Pinky Rose: You're the most perfect person I've met.
Millie Lammoreaux: Gee. Thanks.
Pinky Rose: What is this place? *Disneyland*?
Pinky Rose: Wine! You got wine!
Millie Lammoreaux: Yeah.
Pinky Rose: Tickled Pink!
Millie Lammoreaux: And the other's Lemon Satin.
Pinky Rose: Ooo! Lemon Satin!
Pinky Rose: Your name's Lammoreaux?
Millie Lammoreaux: Yeah.
Pinky Rose: Are you french?
Millie Lammoreaux: Nah. I'm American.
Millie Lammoreaux: That's Dirty Girtie! Pull her bow and she'll say hello!
Mrs. Rose: Well it sure don't look like Texas.
Willie Hart: I had the most wonderful dream...
Pinky Rose: Who're these people? I've *never* seen 'em before!
Edgar Hart: I'd rather face a thousand million savages than one woman who's learned how to shoot.
Millie Lammoreaux: This is my parking space. It's the best one!
Millie Lammoreaux: Don't you remember her, Dr. Maas? Pinky Rose. She's all well now, and she wants to come back to work.
Dr. Maas: Rose? I don't - Lammoreaux, Bunweill's in charge of personnel. And if there's no place for her here, there's no place for her.
Millie Lammoreaux: But she's already worked here. She's really good, Dr. Maas. Everybody liked her. Really.
Dr. Maas: No. I do not think this was a simple mistake. The chances of her making up a Social Security number exactly the same as yours are very slim.
Ms. Bunweil: She maliciously gave me your number when she filled out her W-4.
Millie Lammoreaux: How could she have? I didn't even know her then.
Ms. Bunweil: Don't get smart with me, Lammoreaux. You can't fool me. She told me she couldn't remember her number and was gonna write home for it, and, like a fool, I believed her.
Millie Lammoreaux: So maybe she forgot to do it and just gave you mine instead. She didn't mean anything bad by it. I don't know what makes it such a big deal. She's just a little kid.
Dr. Maas: I'll tell you what makes it such a big deal. I do not want any discrepancies in these records. I do not want government people coming in here going through these books. I think Rose did this on purpose.
Ms. Bunweil: I didn't trust her from the very minute I first laid eyes on her.
Millie Lammoreaux: She never did anything wrong on purpose. She's just scared of you, that's all. Then she almost died, and nobody even cared around here. You're the bad ones, not Pinky. All you care about's your time clock, your money and your dumb books. Well, you don't have to worry about any Social Security numbers anymore, because I quit. It's a horrible job. And we don't need it. Neither of us.
Millie Lammoreaux: All right, Pinky. How come you stole my car? Pinky?
Pinky Rose: I didn't steal your car. I borrowed it.
Millie Lammoreaux: You did not. You didn't even ask.
Pinky Rose: Couldn't find you.
Millie Lammoreaux: You didn't try very hard.
Pinky Rose: I tried hard.
Millie Lammoreaux: You did not. You could've at least told Doris or Alcira of somebody. Who took you there to go in and get my keys?
Pinky Rose: Tom.
Millie Lammoreaux: Pinky, I had to call the police and everything. They're sittin' in there right not waitin' on me. They think somebody stole my car.
Pinky Rose: They're sittin' in there, huh? Well, aren't you the lucky one?
Millie Lammoreaux: Pinky? What's the matter?
Pinky Rose: I'm scared.
Millie Lammoreaux: What of?
Pinky Rose: I had a bad dream.
Millie Lammoreaux: Dreams can't hurt ya.
Pinky Rose: Can I sleep with you?
Millie Lammoreaux: Sure.
Millie Lammoreaux: [to Pinky] I fill in my diary every night, whether anything happened that day or not. Got a lot to write about today. You.
Millie Lammoreaux: [writing in Diary] I have a new roommate. Of all people, it's Pinky, the new girl at work. She's a strange person, but it's better than waitin' around for some fat nurse to answer the notice. On the way home I took her to Dodge City for a beer. All the guys were ridin' dirt bikes out back, so we didn't stay long. Edgar pulled one of his tricks on Pinky. She fell for it till the end. She sure doesn't have much to her name, but she does have a sewing machine and maybe will make me a new dress or somethin.' She loves the apartment. I guess she's never lived in a decorated place before. Anyway, we're all settled in.
Millie Lammoreaux: Okay, now, what's wrong with ya?
Pinky Rose: Nothin'?
Millie Lammoreaux: Well, there's gotta be somethin' wrong with ya.
Pinky Rose: My bathing suit's too big?
Millie Lammoreaux: No. I mean, why else would you be here if it weren't somethin' like your legs or your arms. There's gotta be somethin' wrong with ya.
Pinky Rose: Oh, my back! Oh, my back! And my leg. My leg. My leg hurts.
Millie Lammoreaux: Okay, your back and your legs. This is for people with bad back and legs.
Millie Lammoreaux: Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests.
Millie Lammoreaux: [angrily to Pinky] Ever since you moved in here you've been causin' me grief. Nobody wants to hang around you. You don't drink, you don't smoke. You don't do anything you're supposed to do!
Millie Lammoreaux: How come you didn't tell me your name was Mildred?
Pinky Rose: Because I hate it.
Millie Lammoreaux: Do you know what my name is?
Pinky Rose: Millie. Oh...
Party Girl: Uh oh, don't look now, but it's "Thoroughly Modern Millie".
Pinky Rose: I wonder what it's like to be twins.
Millie Lammoreaux: Huh?
Pinky Rose: Twins. Bet it'd be weird. Do you think they know which ones they are?
[last lines]
Millie Lammoreaux: Wash those potatoes.
Pinky Rose: Yes, Ma'am. All of them?
Millie Lammoreaux: All of them. Put 'em in the pot.
Pinky Rose: This pot?
Millie Lammoreaux: I'm not gonna answer that.
Pinky Rose: Yes, Ma'am.
Willie Hart: Dunno why you have to be so mean to her.
Nurse: I'm going to tell you exactly what the doctor told her parents. She's obviously suffering from temporary amnesia. It's not uncommon in cases like this. Since the... since the presence of her parents agitates her, we suggest she doesn't see them for a while. She seems to recognize you, and feel comfortable around you, so we think in a few days, she should be going home with you. And her recovery should be fairly rapid.
Edgar Hart: Cigarette lighter. Beautiful. Gum wrapper. Jesus Christ. Pigs.
Three Women Quotes
Enid 2022-06-19 23:23:02
The duality of a woman can be reversed in extreme cases. . . Sissy Spacek is unforgettable. . Shelley Duvall's face is perfect for a horror movie