Traitor Quotes

  • Samir Horn: The truth is complicated.

  • Max Archer: [to Clayton] Look, you gotta be shittin' me. The US is gonna be attacked today and we just arrived at the ass end of Canada.

  • Samir Horn: Oh I'm a terrorist ?

    Roy Clayton: I don't know you tell me , you've been selling them explosives.

    Samir Horn: Oh I sell to who can afford to buy it... like the US Government.

    Max Archer: Only ours don't kill innocent people

    Samir Horn: Oh yeah they do genius, people just usually have darker skin

  • Samir Horn: [Regretting killing 2 innocent people] Allahom Eghferly... Allahom Eghferly ! (Oh Allah, Please forgive me!)

  • Samir Horn: You know that the Qu'ran says that if you kill an innocent person it's as if you've killed all mankind?

    Roy Clayton: It also says that if you save a life its like you've saved all mankind... You're a hero Samir.

  • Samir Horn: If a man hasn't found something he's willing to die for, he isn't fit to live.

  • Max Archer: [Referring to the bomber captured in Spain] This guy's gotta be in a state of shock. He planned on waking up in Paradise to 72 virgins. Blow yourself up to get laid, this is gotta be some crazy s**t!

    Roy Clayton: Where I grew up the Klan burned crosses in front of people's houses and called it Christianity. Then my daddy and the folks from the church would drive over and put them out. Seems every religion has more than one face.

  • Samir Horn: [defying FBI agents] The only difference between you and him is he *knows* he's an asshole.

  • Roy Clayton: [lecture about punching detainee] You get a suspect to talk to you by pushing his buttons, not by letting him push yours. Nobody ever teach you that?

  • Samir Horn: I've been in a lot of battles. And it may have seemed like a suicide mission at the time, but we always had a plan to come home.

    Omar: You must be willing to sacrifice some of your pawns if you want to win the game.

    Samir Horn: I don't know.

    Omar: I think you do. You risked your life to share your food with a stranger.

    Samir Horn: That's not the same thing. I was just doing my duty. If I had known...

    Omar: Jihadi is also your duty. Ahmed has told me what you have done in Afghanistan.

    Samir Horn: Tactics have changed my friend.

    Omar: Tactics have always changed. You don't defeat an empire fighting by their rules. Once upon a time it was the Americans who were terrorists to the British. They forgetting their history already.

  • Roy Clayton: Do you think Samir believes it's God's will for him to kill others?

    Dierdre Horn: You carry a gun yourself.

    Roy Clayton: Now you didn't answer my question.

    Dierdre Horn: My son has seen enough death to understand the value of life.

  • Nathir: In chess and in war the key to winning is to anticipate what your opponent will do in advance. Think two moves ahead. The art of asymmetrical warfare is less about inflicting damage than provoking a response. Terrorism is theater. And theater is always performed for an audience. Ours is the American people. But they are dispersed across a large country. The question is how to convince them that nowhere is safe.

  • Omar: It's true what they say. War is the lesser Jihad. To overcome temptation, to live rightly, that is the great Jihad.

    Samir Horn: And is that what we've been doing? Did you ever ask yourself that?

  • Roy Clayton: [last lines - peace greeting] Al-Salamu Alaykum.

    Samir Horn: Alaykum Al-Salaam. And you should *start* the conversation with that.

  • Roy Clayton: Nobody is dragged into a street fight.

  • Max Archer: [after a Yemeni soldier tells him to hand over his weapon] Hand over my gun! Jesus Christ every 12 year-old in this shit hole is carrying a Kalishnikov and i have to hand over my fucking gun!

    Roy Clayton: Give him the gun

  • Omar: [after Samir kills Fareed and Nathir] You are a traitor!

Extended Reading
  • Tressie 2022-04-23 07:02:59

    The taste of ideology is too strong

  • Shanie 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    In fact, there is a good angle, such as interpreting this theme from belief, but unfortunately, the mining is limited.