Helena Ayala: [1:52:13] My husband was working on something he called "the project for the children". Were you aware of this?
Juan Obregón: I don't know. Perhaps I remember something...
[Helena reveals a Spastic Jack doll]
Juan Obregón: If you want to smuggle narcotics in Senore Espastico Jacobo, that is nothing new, Senora.
Helena Ayala: No, not *in*. The doll *is* cocaine. High-impact, pressure-molded cocaine. It's oderless. Undetectable by the dogs. Undetectable by anyone...
Juan Obregón: I don't believe you, Senora.
Robert Wakefield: Look, we need to take down either of these cartels: either Juarez or Tijuana. Not because they're a symbol but... hell, they are a symbol! But because we need to send a message! When Carlos Ayala hires Michael Addler as his legal defense, I send Ben Williams down to San Diego as a prosecutor, why? Because it's a symbol. It's a symbol that we are sending the best! It's a message that we're going after their top guys.
Francisco Flores: [1:33:02] I want to use a bomb.
Helena Ayala: Are you kidding? Can't you just shoot him or something?
Francisco Flores: I don't really like guns. You shoot someone in the head three times and some pinche doctor will keep them alive.
Montel Gordon: So you pay off customs officials?
Montel Gordon: Well, you know, in Mexico, law enforcement is an entrepreneurial activity. Not so much in the states, anyway, we, uh... We hire drivers with nothing and throw a lot of product at the problem. Some gets stopped, enough gets through. It's not difficult. Look, boys, this has worked for years, okay. It's going to continue to work for years.
Robert Wakefield: [2:13:32] If there is a war on drugs, then many of our family members are the enemy. And I don't know how you wage war on your own family.
Caroline Wakefield: Is this like freebasing?
Seth Abrahams: Not like. It is.
Ray Castro: [1:30:43] Hey sugarfoot! How do you like your new place?
[Agents Laugh]
Eduardo Ruiz: You got to be kidding me. This is not what my lawyers negotiated.
Montel Gordon: Fuck your lawyers. You aren't getting any cappuccino or Biscotti either. You don't like it, call 1-800-CRIMINAL.
[Agents Laugh]
Javier Rodriguez: [1:20:37] You like baseball? We need lights for the parks, so kids can play at night. So they can play baseball. So they don't become burros para los malones. Everybody likes baseball. Everybody likes parks.
Helena Ayala: [to Frankie] Now get out of the car and shoot him in the head!
Eduardo Ruiz: This is coercion.
Montel Gordon: Coercion. That's a pretty big word for a fisherman.
Ray Castro: Big-ass word.
Eduardo Ruiz: Oh, yeah? I know another big word: immunity.
General Ralph Landry: [20:13] You know, when Khruschev was forced out, he sat down and wrote two letters and gave them to his successor. He said - "When you get yourself into a situation you can't get out of, open the first letter, and you'll be safe. When you get yourself into another situation you can't get out of, open the second letter". Well, soon enough, this guy found himself into a tight place, so he opened the first letter. Which said - "Blame everything on me". So he blames the old man, it worked like a charm. He got himself into a second situation he couldn't get out of, he opened the second letter. It said - "Sit down, and write two letters".
Robert Wakefield: [laughs] Yep.
Robert Wakefield: [1:58:53] I can't believe you brought my daughter to this place.
Seth Abrahams: Woah. Why don't you just back the fuck up, man. "To this place"? What is that shit? Ok, right now, all over this great nation of ours, 'hundred thousand white people from the suburbs are cruisin' around downtown asking every black person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?" *Think* about the effect that that has on the psyche of a black person, on their possibilities. I... God I guarantee you bring a hundred thousand black people into your neighborhood, into fuckin' Indian Hills, and they're asking every white person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?", within a *day* everyone would be selling. Your friends. Their kids. Here's why: it's an unbeatable market force man. It's a three-hundred percent markup value. You can go out on the street and make five-hundred dollars in two hours, come back and do whatever you want to do with the rest of your day and, I'm sorry, you're telling me that... you're telling me that white people would still be going to law school?
Ray Castro: [about Helena and Arnie]
Ray Castro: They're whispering. They're whispering.
Montel Gordon: I know.
Ray Castro: I can't hear it.
Montel Gordon: The fucking bug's too far away from the room. It's halfway to the kitchen. We're not going to get shit.
Ray Castro: They're saying something. They sound like they're conspiring to conspire. I can feel the lies vibrating from their home.
Montel Gordon: I don't think she's in on it, man.
[In Spanish]
General Salazar: [5:19] How did you find out about this?
Javier Rodriguez: A little bird told me.
General Salazar: What is the name of your little bird?
Javier Rodriguez: It doesn't have a name.
General Salazar: Those fucking anonymous ones!
Montel Gordon: [1:21:45] You ever try the patch, man?
Ray Castro: The what?
Ray Castro: Oh man, that shit doesn't work, bro.
Montel Gordon: It worked for my cousin.
Ray Castro: No shit?
Montel Gordon: Yeah. Well he had to wear about 6 at a time, but it worked, though.
Ray Castro: So how is he now?
Montel Gordon: Oh he's dead.
Ray Castro: He's dead?
Montel Gordon: It wasn't because of the patch, man.
Ray Castro: So what did he die from?
Montel Gordon: His wife shot him.
Montel Gordon: [41:30] I don't think she's in on it, man.
Ray Castro: Come on, I have dram about this, I have actual dreams about this, about busting the top people, the rich people, WHITE people!
Montel Gordon: I know, I know, but I don't think she's in on it, man.
Eduardo Ruiz: You guys remind me of Japanese soldiers on deserted islands who still think world war two is still going on. The fact is that your government surrendered this war a long fucking time ago.
Montel Gordon: You know, I don't think this attitude is gonna help him in front of the judge. Eduardo, there is just one thing wrong with this math. You're in here.
Ray Castro: [10:18] Why are hurricanes named after women?
Montel Gordon: I don't know.
Ray Castro: Because when they arrive, they're wet and wild, and when they leave they take your house and your car.
Caroline Wakefield: [29:46] What's Washington like?
Robert Wakefield: What's Washington like? Well its like Calcutta, surrounded by beggars. The only difference is the beggars in Washington wear fifteen hundred dollar suits and they don't say please or thank you.
Agent Hughes: [1:54:53] Yeah, but first let's talk about what precautions you're taking to protect yourself.
Javier Rodriguez: You worry about getting me what I want, I'll worry about myself.
Chief of Staff: [to Robert Wakefield] There are a lot of interests in this town. FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, IRS. Right now they're scared of you.
DEA Agent: Javier, you should feel good about this.
Javier Rodriguez: I feel like a traitor.
Caroline Wakefield: On the good days, I feel like I get it, like it all makes sense. I can stay in the moment, I don't have to control everything in the future, and I believe everything is gonna work out fine. On the bad days I just want to grab the phone and start dialing numbers. I want to pull my hair and run through the streets screaming. But thanks to the people I've met in these rooms, like Margaret and Jim and Sarah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make it through today.
Montel Gordon: [1:02:45] I lost my virginity with a sophomore in high school.
Ray Castro: That's cool.
Montel Gordon: Yeah, sweet.
Ray Castro: Did he treat you good?
Caroline Wakefield: Fuck you. I wasn't doing anything. You're like the Gestapo.
Robert Wakefield: Well, fuck you.
[last lines]
Robert Wakefield: [2:19:49] My name is Robert. And my wife, Barbara and I are here to support our daughter Caroline. And we're here to listen.
Helena Ayala: [40:05] I'm on the board of my son's school, I have fundraisers for adult literacy at my own home. I think I have a right to know if my husband is a legitimate business man.
Arnie Metzger: Of course he is.
[interrogating Frankie Flowers, in Spanish]
General Salazar: They say in Latin, "In vino veritas". Wine tells the truth. Use this to write down the addresses of those bastards who killed my captains. And not where they were last week but where they are *now*, where they are this minute, and better yet, where they are going to be tomorrow. You know where they are going to be tomorrow, right?
Robert Wakefield: [1:29:46] What are your policies towards treatment of addiction?
General Salazar: Treatment of addiction? Addicts treat themselves. They overdose and then there's one less to worry about.
[Carlos has just had Arnie killed]
Helena Ayala: [2:16:41] Who was that?
Carlos Ayala: Oh that was Arnie. He can't make it to the barbecue.
Seth Abrahams: I want to have sex and then do a hit right as we're both cumming.
Caroline Wakefield: Ok.
[Robert Wakefield has offered the drug dealer a bribe for information about his missing daughter]
Drug Dealer: [2:00:33] Who in the FUCK do you think you are? Where the fuck do you think you are, and why the fuck don't I just put your ass in a dumpster?
Robert Wakefield: [Shaking, scared] ... I... I got money...
Drug Dealer: [Infuriated] I got money!
Robert Wakefield: I've got a thousand dollars in my pocket; it's for you.
Drug Dealer: If I want your money man, I will TAKE your money!
Juan Obregón: [1:53:14]
[In Spanish]
Juan Obregón: You first.
Helena Ayala: I'm six months pregnant, I won't do it.
Juan Obregón: Then we don't have a deal.
Helena Ayala: Yeah, right, we don't have a deal. I'm sorry to have wasted your time Mr. Obregón...
Juan Obregón: Okay. Okay, okay.
[sniffs cocaine]
Juan Obregón: That's good coke.
Helena Ayala: It should be... it's yours.
General Salazar: [about Frankie Flowers] When we loves me like a father, he will never tell anyone he was here. He will freely give us the name of his superiors. Then, when we get to them, they too will give us the names of their superiors. And eventually somebody will get us to Juan Obregón, and when that happens, the Tijuana Cartel will fall.
Teacher: [1:58:33] May I help, you sir? Excuse me!
Robert Wakefield: Seth has to be excused. He's going on a field trip.
Helena Ayala: [1:51:54] My husband was the victim of an informer in your organization, not in ours.
Juan Obregón: That is not true, Mrs. Ayala. Your route has been compromised. Perhaps it's time for me to deal with other distributers in California.
Helena Ayala: I don't think you're gonna do that.
Juan Obregón: You don't?
Helena Ayala: No. My husband was working on something he called The Project For The Children. Are you aware of this?
Seth Abrahams: [high on coke] We act like we have all the answers and we're totally invincible, like our parents seem and their parents before them, and I'm sorry, that I have to be the one to say this, but it's fucking bullshit. For instance I know that you jack-off to Caroline every night instead of Vanessa, who you're supposed to be in love with. Whatever that... don't even get me started on that convention, I mean, think about it. What is that convention? We're this random collection of self-interest all of a sudden , and we just decide that we're just gonna, we're just gonna walk two by two down the fucking aisle to you know, Noah's ark?
Manolo Sanchez: So, the Scorpion and Salazar are working together, and they're making a move on Juan Obregón? Do you know how much he would pay for information like that? A lot!
Javier Rodriguez: Take of your sunglasses.
Manolo Sanchez: What?
Javier Rodriguez: I said, take of your sunglasses.
Manolo Sanchez: Why?
Javier Rodriguez: I'm not kidding, Manolito. Take of your sunglasses.
[Manolo removes his sunglasses]
Javier Rodriguez: We will keep our mouths shut!
Tourist Woman: Don't you wanna know what kind of car it is?
Tourist Man: Yeah, it's a brown Ford Explorer...
Tourist Woman: - Look, it was right here, it's been stolen, I wanna file a report.
Manolo Sanchez: A report, will not help you find your car.
Javier Rodriguez: Eh; the police won't find your car.
Tourist Woman: You ARE the police!
Javier Rodriguez: [he writes down a number and hands it to her] You gonna call this man... and he'll find your car for you.
Tourist Man: I don't-I don't get it.
Tourist Woman: How is this guy gonna know who has our car?
Javier Rodriguez: ...the police will tell him.
Tourist Man: Why-why will they tell him and they won't tell us?
Tourist Woman: Because we pay him, stupid. Right? Then he pays the police and suddenly our car appears.
Javier Rodriguez: Es, es, es correct, es correct.
Tourist Woman: [quietly] Just give it to him, alright?
Tourist Man: I know.
Tourist Woman: Give him the money!
Javier Rodriguez: Let's start moving to the sidewalk.
Tourist Man: [offering the money] Take it.
Javier Rodriguez: Nononono.
Tourist Woman: No, please, take it!
Javier Rodriguez: Nononono, nono, let's start moving to the sidewalk, to the sidewalk, let's go to the sidewalk.
[disgusted, the couple start to walk off]
Javier Rodriguez: Call the man! Have a nice day.
[first lines]
Javier Rodriguez: [in Spanish] Last night I had an ugly nightmare.
Manolo Sanchez: [in Spanish] Oh yeah? What happened, man?
Jeff Sheridan: [to Robert] I know everyone that you're going to meet. I know what they want and why.
Robert Wakefield: Well you've done a fine job, General. The Office of National Drug Control Policy is in better shape than when you found it.
General Ralph Landry: I'm not sure I made the slightest difference. I tried. I really did.
Montel Gordon: We got him making the deal on tape, we got him bragging about the quality and his business. We got this motherfucker.
Ray Castro: [to Eduardo] You're fucked.
Montel Gordon: You make us believe you got a boss, Eddie. Look, no boss - it's all on you.
Eduardo Ruiz: No. No, it's a death sentence. I'd never make it to the death sentence.
Helena Ayala: What's going on? They came into the house. They just took him away. They searched my home.
Arnie Metzger: Let me tell you what's happening, alright? Now, first of all, Carl is not here. The D.E.A. has got him and they're gonna hang on to him until his arraignment, which will probably be tomorrow, alright? So here, you're wasting your time, alright? Are you with me?
Helena Ayala: Yeah.
Arnie Metzger: Okay. Now, do not discuss anything over the telephone. Don't talk to your neighbors, stay out of your yard.
Caroline Wakefield: None of my friends can fucking believe my Dad's actually the drug's...
Barbara Wakefield: Caroline.
Helena Ayala: Nobody will help us. Nobody will take us in. Nobody wants anything to do with us, Carl. So you just tell me how you're going to make it up to me.
Carlos Ayala: Helena.
Helena Ayala: Just tell me what to do.
Barbara Wakefield: You might want to pencil a little face time with your daughter.
Robert Wakefield: Barbara.
Barbara Wakefield: Because I'm at the edge of my capabilities, Robert.
Robert Wakefield: Open the god damn door!
Caroline Wakefield: One minute.
Robert Wakefield: Where are they? Where the hell are the drugs? Where are they?
Caroline Wakefield: Fuck you!
Carlos Ayala: Listen to me, I built our house, and I'm not going to lose it. My business, that would take a lot of private study. I suggest you look into the Coronel.
Helena Ayala: The painting?
Carlos Ayala: Into selling it. If you can stomach it. You should look into it.
Helena Ayala: [to Juan] I want the principle witness against my husband Eduardo Ruiz killed.
Javier Rodriguez: [to DEA Agent] Yes, but I have a contact at Mextel who can get me his new E.S.N. in twelve hours.
Robert Wakefield: Just tell me where my daughter is.
Drug Dealer: [to Seth] Don't do this shit again.
Seth Abrahams: [to Robert] Don't do this vigilante thing.
Chief of Staff: Anything else?
Robert Wakefield: No, Sir.
Caroline Wakefield: Will we get invited to the White House?
Robert Wakefield: I don't know about that, honey.
Helena Ayala: [to Arnie] How am I going to survive this?
Javier Rodriguez: It's all about the money.
Seth Abrahams: Now you see.
Caroline Wakefield: Let's do some more.
Arnie Metzger: Stay out of things.
Helena Ayala: That is going to be rather difficult when all the evidence is against us.
Helena Ayala: Who does Carl sell to?
Arnie Metzger: You should not have any contact with those people.
Helena Ayala: [to Francisco] I have a job for you but I don't have much time.
Prosecutor: [1:32:11] Did you feel like you were working at a legitimate enterprise?
Witness: ...No. Not really.
Lawyer Rodman: [6:14] This informant, paid by police, using taxpayer dollars to continue his felony drug habit was the link that allowed police to raid a private farm. A working farm where honest Americans make their living. Now, the government in its haste has hired an army of criminals whose alligiance to the truth is at best questionable.
Robert Wakefield: Mr. Rodman, it's a shame that your client didn't use as much sense in choosing what he planted as he did in choosing his attorney. But lately the only variation I'm hearing in your argument is the name of your client. Now, you can stand here all day and argue the ins and outs of Illinois v. Gates, but you're not gonna convince me that our government has not sanctioned the use of anonymous informants. Furthermore there is no sacred protection of property rights in our country. You grow marijuana on your farm, be it an ounce or an acre of plants, that farm can be seized, and that farm can be sold.
Traffic Quotes
Brionna 2022-03-22 09:01:24
1. "Drug", "drug" is fatal, while "drug" in English is neutral; 2. When the whole society in the western world uses drugs and weeds more than people who don't touch them, How to declare war on drugs? Can you overcome the human instinct to be high? 3. In some countries, the people who touch it have obviously surpassed the people who don't touch it. Long live Uruguay by the way
Andrew 2021-10-22 14:40:51
The 51st Berlin Film Festival Best Actor Silver Bear Award 73rd Academy Awards Best Director Best Supporting Actor Best Adapted Screenplay Drugs are like a net, no matter who you are, you will be caught on the net