Tomorrow, When the War Began Quotes

  • Ellie Linton: Good book?

    Corrie Mackenzie: Better than the movie.

    Ellie Linton: Yeah, books usually are.

  • Chris Lang: How funny are dogs?

  • Homer Yannos: What does your instincts tell you?

    Ellie Linton: That it's time to go to war.

  • Ellie Linton: [when they find a red-bellied black snake in a sleeping bag] Well, shake it.

    [Homer shakes his arse]

    Ellie Linton: The bag, Beyonce!

  • Ellie Linton: We've all had to rewrite the scripts of our lives the last few weeks, we've learnt a lot and we've had to figure out whats important, what matters - what really matters. Its been quite a time.

  • Homer Yannos: It is an awesome feeling to know you are about to change someone's life forever.

  • Ellie Linton: What's the worst that could happen?

  • Ellie Linton: We won't run. We won't hide. We'll fight and keep fighting and never give up until this war is finally won.

  • Robyn Mathers: Uh, Fi. Why did you go into the river?

    Fiona Maxwell: To get away from the snake, of course.

    Ellie Linton: You do know that snakes can swim right?

    Fiona Maxwell: No, they can't.

    Ellie Linton: Uh, yeah, they can.

    Fiona Maxwell: They don't have fins. They slither!

    Corrie Mackenzie: They slither through water.

    Fiona Maxwell: No, they don't.

    Homer Yannos: Well, what about sea snakes?

    Fiona Maxwell: Oh my god! I could have died!

  • Ellie Linton: She wasn't much older than I was, and she looked just as scared, I'll never forget her.

  • Homer Yannos: We have to start acting like soldiers, one mistake and it's all over.

  • Ellie Linton: We might as well shoot each other now and get it over with.

  • Ellie Linton: A month ago, we were just an average bunch of teenagers, studying at school and complaining about our parents. Now we're soldiers, trapped behind enemy lines and fighting to survive. But we won't run, we wont hide, we'll fight and keep fighting, we'll never give up until this war is finally won.

  • Ellie Linton: Do you remember how many hours we used to spend up here?

    Corrie Mackenzie: You mean the tea parties?

    Ellie Linton: We were so innocent back then. Now I-I feel like we were innocent right up until yesterday. God, we didn't believe in Santa Claus or anything like that. But no, we believed in other fantasies. We believed that we were safe. Guess that was the biggest fantasy of them all.

  • Fiona Maxwell: How many planes do we have anyway?

    Kevin Holmes: One less now...

  • Chris Lang: Biggest joint I ever lit.

  • [first lines]

    Ellie Linton: We're not going to hold back. Recording it like this, it's um, it's so important to us. I guess it's our way of telling us that things matter. That we mean something. Maybe... some of the things we've done... The friends that we've lost, hopefully it all makes a difference somehow.

    [regaining her composure]

    Ellie Linton: There's only one way to do this. And that's to go back to where this all began.

  • Robyn Mathers: You are dangerous!

    Ellie Linton: That's what my driving instructor says.

Extended Reading
  • Theodore 2022-02-07 14:58:54

    cheated by the poster...

  • Florine 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    The loopholes are a bit like the Japanese manga "Wangxiang"!