The Judge: I want nothing.
Valentine: Then stop breathing.
The Judge: Good idea.
The Judge: Leave. It's your destiny. You can't live your brother's life for him.
Valentine: I love him. If only I could help.
The Judge: You can. Be.
Valentine: What do you mean?
The Judge: That's all: be.
The Judge: Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me...a lack of modesty.
Valentine: Vanity?
The Judge: Vanity.
Valentine: If I had to go to court...are there still judges like you?
The Judge: You won't go to court. Justice doesn't deal with the innocent.
Valentine: You're not afraid?
The Judge: I wonder what I'd do in their place. The same thing.
Valentine: You'd throw stones?
The Judge: In their place? Of course. And that goes for everyone I judged. Given their lives, I would steal, I'd kill, I'd lie. Of course I would. All that because I wasn't in their shoes, but mine.
Valentine: I feel something important is happening around me. And it scares me.
The Judge: Perhaps you're the woman I never met.
The Judge: You think I'm a bastard?
Valentine: Yes.
Valentine: Do your dreams come true?
The Judge: It's been years since I dreamt something nice.
Valentine: Excuse me... the door was open. I'm sorry, I think I ran over your dog. Rita. A German Shepherd.
The Judge: [Displaying little interest] It's possible. She disappeared yesterday.
Valentine: She's in my car. Alive. I don't know what to do.
Valentine: [after getting no response from the judge] Would you like me to take her to a vet?
The Judge: [Displaying little interest] As you wish.
Valentine: If I ran over your daughter, would you react the same way?
The Judge: [Displaying no emotion] I don't have a daughter, miss.
The Judge: [pauses, then turns to her] Go away... and don't close the door!
Three Colors: Red Quotes
Extended Reading