Thinner Quotes

  • Billy Halleck: What are you trying to do to me?

    Heidi Halleck: What you wanted me to do in the back seat of your daddy's car. Prove my love to you.

  • Henry Halliwell: This diet you're on, what is it? I've tried all the others, I might as well try this one.

    Billy Halleck: I don't think you'd like it Henry. In fact, I don't think you'd like it at all.

  • Richie Ginelli: He was a mook, but he was my mook!

  • Tadzu Lempke: [to a pleading Billy] Justice, ain't about bringing back the dead, white man. Justice, is about justice. Your friend the policeman, your friend the judge, they make sure nothing happen to you. They keep you safe. But I make sure something happen to them. That justice, white man. Gypsy justice!

  • Tadzu Lempke: [tadzu gives Billy the gypsy pie that 2n lift his curse] Okay. You gain weight now. So quick you don't know what's going on. But, somebody, got to eat this pie, and soon. Everyone who eat pie die quick and bad. You got somebody?

    Billy Halleck: Yes.

    Tadzu Lempke: Yeah, you got somebody.

    [He starts to leave but stops]

    Tadzu Lempke: But why you don't do right? Eat your own pie. You die thin, but you die clean.

    Billy Halleck: Get away from me. Our business is done.

    Tadzu Lempke: [Pleadingly] Die clean, white man from town. Die clean...

  • Billy Halleck: [to his dead and extremely emaciated wife] Look at you, size six again. Maybe even a size four.


  • Billy Halleck: Richie, this is getting out of hand!

    Richie Ginelli: No, this has BEEN out of hand, and I'm just the guy to put it back *in* hand.

  • Chief Duncan Hopley: [about Lempke's daughter] Oh, what the hell. Old lady was jaywalking!

  • Gina Lempke: [about Billy] Your friend is a pig! And he will die thin!

    [about Richie]

    Gina Lempke: But you will die first, you... bastard!

  • Tadzu Lempke: [about the curse] I never take it off. I die with it in my mouth.

  • Billy Halleck: [last lines]

    Billy Halleck: Dr. Mikey! A bit early for a house call, isn't it?

    Dr. Mike Houston: Oh, Billy! It's- it's not what you think! I...

    Billy Halleck: It's okay, Dr. Mikey. I was acting like kind of a big jerk. But, everything's fine with Heidi, I'm even starting to gain a little weight. In fact, I was just about to dig into this breakfast pie. Care to join me?

    Dr. Mike Houston: I couldn't possibly...

    Billy Halleck: Oh, it's no trouble at all...

    Dr. Mike Houston: [enters the house]

    Billy Halleck: ...white doctor from town.

    Billy Halleck: [chuckles and shuts door]

  • Heidi Halleck: Billy, you've got to stop eating like that. I want you to stop digging your grave with a spoon and fork.

  • Linda Halleck: So, gonna go to New Haven today to get Mr. Mafia off?

    Heidi Halleck: I told you not to call him that. It's bad enough that your father is defending him, jokes I can do without.

    Linda Halleck: [doing a Marlon Brando impression] You say this is justice? This is not justice.

    Billy Halleck: Keep it up and I'll take your video card away.

    Linda Halleck: [scoffs] You would not!

    Billy Halleck: [doing a Marlon Brando impression] Try me, sweetheart!

    Heidi Halleck: I'm glad you two think this is so funny!

    Linda Halleck: [doing a Marlon Brando impression] There's my ride. I go to Earth Science.

  • Billy Halleck: I can't help it, Heidi. All I ever think about is... food!

    Heidi Halleck: Well, maybe I can try to help you think about something...

    [sticks her hand into Billy's pants]

    Heidi Halleck: else. Still thinking about food?

  • Tadzu Lempke: Sir?

    [brushes Billy's cheek with his palm]

    Tadzu Lempke: Thinner...

  • Billy Halleck: You like this don't you, Richie?

    Richie Ginelli: Like it? You kiddin' me? I fuckin' love it!


  • Billy Halleck: Does anybody know this man?

    [holds up picture of Tadzu Lempke]

    Biff Quigley: Yeah. How could you miss him? That big old black cancer right in the middle of his face? I used to work the ferris wheel a few years ago. The last time I saw Lempke, he looked me in the eye and said "Hey, how that pretty little wife of yours? Aaw, don't matter, 'cause you'll see her soon!

    [looks terrified and grabs Billy]

    Biff Quigley: Mister, my wife's been dead for five years! And he knew it!

    Billy Halleck: [gulps] Uh, did you see which way they went?

    Biff Quigley: They went up the coast.

    Billy Halleck: Thanks.

    [starts to leave]

    Biff Quigley: Hey, mister, you'd better watch out That old Lempke will chew you up and swallow you down.

  • Gina Lempke: [angrily yelling] Shame... on momma! I say, you killed my own momma!

    Gina Lempke: I say, you are a demon, and we should kill YOU!

    Billy Halleck: That is what I am to you? A demon?

    Billy Halleck: [pulls up his shirt and shows his belly] Look at me.

    Gina Lempke: [spitting between fingers] Gachumilalah!

    [walks away]

    Tadzu Lempke: [gently pushes Gina and walks forward to Billy] Sey call you de white man from town. You have no business with us, white man from town. And we have no business with you. Go away!

    Gina Lempke: Tusom gaza, pappa.

    Billy Halleck: I am not through with you... Your daughter... ran up between two parked cars... I couldn't see her.

    Tadzu Lempke: Why wasn't you watching, white man from town. Why wasn't you watching?

    [pissed off]

    Tadzu Lempke: You never SEE us!

    Tadzu Lempke: Chang!

    [walks away]

    Billy Halleck: [mockingly imitating] Chaang!

  • [At the faire...]

    Tadzu Lempke: Don't you bother to step on this scale, mister. I can tell your weight from right here 1-5-9 right? And next week goin' be 1-4-3. And the week after that? Hoo-oo! We don't wanna to think about it, mister, do we?


    Gina Lempke: Sorry, mister... but you lose.

    [walks to the dolls]

    Gina Lempke: But let's see...

    [moves the fingers near the dolls, and stop at the doll, presenting Billy, whispering]

    Gina Lempke: Aah... this...

    [looking back at Billy]

    Gina Lempke: You can have a prize anyway.

    [throws the doll to Billy and gets her catapult]

    Gina Lempke: AAAAAAH!

    [runs after Billy]

    Tadzu Lempke: [still wheezing]

  • Frank Spurton: I don't do nothing that goes on video.

  • Billy Halleck: Richie, you're not going to hurt anybody, are you?

    Richie Ginelli: No. But Billy, if I'm gonna help you with this, you don't get to ask that question again.

  • Billy Halleck: Alright I'll go. But before I go, I curse YOU! The Curse of the White Man from Town!

  • Billy Halleck: [Knocking on the front door, Leda opens the door] Leda, is uh, is Cary in?

    Leda Rossington: He's in Minnesota visiting relatives.

    [She starts to close the door, he stops her]

    Billy Halleck: What's wrong with him? Has he lost weight?

    Leda Rossington: What are you talking about?

    Billy Halleck: I've lost a hundred pounds. That's built with a, uh, a one and two zeros.

    Leda Rossington: It was the gypsies, wasn't it?

    Billy Halleck: What do you mean: gypsies?

    Leda Rossington: Did he touch? Did the old man touch you?

    Billy Halleck: What does that have to do with it?

    Leda Rossington: Come on in, Billy.

    [She hands him her drink]

    Leda Rossington: Here, you'll need this.

    [They go inside, she makes herself another drink]

    Leda Rossington: He is in Minnesota, but he's not visiting relatives. He's at the Mayo Clinic.

    Billy Halleck: Leda... there's no such as, uh... gypsy curses.

    Leda Rossington: Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? He came up to us as we were coming out of Lazupa's, that place over in Milton. Cary was fried, as usual, hunting for his keys, he never saw the old man coming. I did, I tried to warn him, but it was too late. He touched him, then he whispered something in his ear. Cary claims he didn't what it was. I heard.

    Billy Halleck: What? What did he say?

    Leda Rossington: One word. Lizard. His skin was plating, turning into scales, his evolution in reverse, a sideshow freak.

    [Starting to cry]

    Leda Rossington: Oh, Jesus. He charted a plane to take him to the Mayo, did I tell you that? Because he can't bear to have people look at him. At the end, before he left, his hands were like CLAWS! His eyes were just two bright little specs inside of these deep hollows, like pieces of tin foil! And his nose...!

    Billy Halleck: I have to go to a place, the Glassman Clinic. I have an embolic disorder.

    [He starts to leave, but she forces the door closed]

    Leda Rossington: Oh, why, why did you come here? Why did come here looking for my husband?

    Billy Halleck: I just wanted to compare notes. That's all.

    [He starts to leave again, but she, again, forces the door closed]

    Leda Rossington: What did he say to you? What did the old gyp say to you?

    Billy Halleck: Nothing! Nothing!

    Leda Rossington: I don't believe that! You know what I do believe? I believe it's all your fault, if you hadn't that old lady! You were the one that hit her! YOU, NOT CARY!

    [He slips on out the front door, but she pushes him down to the ground]

    Billy Halleck: Maybe I rode on the fence, but it was your husband you slapped on the whitewash and he was too happy to do it.

    [Throws her drink in his face]

    Leda Rossington: Oh, have a nice stay at the Glassman, Billy. I hear the food's good!

    [Billy gets back up to his feet and begins to head towards his car]

    Billy Halleck: There's no such thing as a gypsy curse.

    [Gets into his car]


    [He drives off as she continues yelling]


  • Billy Halleck: I'm... Being... Erased!

  • Billy Halleck: I'm sorry... was I giving *myself* a blowjob when it happened?

    Heidi Halleck: I recall... I didn't hear *you* complaining at the time!