broke your promise...

    Kevin Flynn: I know. I understand that now.

    Clu: I took this system to its maximum potential. I created the perfect system!

    Kevin Flynn: The thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of us all the time. You wouldn't know that because I didn't when I created you. I'm sorry, Clu. I'm sorry...

  • Kevin Flynn: It's amazing how productive doing nothing can be.

  • Sam Flynn: [the Sirens have formed a circle around Sam] Uh, can somebody tell me what the...

    Sam Flynn: [two of the Sirens hold up their pointer fingers which light up and begin dragging their finger down Sam's sides which cut away Sam's clothes] ... Hey, Hey. It's got a zipper...

    Sam Flynn: [a new uniform materializes over Sam] This can't be good.

    Computer Voice: Attention, Program. You will receive, an identity disc. Everything you do, or learn, will be imprinted on this disc. If you, lose your disc, or fail, to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution.

    Siren Jem: [the identity disc is attached to Sam's back, Sam's eyes flash] Marrying complete, disc activated and syncronized, proceed to games.

    Sam Flynn: Games?

    [the Sirens back away and return to their compartments. Sam sees one of the Sirens hesitating before stepping into her chamber]

    Sam Flynn: What am I supposed to do?

    Siren Jem: Survive.

  • Sam Flynn: [Alan has come to visit Sam in his storage container/apartment, which has "Dumont Shipping" on the outside and overlooks the harbor] Why are you here, Alan?

    Alan Bradley: [holds up his pager] I was paged last night.

    Sam Flynn: Oh, man, still rocking the pager? Good for you.

    Alan Bradley: [looks down at the pager and smiles, then back to Sam] Yeah, your Dad once told me I had to sleep with it, and I still do. Page came from your Dad's office at the arcade.

    Sam Flynn: [looking at a magazine, pauses] So?

    [puts the magazine down]

    Alan Bradley: So? That number's been disconnected for twenty years. Sam, two nights before he disappeared, he came to my house. "I've cracked it," he kept saying. He said he was about genetic algorithms, quantum teleportation. He said he was about to change everything. Science, medicine, religion. He wouldn't have left that, Sam.

    [sits down next to Sam and playfully punches him in the arm]

    Alan Bradley: He wouldn't have left you.

  • Quorra: [talking to Sam, in Flynn's guest room at his safehouse] There's someone I once knew. A program named Zuse, who fought alongside the ISOs. I, haven't seen him in a long time. But they say, he still runs the underground, manages the dissident factions, forges data, for the rogue programs. Moves them around the grid. They say he can get anyone, anywhere.

    Sam Flynn: Where do I find him?

    Quorra: [hands Sam a glowing data disc] This is his sector. Make it there alive, and he'll find you.

  • Castor: Greetings, Program! I'm Castor! Your host. Provider of any and all, entertainment and diversions.


    Castor: At your service.

    Sam Flynn: [nods] I'm looking for Zuse.

    Castor: [smiles] Indeed.

    [raises eyebrows]

    Castor: Many are.

    Sam Flynn: Where can I find him?

    Castor: This, prettiness,

    [takes Sam by the arm]

    Castor: is a conversation best had behind closed doors. Perhaps we should retire to my private lounge.

    [Sam and Castor step forward, glowing steps materialize in front of them which lead up]

    Castor: Ah! Designed it myself, you know. It's true! I'm steppin' away for moment, boys!

    [motions to the DJs in the window above with a flourish of his cane]

    Castor: Change the scheme, alter the mood. Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind.

  • Quorra: [Sam has just been rescued by Quorra. She holds out her hand in a handshake while driving] I'm Quorra!

    Sam Flynn: [looks back at the pursuing light cycles] They're turning around!

    Quorra: Not by choice. Their vehicles aren't designed to go off grid. They'll not function on this terrain.

    Sam Flynn: What about us?

    Quorra: [laughs] Obviously not.

    Sam Flynn: Where are you taking me?

    Quorra: Patience, Sam Flynn. All of your questions will be answered soon.

  • Sam Flynn: [notices his Disk Wars opponent] I have a three-inch version of you on my shelf!

    Announcer: Combatants Three and Eleven - Disc Wars.

    Disc Opponent #1: [ignites Identity Disk and throws it at Sam, narrowly missing]

    Sam Flynn: You definitely didn't do that!

  • Clu: Kevin Flynn! Where are you now?

  • Richard Mackey: [Sam had just hacked the ENCOM data center, stole the OS-12 source and placed a video of his dog its place] Does anyone know where the master file is?

    Alan Bradley: [smiling confidently and showing a tablet computer] I do. It's on the web.

  • Alan Bradley: Excuse me?

    Richard Mackey: Yes... Alan?

    Alan Bradley: Given the prices we charge to students and schools, what sort of improvements have been made in Flynn... I mean, um, ENCOM OS-12?

    Richard Mackey: This year we put a "12" on the box.

    [Board laughs. Bradley looks at Mackey coldly]

    Edward Dillinger: OS-12 is the most secure operating system ever released. The idea of sharing our software or giving it away for free disappeared with Kevin Flynn.

  • Sam Flynn: You can't steal something that's designed to be given away free.

  • Kevin Flynn: Wait, what's your plan?

    Sam Flynn: I'm a User, I'll improvise.

  • Jarvis: [to Clu after the introductions on the light cycle grid] Excellent words, sir. Were you pleased with my execution? The crowd seemed quite energized.

    Clu: It wasn't meant for them.

    [the baton case opens and Clu picks his baton out of it. Jarvis turns to Sam, holding the case out as if to avoid standing near him. Sam picks out the other baton]

    Sam Flynn: What's this? What do you do with this?

    [holding it like a sword]

    Jarvis: I'll give you a hint, not that.

  • Sam Flynn: [about Quorra's programming] She's an ISO.

    Kevin Flynn: Yeah. The last ISO.

    Sam Flynn: All this time, you were just protecting her.

    Kevin Flynn: She's the miracle, man. Everything I ever worked for. "A digital frontier to reshape the human condition."

    Sam Flynn: I always thought that was a plug line.

    Kevin Flynn: In our world, she can change everything.

  • Kevin Flynn: You got this, Quorra. It's all in the wrists.

  • Sam Flynn: You remember that night when you didn't come home? You said...

    Kevin Flynn: I said I'd show you the Grid. Should have seen this place back then. Couldn't wait to show it to you.

    Sam Flynn: Must have been something before Clu screwed it up.

    Kevin Flynn: No, no, he's... he's me. I screwed it up, chasing after perfection, chasing after what was right in front of me.

    [turns to look at Sam]

    Kevin Flynn: Right in front of me.

    Sam Flynn: Look what you've accomplished. It's incredible.

    Kevin Flynn: [puts his hand on Sam's shoulder] Sam... I'd have given it all up for one more day with you.

  • Quorra: Light jets. Here they come.

    Kevin Flynn: Sam, take the turret.

    Sam Flynn: Huh?

    [Sam's seat rolls backward to a mounted gun turret]

    Sam Flynn: Man, I'm all over this.

  • Kevin Flynn: Clu! Remember what you came for.

    [Bridge retracts as Clu approaches Kevin Flynn]

    Sam Flynn: [Clu punches Kevin Flynn] Dad!

    Clu: I knew I beat you, and still you did all this, for him?

    [identity disc reveals Quorra's face]

    Clu: No... no, why?

    Kevin Flynn: He's my son!

    [Clu throws the disc down by Kevin Flynn and leaps across the retracted bridge]

    Kevin Flynn: Go!

    Sam Flynn: Dad!

    Kevin Flynn: [Rectifier approaches the portal] Sam! It's time!

    Quorra: Sam, it's what he wants!

    Sam Flynn: I'm not leaving you!

    Kevin Flynn: Take her!

    [Quorra hands Sam Flynn the disc, he raises the disc into the eye of the portal]

    Kevin Flynn: Yes!

    [flashback of Sam skipping a rock as a child]

    Kevin Flynn: [crying] Goodbye, kiddo.

    Clu: [Clu manages to get onto the other side of the bridge and runs towards the portal, Kevin Flynn uses mass integration to force pull Clu into himself] No!

    [Mass integration causes huge explosion that destroys the Rectifer and the portal at the same split second Sam and Quorra get out]

  • [from trailer]

    Sam Flynn: What am I supposed to do?

    Siren Jem: Survive.

  • Kevin Flynn: My disk is everything, Sam. It's the master key, the golden ticket. The way out. And not just for me.

    Sam Flynn: What do you mean?

    Kevin Flynn: Our worlds are more connected than anyone knows. Clu figures if I can be in...

    Sam Flynn: He can be out?

    Kevin Flynn: With my disk, it's possible.

    Sam Flynn: And then what?

    Kevin Flynn: Game over. The guy doesn't dig imperfection. What's more imperfect than our world?

  • Quorra: What's it like?

    Sam Flynn: The sun?

    Quorra: Yeah.

    Sam Flynn: Wow. I've never had to describe it. Warm, radiant... Beautiful.

  • Sam Flynn: Ice caps are melting, war in the Middle East, Lakers/Celtics back at it. I don't know, rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer. Cell phones, online dating, Wi-fi.

    Kevin Flynn: What's Wi-fi?

    Sam Flynn: Wireless interlinking.

    Kevin Flynn: Of digital devices?

    Sam Flynn: Yeah.

    Kevin Flynn: Huh. I thought of that in '85.

    [both laugh]

  • Sam Flynn: Dad?

    Clu: Sam. Look at you, man! Look at the size of you! How did you get in here?

    Sam Flynn: I got your message.

    Clu: Oh. So it's just you?

    Sam Flynn: Yeah.

    Clu: Just you. Oh.


    Clu: Isn't this something?

    Sam Flynn: You look the same.

    Clu: A lot's happened, Sam. More than you can imagine.

    [holds out his hand]

    Clu: Disc.

    [Rinzler removes Sam's disc and hands it to Clu, who briefly scans it]

    Clu: Got it. Hmm. I expected more.

    [tosses the disc back to Rinzler]

    Sam Flynn: So... you were trapped in here?

    Clu: That's right.

    Sam Flynn: And you're in charge?

    Clu: Right again. You're two for two.

    Sam Flynn: So can we just go home now?

    Clu: Not in the cards. Not for you.

    Sam Flynn: [frowns] That's a hell of a way to treat your son.

    Clu: Oh, that.

    [walks forward until he's face to face with Sam]

    Clu: I'm not your father, Sam. But I'm very, very happy to see you.

Extended Reading
  • Alex 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    This film should be called "Electronic Frisbee Throwing Contest".

  • Al 2022-03-24 09:01:21

    3D stunts beyond what you can imagine.