Narrator: In that place, the boundary between life and death...
Tony Takitani, Shozaburo Takitani: Was as slim as a single strand of hair.
Narrator: He found his home had been destroyed in the firebombing, and his parents and his only brother, lost to the same fate. In other words, he was then... utterly alone in the world.
Tony Takitani, Shozaburo Takitani: She was like a bird taking flight for a distant land...
Narrator: Yet, what now confronted him, their vital roots severed, seemed a flock of shadows, withering with each moment. As Tony...
Tony Takitani, Shozaburo Takitani: Watched this happen, I gradually began to suffocate.
Tony Takitani Quotes
Devon 2022-04-22 07:01:53
As an excellent medium, Hideo Nishishima's narration accurately connects the characters and viewers in the play. It is straightforward, and the characters in the play can also examine and express themselves from the perspective of the first person. This is a great way of handling it. Miyazawa Rie's gestures are so beautiful! Pause foot licking!
Dexter 2022-04-22 07:01:53
life is loneliness, happiness and of course....also sadness.