Tigerland Quotes

  • Staff Sgt. Thomas: Any questions?

    Bozz: I got a question, Sergeant. If I'm dead, how come I can ask you a question?

  • Soldier Boy: Well, the fellas say that if you don't wanna go to Nam, you better pray to Jesus or talk to Roland Bozz.

  • Bozz: Courage is when you're the only guy who knows how shit-scared you really are.

  • Miter: You know what I am Bozz? I'm a butcher.

    Bozz: Yeah, we all butchers, Miter.

    Miter: No, I'm a real butcher.

    Bozz: Shit, you haven't killed anyone yet.

    Miter: God damn it, Bozz, I mean a real butcher. Back home I cut meat.

  • Bozz: What else they gonna do? Send us to Viet-Fucking-Nam? Too late for that shit.

  • Johnson: You know what your problem is Wilson? You need to listen for the pop.

    Wilson: Whoa, whoa. What's "the pop", Johnson?

    Johnson: That's the sound you're gonna make when your head comes out of your ass for the first time.

  • Bozz: Nobody saves anybody you stupid son of a bitch.

  • Bozz: Hey let's not become friends, Jim. You could be dead tomorrow and I'd miss you too much.

  • Private: Sarge, you got any advice on how to stay alive in Vietnam?

    Sergeant Cota: Yes, I do, Private. Don't go.

  • Bozz: My friend here wants to go for the experience, Sergent. Says he ain't scared.

    Sergeant Cota: Good luck, Private. You ask me, I'll stick with the smart and the scared.

  • Sgt. Filmore: [after a demonstration on electrocuting someone's balls]

    Sgt. Filmore: Hey soldier, no one said you could leave.

    Bozz: Why?

    Sgt. Filmore: Why what?

    Bozz: Why would I want to do that to another human?

  • Bozz: Jim just shut the fuck up! This is - I know what I'm doin' here!

  • Bozz: Damnit Cantwell! Shit man. Shit! Fuck, I don't even know you, man! You sittin' there telling your fucking stories. You make me want to fuckin' cry! What's that about?

  • Bozz: Just because you wear those sergeant's stripes don't mean you ain't gonna die.

  • Staff Sgt. Thomas: What's the purpose of this cluster fuck?

    Bozz: [spoken quickly] Wilson tried to switch targets with Cantwell, Sergeant.

    Wilson: What?

    Jim: [talking quickly] True Sergeant I saw him do it!

  • Staff Sgt. Thomas: Get up Lazarus! You're resurrected!

    Bozz: [kicks Wilson] ... get up...

  • Cantwell: Doesn't it strike you what that means? How each one of us is a little bit of everything, and everything is shit.

  • Bozz: If I told you there was a bunch of people around here who could get us to Mexico, away from the war, would you go?

    Paxton: No... no I wouldn't. I enlisted, so there is a place for me... and if I don't go, somebody is gonna take that place. And if they die, they're dying for me.

  • [reading girls' palms at a bar]

    Bozz: Well it says here you got a long sex line.

    Claudia: Which line says that?

    Bozz: I ain't no expert, but it says you're gonna have some sex real soon.

    Sheri: Woah, what about me?

    Bozz: Sex for Cheri as well.

  • [first lines]

    Paxton: [voice-over] My father said the army makes all men one, but you never know which one. He didn't know Roland Bozz.

  • Capt. Saunders: You are pissing your life away.

    Bozz: Well, I don't need the fucking army and I don't need the fucking war to tell me that, Sir!

  • Bozz: Is this a trick? You tryin' to make me a hero, or somethin'?

    SFC Ezra Landers: Nope.

  • Sergeant Cota: Private Wilson! Private fucking Wilson! Private Wilson, look at me, goddammit. Look at me! You will place your weapon on safe, you will raise your weapon above your fucking head or I will blow your fucking brains out!

  • Bozz: I don't like the rehearsals, so I'm gonna skip the show.

  • [last lines]

    Paxton: [voice-over] I never saw Bozz again. Some guys said he died in Nam, but he was never listed. Some said he just disappeared over there. One guy called me and said he thought he saw him in Mexico a few years ago with a beautiful woman. But knowing Bozz, he'd be pissed off I was talking about him anyway.

  • Bozz: Plenty of room for psychopathic fucking killers.

  • Bozz: Glad you waited up for me, Dad.

    Jim: I think everybody did, Boz.

    Bozz: Ah, don't tell me. This is the scene where the troublemaker gets beaten by his buddies, right?

    Jim: Somebody got beaten.

  • Pvt. Roland Bozz: [Bozz, trying to read a book while on the transport truck, but very annoyed by what Pvt. Wilson is saying] Jim could you finish readin' this for me. I gotta get some fresh air and, get away from this guy.


Director: Joel Schumacher

Language: English Release date: May 24, 2001