Titan A.E. Quotes

  • Akima: You can't call a planet "Bob."

    Cale: So now you're the boss. You're the King of Bob.

    Akima: Can't we just call it "Earth"?

    Cale: No one said you have to live on Bob.

    Akima: I'm never calling it that.

  • [Surprising a group of aliens attacking Cale]

    Korso: If you're going to hunt humans, you should know we travel in packs.

  • Cale: The least they could do is kill my food before I eat it.

  • Cale: Hey, for your information, I happen to be humanity's last great hope.

    Preed: I weep for the species.

  • [Walking around inside the Titan]

    Akima: What exactly are we looking for?

    Cale: This ship's gonna help us save mankind.

    Akima: What *exactly* are we looking for?

    Cale: Not a clue.

  • Preed: Just out of curiosity, do we have a plan B?

  • Cale: Give me the ring!

    Korso: Your not gonna shoot me, kid.

  • [Gune is licking Cale's hand]

    Gune: Hmmm... spaghetti derivative... meatballs, sort of anyway... and... ooh, Kaldorf droppings! Who ate it before you did?

  • Preed: This is the Valkyrie, not a singles' bar.

  • Preed: My scanners are showing a veritable cornucopia of nothing!

  • Cale: Everyday I wake up and it's still the present. The same grimy, boring present. I don't think this "future" thing of yours exists.

  • Gune: Preed! Preed! Aren't you supposed to be watching for the Drej?

    Preed: [not paying much attention to Gune] Yes, Caveman. Drej bad, we good. Now go look at something shiny for a while.

    Gune: [tugging on Preed's arm] I think you'd better look again!

    [Preed looks up from his gun and spotts the Drej off in the distance]

    GunePreed: [shouts] Drej!

  • Preed: [after Stith knocks out the guard outside Akima's cell] An intelligent guard... didn't see that one coming.

  • Gune: [shooting at the Drej ships] Who's your daddee!

  • Gune: [holding up a small device] Does this look familiar? Do you know what it is? Neither do I. I made it last night in my sleep. Apparently I used Gindrogac. Highly unstable.

    Preed: Gune...

    Gune: I put at button on it. Yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do.

  • Preed: Fight the good fight, precious!

    Stith: Preed, I'll kill you! Okay? I will kill you!

  • Cale: Maybe I've been wrong all these years, and it's taken your inspiring speech to make me see it. You've really changed me. It's beautiful. I think we've gotta hug.

  • Tek: Take care of the kid, he's not all grown up yet.

  • Korso: You back-stabbing...

    Preed: Well, I learned from the best.

  • Akima: [Cale is in the med-lab in nothing but a towel; Akima is tending to his wounds] Preed, hand me the probe.

    Cale: The probe? Where does the probe go?

  • Stith: [Gune is losing consciousness] Gune! Come on, Gune! Gune!

    Gune: ...Must have nap... since I'm so very, very... tired...

    [loses consciousness, as if dead]

    Stith: [later, when Drej are attacking the Titan] Wait a second...

    Stith: Gune!

    Gune: [alive and well] I finished my nap!

  • Cale: [to Tek, after escaping from Po and his cronies] I've got to be scarce for a while.

    Korso: [slides into the seat next to Cale] You don't know the half of it.

    Cale: Are you still bothering people? Go away!

    Korso: [to Tek] Great job with the kid, Tek. He's a charmer.

  • Preed: [trying to kill Cale and Akima] Hide and seek is it? Or should we play search and DESTROY?

  • Preed: But it wasn't just the money the Drej were offering. It was their great health plan. They let me live provided I kill all of you before they get here. They should arrive shortly.

  • Cale: [angry] If I don't like the way things are going I'll show you how much like my father I am. I'll leave!

  • Akima: [to Korso, over the radio] I think we've fallen in with a very bad crowd.

  • Akima: [when the spaceship won't start] Should I get out and push?

  • Preed: [catching Cale and Akima spying on Korso] Well, look what I found. Two little birdies, itching to fly!

  • Preed: Akrenians don't dream.

    Akima: [sarcasticly] They don't bathe much either.

  • Cale: Do you hear a crackling sound?

  • The Cook: [after fixing the gravity drive] Just needed some love.

  • Korso: [through clenched teeth] We need a pick up here.

  • Korso: Exhale.

    Cale: You've gotta be kidding me.

    Korso: Exhale!

    Cale: No. No, no!

    Korso: [kicks windshield out]

  • [first lines]

    Professor Sam Tucker: Once in a great while mankind unlocks a secret so profound that our future is altered forever. Fire, electricity, splitting the atom... At the dawn of the 31st century we unlocked another. It had the potential to change humanity's role in the universe. We called it the "Titan Project," and it was a testament to the limitless power of the human imagination. Perhaps that is what the Drej feared most, for it brought them down upon us without warning and without mercy. Cale, that day, the day that the Drej descended from the sky, the only thing that mattered was keeping you safe.

  • Korso: Oh, man, they've really ground you down.

    Cale: Hey, get this straight, I don't even know you. I don't want any part of your mission, and I don't need your help with these over-sized morons.

    Korso: Oh. Okay.

    Korso: [to alien goons, after he unties them] I think he called you morons.

  • Tek: It's time, Cale. It's time to stop running.

    Korso: [spots Drej entering building] Well, actually, I think it's time to start.

  • Korso: [to Cale, who is sitting in the driver's seat] Over. Maybe next time, kid.

  • Cale: They're locking down the doors!

    Korso: We're not going forward, we're going up.

    Cale: Up?

  • Korso: You should brace yourself.

    Cale: [nervous] Uh, uh, yeah! Uh, I'm feeling that.

  • Korso: Eject. 'Ey, where's the eject? Cale? Cale, this model does have eject, right?

    KorsoCale: [look at each other then brace for impact]

  • Korso: [amused] And you were worried.

    Cale: [points to cracking windshield] Whaddaya mean were?

  • Cale: Yeah? What is the truth?

    Korso: That the human race is outta gas. It's circling the drain. It's finished! The only thing that matters is grabbing whatcha can before somebody else beats ya to it.

    Cale: No, I don't believe that.

    Korso: Then you're even more like your father than I thought... a fool.

  • Cale: I'm uhh still naked here.

    Akima: Gee, I hadn't noticed.

  • Preed: [attempting to pass himself and Stith off as slave traders and Korso as a slave] Hello. Ah. Uh, I'm an Akrennian trader. I wonder if we might sneak a peek at the new shipment before they go on the market.

    Slave Trader Guard: You're not allowed.

    Preed: Traditionally, no. You're absolutely right. But you see, I need a new slave rather badly.

    [slaps Korso]

    Preed: Stop fidgeting, worm! And I can't wait till auction. I have to be on the shuttle. I have an appointment to have my ear shaved. It has to be booked months in advance. You see my problem.

    Slave Trader Guard: Hmm. You're lying. He's not a slave, and you're not traders.

    Preed: But...

    Slave Trader Guard: [pointing to Korso] He doesn't carry himself like a slave. Look at the way he stands. Probably ex-military.

    Preed: How...

    Slave Trader Guard: Akrennian traders always threaten before they ask a favor. It's tradition.

    [to Stith]

    Slave Trader Guard: And your robes are made out of bedspreads.

    Preed: Ah. Just out of curiosity, did we have a plan " B"?

    [Stith knocks the guard out]

    Preed: Hmm. An intelligent guard. Didn't see that one coming.

  • Professor Sam Tucker: [During his posthumous holgraphic message] Cale. If this message has been activated, then I have died before finding you. I hope you can forgive me for breaking my promise to see you again. What I wouldn't give to see you now. I can't change the past, Cale, but I hope I can give you a future. This ship has the power to create a planet, to create a new home. Your ring would have activated the transformation sequence, but the Titan's power cells were drained in the escape. They are unable to fuel the transformation. It is up to you to restore their power. After that, the procedure is simple.

Titan A.E.

Director: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman

Language: English,Mandarin Release date: June 16, 2000