THX 1138 Quotes

  • Female voice (medicine cabinet): If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348-844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion.

  • OMM: Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.

  • Male voice (medicine cabinet): What's wrong?

    Man: I need something stronger.

    Male voice (medicine cabinet): Take four red capsules. In 10 minutes, take two more. Help is on the way.

  • Female voice: What's wrong?

    Man on monitor: I just bought one of these yesterday and it doesn't fit my consumer, and the store doesn't have any of the other kind.

    [LUH presses a button]

    Male voice: For more enjoyment and greater efficiency, consumption is being standardized. We are sorry...

    Man on monitor: This is--

    [cut off]

  • Male voice: That accident over in Red Sector L destroyed another 63 personnel, giving them a total of 242 lost to our 195. Keep up the good work and prevent accidents. This shift is concluded.

  • Female voice: A libido-leveler has been mislaid near the pulse-leveling gate. If you have accidentally...

  • Hologram Newscaster: ...units of detuned escalatories have not, however, prevented virus and ordnance from invading our centers.

  • [hologram plays in background while THX looks for LUH]

    Hologram: Combined with economic advantages of the mating structure, it far surpasses any disadvantages in increased perversions. A final tran--An infinite translated mathematics of tolerance and charity among artificial memory devices is ultimately binary. Stimulating rhetoric...

    THX 1138: LUH?

    Hologram: ...absolute. The theater of noise is proof of our potential. The circulation of autotypes. The golden talisman underfoot is phenomenon approaching. And, in the history of now, all ethos are designed.

  • Chrome Robot: Everything will be all right. You are in my hands. I am here to protect you. You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to go.

  • Trial Prosecutor: He must be destroyed! We must not continue to consume these erotics. We must exterminate the source of sin. Economics must not dictate situations which are obviously religious.

    Trial Defender: Masses won. Defendant used, not destroyed. Case rest.

  • [in crowded hallway]

    Male voice (P.A. in hallway): Keep causeways clean. Save time, save lives.

  • SRT: How shall the new environment be programmed? It all happened so slowly that most men failed to realize that anything had happened at all.

  • Male voice: Remember, thrifty thinkers are always under budget.

  • Male voice: Economics make it necessary to terminate any operation which exceeds five percent of its primary budget.

  • SEN 5241: [kneeling in a studio before a large image of OMM] Things don't seem to make sense. Sometimes I see things get left out, and... they don't fit. People don't seem to see them. Or they don't know what to do. Sometimes I--Sometimes a little--a little adjustment--


    SEN 5241: --can make all the difference. I wanna do the right thing. I wanna go back. I-I-I can s--I can start again. I can... .change. I can--I can help. I just need a--need to rest up for a little while.

    Monk: This is no place for prayer. If you want to speak to OMM, you must go to a unichapel. You know that.

    SEN 5241: Yes.

    Monk: What? Are you in any trouble?

    SEN 5241: No, I-I'm OK, I'm going now.

    Monk: What's your number and what's your prefix? I'm going to see this gets into your report.

    SEN 5241: [stammering] No, I'm leaving now.

    Monk: I'm sorry, I-I have to report all intruders. Uh, where's your identification badge?

    SEN 5241: I... lost it.

    Monk: You're in violation. I'm gonna have to report you to the authorities.

  • Chrome Robot: [trying to unlock door to pursue THX] Can you hear me? Stay calm. Everything will be all right. The door seems to be jammed. Please check the lock on your side. Everything will be all right; we are here to help you. Stay calm. We are not going to harm you. Everything will be all right.

  • SRT: Well, maybe you are right. Maybe there's something wrong with the computer. I don't know, it's a strange life. Cybernetics, genetics, lasers and all those things. I guess I'll never understand any of that stuff. Guess maybe holograms are not supposed to.

  • Male voice: T-H-X eleven-thirty-eight will be taken into custody at a minimal monetary expenditure. Total operation cost: six thousand credits under budget. Congratulations. Be efficient, be happy.

  • SEN 5241: You know, when I was at school, it was all very different. We used to stay in bed all the time. Combined primary economics... Combined primary economics was a bottle about this big.

    [holds hands two feet apart]

    SEN 5241: Took a week.

    Child: Wow!

  • Male voice (P.A. in hallway leading to garage]: your zoned section for longer than three minutes. Jet acceleration will not be safe to persons in dispersal area. To avoid being singed by jet exhaust, please exit your vehicle on the right, and walk through the blue zone on the left.

  • Male voice (P.A. in garage): ...critical noise levels in this area. Be sure to report all decibel surges in excess of 1.5 on the Murrer-Wiggins scale.

  • Male voice (jetcar radio chatter): Hey, I think I ran over some--I think I ran over a Wookie back there on the expressway...

  • Female voice (over P.A.): Changeable. Alterable. Mutable. Variable. Versatile. Moldable. Movable. Fluctuate. Undulate. Flicker. Flutter. Pulsate. Vibrate. Alternate. Plastic.

  • [THX is approaching the city's exit]

    Chrome Robot: Please come back. You have nothing to be afraid of.

  • Male voice: The T-H-X account is six percent over budget. The case is to be terminated.

  • Chrome Robot: [Final words] We have to go back. This is your last chance to return with us. You have nowhere to go. You cannot survive outside the city shell. We only want to help you. This is your last chance.

  • OMM: Thou art a subject of the divine, created in the image of man, by the masses, for the masses.

  • OMM: Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents, and be happy.

  • OMM: Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now. Buy. And be happy.

  • Chrome Robot: You have nowhere to go. I am here to protect you.

  • THX 1138: Who are you?

    SRT: I am a hologram.

  • [repeated line]

    Robotic Voice-Over: Are you now, or have you ever been?

  • [first lines]

    Male voice (medicine cabinet): What's wrong?

    THX 1138: Nothing--nothing, really. I just feel that I need something stronger.

    Male voice (medicine cabinet): If you have a problem, don't hesitate to ask for assistance.

    THX 1138: Yes, thank you; I'll be all right.

    Male voice (medicine cabinet): Call 3485...

  • [last lines]

    Chrome Robot #1: We have to go back. This is your last chance to return with us. You have nowhere to go. You cannot survive outside the city shell. We only want to help you. This is your last chance.

  • Female voice: Performance perfect is perfect performance.

  • SRT: [Meeting THX and SEN] Hello. Uh, where'd you guys come from?

    [THX and SEN don't speak]

    SRT: Oh well, it doesn't make any difference, I guess.

    [SRT notices SEN's food]

    SRT: Uh, is that food? I'm starving. Do you mind?

    THX 1138: How did you get here?

    SRT: I was lost.

    THX 1138: You're not lost now?

    SRT: [Eating with his mouth full] Uh-uh.

    SEN 5241: You know the way out?

    SRT: [Chewing] Um-hmm.


    SRT: That's the way out.

    [He points in the direction from which THX and SEN have just come]

    SEN 5241: Well, that's the way we just came.

    SRT: Yeah, but maybe you were traveling around in circles, see, 'cause that's the way out.

    [SRT points behind them again]

    THX 1138: How do you know?

    SRT: [Pointing] Well, look. Look more closely. You see? Come on.

    [SRT walks in the direction he was pointing and the other two follow]

    SEN 5241: Oh, yeah.


  • THX 1138: I think I'm dying.

    OMM: Could you be more--specific?

    [THX vomits]

    OMM: You are a true believer. Blessings of the state. Blessings of the masses...

  • OMM: My time--is yours. Go ahead.

    THX 1138: What's wrong with me? What am I to her, she to me? Nothing!

    OMM: Yes, fine.

    THX 1138: Just an ordinary roommate. I share rooms with her. Our relationship is normal. Conforming.

    OMM: Excellent!

    THX 1138: We share nothing--but space. What is she doing to me?

    OMM: Yes, I understand.

  • SRT: [THX is looking at a screen that says LUH has been "consumed" and her name has been reassigned to a bottled fetus] Well, either this thing has gone nuts, or that's your roommate.

  • THX 1138: What have you done to LUH? She was here.

    SEN 5241: We--had a long talk and--she agreed that it would be better for both of you to switch. She seemed to think that you weren't accurately mated with her in the first place. I'll never have another mate like O-N-A. You rate very high in sanitation. I've checked.

    THX 1138: I don't feel well.

    THX 1138: [Leaves abruptly]

    SEN 5241: We'll be happy!

  • THX 1138: What's going on?

    SEN 5241: I want you for my roommate. We'll be very good for one another.

    THX 1138: I don't understand? Living--Living selection is computed.

    SEN 5241: I know what you're thinking. Program shifting isn't that major a crime, is it?

    THX 1138: You're in violation.

  • LUH 3417: I was so afraid. So alone. I wanted to touch you so many times.

  • THX 1138: Are you all right? What did they do to you? What? What?

    LUH 3417: I'm going to have a child. Hold me. Hold me.

  • SEN 5241: Our differences are differences of emphasis.

  • SEN 5241: [prison] I want an idea that is clear, simple and plain as the nose on your face!

    [another prisoner punches him in the nose]

  • SEN 5241: [a prisoner jumps repeatedly on a downed robot] Now that's what I call the wrong idea.

  • THX 1138: I don't understand, what happened to LUH, she was here.

  • SEN 5241: You know I've always had a way with computers.

  • SRT: I don't know. All that stuff, cybernetics, genetics, I don't understand it. I guess holograms aren't meant to.

  • SEN 5241: Do you know you're perspiring? It's not exactly warm in here.

  • SEN 5241: [Prison] Do you know how many times I've listened to that speech? Do you KNOW how many TIMES I've listened to THAT SPEECH?

  • SEN 5241: [has found the TV studio with the photograph of OMM, and is talking to it] Sometimes a little adjustment makes all the difference. I'm going to go back.

  • Male voice (medicine cabinet): [THX opens medicine cabinet and faints] What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?--What's wrong?

    [LUH enters]

    LUH 3417: Never mind!

    [LUH slams shut the medicine chest]

  • LUH 3417: THX?--THX?--THX, is that you?

  • Male voice: Will someone stop the Mindlock?

  • Hologram: Where did you get that car?

    SRT: I was just issued it! I took it out and drove straight through a crowd at the dispersal center.


  • Hologram: Oh, that's terrible. Terrible!

    SRT: No, it's wonderful. Because my hand, it was paralyzed anyway!


  • Male voice: Keep up production and prevent accidents. This shift is concluded.

  • SRT: Do you know there are no insides to these people?

  • THX 1138: [pretending to be a corpse. Howls with pain and runs off when a tag is clipped to his ear]

  • Male voice: We're picking up some illegal sexual activity.

  • Man on monitor: [dead insect] We found this in the batching cells. We killed it.

    Female voice: Thank you for your concern. A visual record is being taken.

  • Trial Pontifex: 1138 THX is charged with violation Appendix 445613-EX78.7: Drug Evasion. Malicious Sexual Perversion and Transgression.

    Trial Prosecutor: Immediate destruction! On the basis of an Echo TRX 314. Totally incurable chemical imbalance with socially deteriorating...

    Trial Defender: Reject! Reject! Inefficient, unwarranted, destruction. Must be saved!

    Trial Prosecutor: If allowed these erotics to exist...

    Trial Defender: Inane. Inane. What is the prosecution doing?

  • Chrome Robot #1: Can you get him from where you are?

    [the other robot shocks THX with a cattle-prod]

  • THX 1138: My mate, has been acting very strange. I can't explain it.

    OMM: Yes.

    THX 1138: I haven't been feeling very well myself.

    OMM: Yes. I understand.

    THX 1138: I don't know, maybe it's me?

    OMM: Yes, fine.

  • THX 1138: I feel as if something...

    OMM: Excellent.

    THX 1138: --odd were happening to me. Something that...

    OMM: Yes?

    THX 1138: --I can't understand.

    OMM: Could you be more--specific?

    THX 1138: The sedatives.

  • LUH 3417: They know. They've been watching us. I can feel it.

    THX 1138: No one knows.

    LUH 3417: They're watching us, now.

    THX 1138: No one can see us.

  • LUH 3417: If you go back on sedation, you won't feel the same way about me. You'll report me for drug violation.

  • THX 1138: It can't go on forever. You know it can't.

    LUH 3417: We could leave - and live in the Super Structure. You only have one more shift left, don't you?

  • THX 1138: What are you doing here? You're not cleared for this area.

    SEN 5241: You know I have a way with computers. I can program myself for any area, almost.

    THX 1138: I'll report you.

  • THX 1138: I don't feel well.

  • Male voice: THX, you are entering a Critical Phase.

  • Male voice: Make the correction, THX.