James: I have never lost my shoes playing poker, I have never had a bandit hold a gun to my head...
Davy: I've never been to Birmingham.
James: I've never sailed 'round the- really?
Davy: No.
James: What about Marco's eighteenth?
Davy: Was that Birmingham?
Beachcomber: Men used to wear hats everyday, but the world's changed!
Davy: [James is punched in village brawl] Not him! He's got cancer!
[everyone keeps fighting]
Davy: I'm not shitting with you!
[everyone stops and looks at Davy]
Davy: ... Don't hit people with cancer.
James: [Bill and James are being lowered down the rock face with Bill holding James in front of him] Why is it that I'm always the one that's getting it rather than giving it?
Miles: This trip is like going for a walk with a sick, white Oprah, you would HATE you right now!
[last lines]
James: So I raise a morphine toast to you. And, should you remember that it's the anniversary of my birth, remember that you were loved by me and you made my life a happy one. And there's no tragedy in that.
Beachcomber: I lost a friend to cancer. My best friend ever.
Davy: Sorry.
Beachcomber: It's not your fault. It's just really, really, really, really unlucky.
Davy: Right.
Beachcomber: I have other friends. People find me attractive. But I started looking for a new best friend in my existing friends and then acquaintances and then new people.
Davy: How long are you going to carry on looking?
Beachcomber: For a new best friend?
Davy: No for the, uhm...
Beachcomber: Oh. Uhm, no, I tend to look for things.
Davy: Yeah.
Beachcomber: I'm okay. Great to be needed, isn't it? Yeah. I've forgotten. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones. Rare. Gift there already. And good.
Davy: Thank you for that. Thank you.
Beachcomber: No, thank you.
James: Don't you ever get the urge to do something really dangerous?
Bill: Me and Abby we've been together seven years now.
Miles: Bill, we both know people will settle for something that's better than being alone.
Bill: Great. Is that me?
Miles: I don't know. How should I know?
Bill: Yeah well why should I care about the opinion of a man who doesn't believe in love?
James: I need a piss.
Miles: [preparing to help him] Hold up. I'm dying to see James' cock. It's been ages.
James: I'll swim as far as I can. I'd rather not be alone, mate.
James: Tomorrow, I'm going to swim out into the bay and I'm not coming back. I know the enormity of this, but I'm asking you to let me swim.
James: I don't want to die. I want more time. I want more time. Take all of your pointless consumer fucking lives. I was going to do so much. I was going to be special.
James: We've all forgotten that moment when you realize you'll never play in the World Cup Final, or... be the first man on Mars... And all those daydreams become fantasies rather than possibilities.
[first lines]
James: James Kimberly Griffith. See I... The thing about life is... Oh, what was I gonna say? The thing about life is... I'm 29 today. Won't see 30. But I'm uh... I'm okay. Really. Okay.
James: This is how my life is going to be from now on. Because of the pain. Because of the drugs I take for the pain, because of the drugs I take for the side effects of the other drugs. I mean, you've seen it. It's only going to get worse. My life's all up here now, really. It's taking over and gradually I'm going to slip further and further into thinking only about pain and that's not worth living for!
Third Star Quotes
Extended Reading